. Add the subfields that contain specific copy information to the appropriate
copy field.
-. Select the *Keep* box if Evergreen should keep this holdings tag in the
- record after it is imported. Otherwise, Evergreen will remove this holdings
- tag.
. At a minimum, you should add the subfields that identify the *Circulating
Library*, the *Owning Library*, the *Call Number* and the *Barcode*.
-NOTE: All fields (except for Name, Tag and Keep) can contain static
+NOTE: All fields (except for Name and Tag) can contain static
values, a MARC subfield code (such as "a"), or an XPATH query.
image::media/batch_import_profile.png[Partial Screenshot of a Holdings Import Profile]
|Name | Yes | Name you will choose from the MARC Batch Import screen
|Tag | Yes | MARC Holdings Tag/Field (e.g. 949). Use the Tag field to
identify the MARC tag that contains your holdings information.
-|Keep | Yes | Select the Keep box if Evergreen should keep this holdings
tag in the record after it is imported. Otherwise, Evergreen will remove
this holdings tag.
|Barcode | Yes |