<!ENTITY staff.main.menu.file.save.label "Save Session">
<!ENTITY staff.main.menu.help.accesskey "H">
<!ENTITY staff.main.menu.help.label "Help">
+<!ENTITY staff.main.menu.help.active_tab.accesskey "A">
+<!ENTITY staff.main.menu.help.active_tab.label "For Active Tab">
<!ENTITY staff.main.menu.quit "Quit Program">
<!ENTITY staff.main.menu.quit.accesskey "Q">
<!ENTITY staff.main.menu.replace_barcode.label "Replace Barcode">
eval( r.responseText );
+ window.help_context_set_locally = true;
JSAN.use('util.network'); g.network = new util.network();
g.cgi = new CGI();
+function default_focus() {
+ opac_wrapper_set_help_context();
+function opac_wrapper_set_help_context() {
+ try {
+ dump('Entering opac.js, opac_wrapper_set_help_context\n');
+ var cw = bottom_pane.get_contentWindow();
+ if (cw && typeof cw['location'] != 'undefined') {
+ if (typeof cw.help_context_set_locally == 'undefined') {
+ var help_params = {
+ 'protocol' : cw.location.protocol,
+ 'hostname' : cw.location.hostname,
+ 'port' : cw.location.port,
+ 'pathname' : cw.location.pathname,
+ 'src' : ''
+ };
+ xulG.set_help_context(help_params);
+ } else {
+ dump('\tcw.help_context_set_locally = ' + cw.help_context_set_locally + '\n');
+ if (typeof cw.default_focus == 'function') {
+ cw.default_focus();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ dump('opac.js: problem in opac_wrapper_set_help_context(): bottom_pane = ' + bottom_pane + ' cw = ' + cw + '\n');
+ dump('\tcw.location = ' + cw.location + '\n');
+ }
+ } catch(E) {
+ // We can expect some errors here if this called before the DOM is ready. Easiest to just trap and ignore
+ dump('Error in opac.js, opac_wrapper_set_help_context(): ' + E + '\n');
+ }
function set_brief_view() {
var url = xulG.url_prefix( urls.XUL_BIB_BRIEF ) + '?docid=' + window.escape(docid);
dump('spawning ' + url + '\n');
} else {
bottom_pane.set_iframe( xulG.url_prefix( urls.XUL_MARC_VIEW ) + '?docid=' + window.escape(docid),{},xulG);
+ opac_wrapper_set_help_context();
+ bottom_pane.get_contentWindow().addEventListener('load',opac_wrapper_set_help_context,false);
function set_marc_edit() {
} else {
bottom_pane.set_iframe( a,b,c );
+ opac_wrapper_set_help_context();
+ bottom_pane.get_contentWindow().addEventListener('load',opac_wrapper_set_help_context,false);
function set_copy_browser() {
} else {
bottom_pane.set_iframe( xulG.url_prefix( urls.XUL_COPY_VOLUME_BROWSE ) + '?docid=' + window.escape(docid),{},xulG);
+ opac_wrapper_set_help_context();
+ bottom_pane.get_contentWindow().addEventListener('load',opac_wrapper_set_help_context,false);
function set_hold_browser() {
} else {
bottom_pane.set_iframe( xulG.url_prefix( urls.XUL_HOLDS_BROWSER ) + '?docid=' + window.escape(docid),{},xulG);
+ opac_wrapper_set_help_context();
+ bottom_pane.get_contentWindow().addEventListener('load',opac_wrapper_set_help_context,false);
function set_opac() {
content_params.network_meter = xulG.network_meter;
content_params.page_meter = xulG.page_meter;
content_params.set_statusbar = xulG.set_statusbar;
+ content_params.set_help_context = xulG.set_help_context;
if (opac_url) { content_params.url = opac_url; } else { content_params.url = xulG.url_prefix( urls.browser ); }
browser_frame = bottom_pane.set_iframe( xulG.url_prefix(urls.XUL_BROWSER) + '?name=Catalog', {}, content_params);
} catch(E) {
g.error.sdump('D_ERROR','set_opac: ' + E);
+ opac_wrapper_set_help_context();
+ bottom_pane.get_contentWindow().addEventListener('load',opac_wrapper_set_help_context,false);
function bib_in_new_tab() {
try {
var url = browser_frame.contentWindow.g.browser.controller.view.browser_browser.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject.location.href;
