advantage of this, you would also have to customize your OPAC to have an
entry in the search class dropdown for 'title|songtitle' (or whatever's
appropriate for your specialty index). This is easy to do and should be
-covered somewhere in documentation for both the JSPAC and the TPAC.
+covered somewhere in documentation for the TPAC.
The order of suggestions otherwise has mostly to do with how well what users
have typed matches what's in your bib records, and the value of the weight
CSS classes that affect the look of suggestions are in this file for the TPAC:
-and in this file for the JSPAC:
- Open-ILS/web/opac/skin/default/css/layout.css
At bottom, autosuggest is shaped by PostgreSQL's Full Text Search features.
Some of the arguments that are passed to TS_RANK_CD() and TS_HEADLINE() are
exposed via options to the openils.widget.AutoSuggest and
.Scenario 1: I want to link an item to another bibliographic record, but I do not have the item in hand
-1) Retrieve the bibliographic record to which you would like to link an item.
+1. Retrieve the bibliographic record to which you would like to link an item.
-2) Click *Actions for this Record -> Mark as Target for Conjoined Items.*
-3) A confirmation message will appear. Click *OK.*
-4) In a new tab, retrieve the bibliographic record with the item that you want to link to the other record.
-5) Click *Actions for this Record -> Holdings Maintenance.*
-6) Select the copy that you want to link to the other bibliographic record. Right-click, or click *Actions for Selected Rows -> Link as Conjoined Items to Previously Marked Bib Record.*
+2. Click *Actions for this Record -> Mark as Target for Conjoined Items.*
+image::media/conjoined_menu_markfor.png[Menu: Mark as Target for Conjoined Items]
+3. A confirmation message will appear. Click *OK.*
+4. In a new tab, retrieve the bibliographic record with the item that
+you want to link to the other record.
-7) The *Manage Conjoined Items* interface opens in a new tab. This interface enables you to confirm the success of the link, and to change the peer type if desired. The *Result* column indicates that you created a successful link between the item and the bib record.
+5. Click *Actions for this Record -> Holdings Maintenance.*
+6. Select the copy that you want to link to the other bibliographic
+record. Right-click, or click *Actions for Selected Rows -> Link as
+Conjoined Items to Previously Marked Bib Record.*
+7. The *Manage Conjoined Items* interface opens in a new tab. This
+interface enables you to confirm the success of the link, and to change
+the peer type if desired. The *Result* column indicates that you
+created a successful link between the item and the bib record.
The default peer type, *Back-to-back*, was set as the peer type for our item. To change a peer type after the link has been created, right-click or click *Actions for Selected Items -> Change Peer Type*. A drop down menu will appear. Select the desired peer type, and click *OK.*
-8) The *Result* column will indicate that the *Peer Type* [has been] *Updated.*
+8. The *Result* column will indicate that the *Peer Type* [has been] *Updated.*
-9) To confirm the link between the item and the desired bib record, reload the tab containing the bib record to which you linked the item. Click the link for *Linked Titles.*
-10) To view the copy details, including the peer type, click *Copy Details.*
-Items can be linked to multiple bibliographic records simultaneously. If you click the linked titles button in the copy details, then you will retrieve a list of bibliographic records to which this item is linked.
+9. To confirm the link between the item and the desired bib record,
+reload the tab containing the bib record to which you linked the item.
+You should now see the copy linked in the copies table.
+image::media/conjoined_opac.png[Catalog Record showing Conjoined Item link]
.Scenario 2: I want to link an item to another bibliographic record, and I do have the item in hand
-1) Retrieve the bibliographic record to which you would like to add the item.
-2) Click *Actions for this Record -> Manage Conjoined Items.*
+1. Retrieve the bibliographic record to which you would like to add the item.
+2. Click *Actions for this Record -> Manage Conjoined Items.*
+image::media/conjoined_menu_markfor.png[Menu: Manage Conjoined Items]
+3. A note in the bottom left corner of the screen will confirm that the
+record was targeted for linkage with conjoined items, and the *Manage
+Conjoined Items* screen will appear.
-3) A note in the bottom left corner of the screen will confirm that the record was targeted for linkage with conjoined items, and the *Manage Conjoined Items* screen will appear.
-4) Select the peer type from the drop down menu, and scan in the barcode of the item that you want to link to this record.
-5) Click *Link to Bib (Submit).*
+4. Select the peer type from the drop down menu, and scan in the barcode
+of the item that you want to link to this record.
+5. Click *Link to Bib (Submit).*
+6. The linked item will appear in the screen. The *Result* column indicates Success.
-6) The linked item will appear in the screen. The *Result* column indicates Success.
-7) To confirm the linkage, click *Actions for this Record -> OPAC View.*
+7. To confirm the linkage, click *Actions for this Record -> OPAC View.*
-8) When the bibliographic record appears, click *Reload. Linked Titles* will show the linked title and item.
+8. When the bibliographic record appears, click *Reload. Linked Titles*
+will show the linked title and item.
.Scenario 3: I want to edit or break the link between a copy and a bibliographic record
-1) Retrieve the bibliographic record that has a copy linked to it.
+1. Retrieve the bibliographic record that has a copy linked to it.
-2) Click *Actions for this Record -> Manage Conjoined Items.*
+2. Click *Actions for this Record -> Manage Conjoined Items.*
-3) Select the copy that you want to edit, and right-click or click *Actions for Selected Items.*
+3. Select the copy that you want to edit, and right-click or click
+*Actions for Selected Items.*
-4) Make any changes, and click *OK.*
+4. Make any changes, and click *OK.*
UPDATE_COPY - Link items to bibliographic records
To add a monograph part to an existing record in the catalog:
-1) Retrieve a record.
