module TEXT PRIMARY KEY, -- All live under the OpenILS::Trigger::Reactor:: namespace
description TEXT
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES ('fourty_two','Returns the answer to life, the universe and everything');
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES ('NOOP_True','Always returns true -- reaction always passes');
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES ('NOOP_False','Always returns false -- reaction always fails');
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES ('SendEmail','Send an email based on a user-defined template');
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES ('GenerateBatchOverduePDF','Output a batch PDF of overdue notices for printing');
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES ('MarkItemLost','Marks a circulation and associated item as lost');
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES ('ApplyCircFee','Applies a billing with a pre-defined amount to a circulation');
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES ('ProcessTemplate', 'Processes the configured template');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES
+( 'fourty_two',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'fourty_two',
+ 'Returns the answer to life, the universe and everything',
+ 'atreact',
+ 'description'
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES
+( 'NOOP_True',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'NOOP_True',
+ 'Always returns true -- reaction always passes',
+ 'atreact',
+ 'description'
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES
+( 'NOOP_False',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'NOOP_False',
+ 'Always returns false -- reaction always fails',
+ 'atreact',
+ 'description'
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES
+( 'SendEmail',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'SendEmail',
+ 'Send an email based on a user-defined template',
+ 'atreact',
+ 'description'
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES
+( 'GenerateBatchOverduePDF',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'GenerateBatchOverduePDF',
+ 'Output a batch PDF of overdue notices for printing',
+ 'atreact',
+ 'description'
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES
+( 'MarkItemLost',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'MarkItemLost',
+ 'Marks a circulation and associated item as lost',
+ 'atreact',
+ 'description'
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES
+( 'ApplyCircFee',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'ApplyCircFee',
+ 'Applies a billing with a pre-defined amount to a circulation',
+ 'atreact',
+ 'description'
+ )
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES
+( 'ProcessTemplate',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'ProcessTemplate',
+ 'Processes the configured template',
+ 'atreact',
+ 'description'
+ )
-- After an event is reacted to (either success or failure) a cleanup module is run against the resulting environment
CREATE TABLE action_trigger.cleanup (
(6, 'usr'),
(6, 'circ_lib.billing_address');
--- ApplyPatronPenalty A/T Reactor
+-- Additional A/T Reactors
-INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES ('ApplyPatronPenalty','Applies the conifigured penalty to a patron. Required named environment variables are "user", which refers to the user object, and "context_org", which refers to the org_unit object that acts as the focus for the penalty.');
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES
+( 'ApplyPatronPenalty',
+ oils_i18n_gettext(
+ 'ApplyPatronPenalty',
+ 'Applies the conifigured penalty to a patron. Required named environment variables are "user", which refers to the user object, and "context_org", which refers to the org_unit object that acts as the focus for the penalty.',
+ 'atreact',
+ 'description'
+ )
INSERT INTO action_trigger.reactor (module,description) VALUES
( 'SendFile',