var content_params = { 'session' : ses(), 'authtime' : ses('authtime'), 'opac_url' : url };
+ content_params.url_prefix = xulG.url_prefix;
+ content_params.new_tab = xulG.new_tab;
+ content_params.set_tab = xulG.set_tab;
+ content_params.close_tab = xulG.close_tab;
+ content_params.new_patron_tab = xulG.new_patron_tab;
+ content_params.set_patron_tab = xulG.set_patron_tab;
+ content_params.volume_item_creator = xulG.volume_item_creator;
+ content_params.get_new_session = xulG.get_new_session;
+ content_params.holdings_maintenance_tab = xulG.holdings_maintenance_tab;
+ content_params.set_tab_name = xulG.set_tab_name;
+ content_params.open_chrome_window = xulG.open_chrome_window;
+ content_params.url_prefix = xulG.url_prefix;
+ content_params.network_meter = xulG.network_meter;
+ content_params.page_meter = xulG.page_meter;
+ content_params.set_statusbar = xulG.set_statusbar;
+ content_params.set_help_context = xulG.set_help_context;
xulG.new_tab(xulG.url_prefix(urls.XUL_OPAC_WRAPPER), {}, content_params);
} catch(E) {
case 'opac' :
default: set_opac(); break;
+ opac_wrapper_set_help_context();
} catch(E) {
g.error.standard_unexpected_error_alert('in refresh_display',E);
function(p) {
return function() {
try {
- netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect");
- if (p
- && p.firstChild
- && ( p.firstChild.nodeName == 'iframe' || p.firstChild.nodeName == 'browser' )
- && p.firstChild.contentWindow
- ) {
- if (typeof p.firstChild.contentWindow.default_focus == 'function') {
- p.firstChild.contentWindow.default_focus();
- } else {
- //p.firstChild.contentWindow.firstChild.focus();
- }
+ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect");
+ if (p
+ && p.firstChild
+ && ( p.firstChild.nodeName == 'iframe' || p.firstChild.nodeName == 'browser' )
+ && p.firstChild.contentWindow
+ ) {
+ var cw = p.firstChild.contentWindow;
+ var help_params = {
+ 'protocol' : cw.location.protocol,
+ 'hostname' : cw.location.hostname,
+ 'port' : cw.location.port,
+ 'pathname' : cw.location.pathname,
+ 'src' : ''
+ };
+ obj.set_help_context(help_params);
+ if (typeof cw.default_focus == 'function') {
+ cw.default_focus();
+ }
} catch(E) {
obj.error.sdump('D_ERROR','init_tab_focus_handler: ' + js2JSON(E));
return result;
+ 'set_help_context' : function(params) {
+ var obj = this;
+ if (!params) { params = {}; }
+ if (params.protocol == 'chrome:') { return; } /* not supported */
+ var help_btn = document.getElementById('help_btn');
+ if (help_btn) {
+ dump('set_help_context: ' + js2JSON(params) + '\n');
+ if (params.protocol) { help_btn.setAttribute('protocol', params.protocol); }
+ if (params.hostname) { help_btn.setAttribute('hostname', params.hostname); }
+ if (params.port) { help_btn.setAttribute('port', params.port); }
+ if (params.pathname) { help_btn.setAttribute('pathname', params.pathname); }
+ if (params.src) { help_btn.setAttribute('src', params.src); }
+ }
+ },
'set_tab' : function(url,params,content_params) {
var obj = this;
if (!url) url = '/xul/server/';
content_params.get_new_session = function(a) { return obj.get_new_session(a); };
content_params.holdings_maintenance_tab = function(a,b,c) { return obj.holdings_maintenance_tab(a,b,c); };
content_params.set_tab_name = function(name) { tab.setAttribute('label',(idx + 1) + ' ' + name); };
+ content_params.set_help_context = function(params) { return obj.set_help_context(params); };
content_params.open_chrome_window = function(a,b,c) { return xulG.window.open(a,b,c); };
content_params.url_prefix = function(url) { return obj.url_prefix(url); };
content_params.network_meter = obj.network_meter;
