$login_session, $user_id, 'VIEW_USER_TRANSACTIONS' );
return $evt if $evt;
- my $api = $self->api_name();
- my $trans;
- my @xact;
- if(defined($type)) { @xact = (xact_type => $type);
- } else { @xact = (); }
- ($trans) = $self
- ->method_lookup('open-ils.actor.user.transactions.history.still_open')
- ->run($login_session => $user_id => $type);
- if($api =~ /have_charge/o) {
- $trans = [ grep { int($_->total_owed * 100) > 0 } @$trans ];
+ my $api = $self->api_name();
- } elsif($api =~ /have_balance/o) {
+ my ($trans) = $self->method_lookup(
+ 'open-ils.actor.user.transactions.history.still_open')
+ ->run( $login_session, $user_id, $type );
- $trans = [ grep { int($_->balance_owed * 100) != 0 } @$trans ];
- } else {
- $trans = [ grep { int($_->total_owed * 100) > 0 } @$trans ];
- }
+ $trans = ($api =~ /have_balance/o) ?
+ [ grep { int($_->balance_owed * 100) != 0 } @$trans ] :
+ [ grep { int($_->total_owed * 100) > 0 } @$trans ] ;
if($api =~ /total/o) {
my $total = 0.0;
return $total;
- if($api =~ /count/o) { return scalar @$trans; }
- if($api !~ /fleshed/o) { return $trans; }
+ ($api =~ /count/o ) and return scalar @$trans;
+ ($api !~ /fleshed/o) and return $trans;
my @resp;
for my $t (@$trans) {
my $parser = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new;
- my (@out,@overdue);
+ my $overdue = 0;
for my $c (@$circs) {
my $due_dt = $parser->parse_datetime( cleanse_ISO8601( $c->due_date ) );
- my $due = $due_dt->epoch;
- if ($due < DateTime->today->epoch) {
- push @overdue, $c;
+ if ($due_dt->epoch < DateTime->today->epoch) {
+ $overdue++;
- return { total => scalar(@$circs), overdue => scalar(@overdue) };
+ return { total => scalar(@$circs), overdue => $overdue };