<eg-grid #grid idlClass="{{idlClass}}" [dataSource]="dataSource" hideFields="{{hideGridFields}}"
- [sortable]="true" persistKey="{{persistKey}}"
+ [sortable]="true" persistKey="{{persistKey}}" [filterable]="true">
<eg-grid-toolbar-button [disabled]="!canCreate"
label="New {{idlClassDef.label}}" i18n-label (onClick)="createNew()">
order_by: orderBy
- if (!this.contextOrg && !this.gridFilters) {
+ console.debug(this.dataSource);
+ console.debug(this.dataSource.filters);
+ if (!this.contextOrg && !this.gridFilters && !Object.keys(this.dataSource.filters).length) {
// No org filter -- fetch all rows
return this.pcrud.retrieveAll(
this.idlClass, searchOps, {fleshSelectors: true});
- const search: any = {};
+ const search: any = new Array();
+ const orgFilter: any = {};
- if (this.orgField) {
- search[this.orgField] =
+ if (this.orgField && (this.searchOrgs || this.contextOrg)) {
+ orgFilter[this.orgField] =
this.searchOrgs.orgIds || [this.contextOrg.id()];
+ search.push(orgFilter)
+ Object.keys(this.dataSource.filters).forEach(key => {
+ Object.keys(this.dataSource.filters[key]).forEach(key2 => {
+ search.push(this.dataSource.filters[key][key2]);
+ });
+ });
+ // FIXME - do we want to remove this, whose only present user
+ // is the booking grid, in favor of switching it to the built-in
+ // grid filtering?
if (this.gridFilters) {
// Lay the URL grid filters over our search object.
Object.keys(this.gridFilters).forEach(key => {