+1. Retrieve a record.
-2) Click *Actions for this Record -> Manage Parts*
-3) Click *New Monograph Part*
-4) Enter the *label* that you want to appear to the user in the catalog, and click *Save*. This will create a list of monograph parts from which you can choose when you create a volume and copy.
+2. Click *Actions for this Record -> Manage Parts*
+image::media/manage_parts_menu.png[Menu: Manage Parts]
+3. Click *New Monograph Part*
+4. Enter the *label* that you want to appear to the user in the catalog,
+and click *Save*. This will create a list of monograph parts from which
+you can choose when you create a volume and copy.
-5) Add a volume and copy. To add a volume and copy to your workstation library, click the *Add Volumes* link in the *Record Summary* at the top of the bibliographic record, or click *Actions for this Record -> Add Volumes*.
+5. Add a volume and copy. To add a volume and copy to your workstation
+library, click the *Add Volumes* link in the *Record Summary* at the top
+of the bibliographic record, or click *Actions for this Record -> Add
To add a volume and copy to your workstation library or other libraries, click *Actions for this Record -> Holdings Maintenance -> Add Volumes*.
+6. The *Unified Volume/Copy Creator* opens. Enter the number of volumes
+that you want to add to the catalog and the volume description.
-6) The *Unified Volume/Copy Creator* opens. Enter the number of volumes that you want to add to the catalog and the volume description.
-7) Enter the number of copies and barcode(s) of each item.
-8) Select the *part designation* from the drop down menu adjacent to the barcode field.
-9) Apply a template to the copies, or edit fields in the *Copy Editor*.
+7. Enter the number of copies and barcode(s) of each item.
+8. Select the *part designation* from the drop down menu adjacent to the barcode field.
+9. Apply a template to the copies, or edit fields in the *Copy Editor*.
+10. Click *Create Volumes/Items*.
-10) Click *Create Volumes/Items*.
-11) The *Holdings Maintenance* screen will refresh to demonstrate the addition of the volume, copy, and part. These fields also appear in the OPAC View.
+11. The *Holdings Maintenance* screen will refresh to demonstrate the
+addition of the part information. These fields also appear in the OPAC
+image::media/manage_parts_opac.png[Catalog Record showing copies with part details]
Monograph Part Merging
image::media/circulation_patron_records-22.png[circulation_patron_records 22]
Notes are strictly communicative and may be made visible to the patron via their
-account on the OPAC. In the JSPAC, these notes display on the account summary
-screen in the OPAC.
+account on the OPAC. These notes appear in the <<_patron_message_center,
+Patron Message Center>>.
image::media/circulation_patron_records-23.png[circulation_patron_records 23]
. To place a title level hold, retrieve the title record on the catalog and click the _Place Hold_ link beside the title on the search results list, or click the _Place Hold_ link on the title summary screen.
+image::media/holds_title_searchresults.png[Search Results with Place Hold link]
-. Scan or type patron's barcode into _Enter recipient barcode_ then click _Submit_.
-. Edit patron hold notification and expiration date fields as required and click _Place Hold_. Confirm your action in the pop-up window.
+. Scan or type patron's barcode into the _Place hold for patron by
+barcode_ box, or choose _Place this hold for me_.
+. If this title contains multiple parts, you can specify which part to
+request. If you do not select a part, the hold will target any of the
+other copies on this record, that is, those with no parts attached.
+Those copies are usually the complete set, containing all the parts.
+. Edit patron hold notification and expiration date fields as required.
+Be sure to choose a valid _Pickup location_.
+. Click _Submit_.
+image::media/holds_title_options.png[Place Holds screen with Basic Options]
+. A confirmation screen appears with the message "Hold was successfully placed".
+image::media/holds_title_success.png[Place Holds confirmation screen]
+*Advanced Hold Options*
+Clicking the *Advanced Hold Options* link will take you into the
+metarecord level hold feature, where you can select multiple formats
+and/or languages, if available.
+Selecting multiple formats will not place all of these formats on hold.
+For example, selecting CD Audiobook and Book implies that either the CD
+format or the book format is the acceptable format to fill the hold. If
+no format is selected, then any of the available formats may be used to
+fill the hold. The same holds true for selecting multiple languages.
+image::media/holds_title_options_adv.png[Place Hold screen with Advanced Options]
+See also the section on placing <<_tpac_metarecord_search_and_metarecord_level_holds,
+Metarecord Holds>>.
Parts Level Hold
-. To place a parts level hold, retrieve a record with parts-level items attached to the title, such as a multi-disc DVD, an annual travel guide, or a multi-volume book set.
-. Place the hold as you would for a title-level hold.
-. Scan or type patron's barcode into _Enter recipient barcode_ then click _Submit_.
-. Select the applicable part from the _Parts_ dropdown menu.
+. To place a parts level hold, retrieve a record with parts-level items
+attached to the title, such as a multi-disc DVD, an annual travel guide,
+or a multi-volume book set.
+. Place the hold as you would for a title-level hold, including patron
+barcode, notification details, and a valid pickup location.
+. Select the applicable part from the _Select a Part_ dropdown menu.
+. Click _Submit_.
-. Click _Place Hold_.
+image::media/holds_title_options.png[Place Holds screen with Basic Options]