if (typeof cw.wrappedJSObject != 'undefined') cw = cw.wrappedJSObject;
cw.IAMXUL = true;
cw.xulG = content_params;
+ cw.addEventListener(
+ 'load',
+ function() {
+ try {
+ if (typeof cw.help_context_set_locally == 'undefined') {
+ var help_params = {
+ 'protocol' : cw.location.protocol,
+ 'hostname' : cw.location.hostname,
+ 'port' : cw.location.port,
+ 'pathname' : cw.location.pathname,
+ 'src' : ''
+ };
+ obj.set_help_context(help_params);
+ } else if (typeof cw.default_focus == 'function') {
+ cw.default_focus();
+ }
+ } catch(E) {
+ obj.error.sdump('D_ERROR', 'main.menu, set_tab, onload: ' + E);
+ }
+ },
+ false
+ );
} catch(E) {
this.error.sdump('D_ERROR', 'main.menu: ' + E);
<!-- The Help menu on the main menu -->
<menu id="main.menu.help" label="&staff.main.menu.help.label;" accesskey="&staff.main.menu.help.accesskey;">
<menupopup id="main.menu.help.popup">
- <menuitem label="stub" />
+ <!-- kludge -->
+ <menuitem
+ label="&staff.main.menu.help.active_tab.label;"
+ accesskey="&staff.main.menu.help.active_tab.accesskey;"
+ oncommand="try { this.nextSibling.doCommand(); } catch(E) { alert(E); }" />
+ <help id="help_btn" hidden="true" />
<menu id="main.menu.booking" />
<spacer flex="1" />
<menu id="main.menu.admin" />
- <!--
<menu id="main.menu.help" />
- -->
<toolbar id="main_toolbar" hidden="true">
<toolbarbutton id="tb_checkout"
//dump('browser url = ' + obj.url + '\n');
+ window.help_context_set_locally = true;
} catch(E) {
this.error.sdump('D_ERROR','util.browser.init: ' + E + '\n');
// Let's also update @protocol, @hostname, @port, and @pathname on the <help> widget
- var help_btn = document.getElementById('help_btn');
- if (help_btn) {
+ if (xulG.set_help_context) {
try {
- help_btn.setAttribute('protocol', obj.get_content().location.protocol);
- help_btn.setAttribute('hostname', obj.get_content().location.hostname);
- help_btn.setAttribute('port', obj.get_content().location.port);
- help_btn.setAttribute('pathname', obj.get_content().location.pathname);
+ var help_params = {
+ 'protocol' : obj.get_content().location.protocol,
+ 'hostname' : obj.get_content().location.hostname,
+ 'port' : obj.get_content().location.port,
+ 'pathname' : obj.get_content().location.pathname,
+ 'src' : ''
+ };
+ xulG.set_help_context(help_params);
} catch(E) {
dump('Error in browser.js, setting location on help widget: ' + E);
+ } else {
+ dump(location.href + ': browser.js, updateNavButtons, xulG = ' + xulG + ' xulG.set_help_context = ' + xulG.set_help_context + '\n');
+ function default_focus() {
+ try {
+ dump('entering browser.xul, default_focus()\n');
+ g.browser.updateNavButtons();
+ } catch(E) {
+ dump('Error in browser.xul, default_focus(): ' + E + '\n');
+ }
+ }
<spacer flex="1"/>
<label id="debug" value="Debug" disabled="true" command="cmd_debug" onclick="this.doCommand();" />
<button id="browser_print" command="cmd_print" hidden="true"/>
- <help id="help_btn" label="&common.browser.help.label;" accesskey="&common.browser.help.accesskey;" />
<browser id="browser_browser" flex="1" type="content"/>
+ function default_focus() {
+ try {
+ dump('entering rbrowser.xul, default_focus()\n');
+ g.browser.updateNavButtons();
+ } catch(E) {
+ dump('Error in rbrowser.xul, default_focus(): ' + E + '\n');
+ }
+ }
oncommand="netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect'); if (g.browser.alt_print) { JSAN.use('util.print'); var p = new util.print(); p.NSPrint(g.browser.get_content(),false,{}); } else { g.browser.get_content().print(); }"
- <help id="help_btn" label="&common.browser.help.label;" accesskey="&common.browser.help.accesskey;" />
<browser id="browser_browser" flex="1" type="content"/>