var r = table.rows[pos + 1];
var currentISBN = cleanISBN(rec.isbn());
+ if (OpenLibraryLinks) {
+ var olspan = $n(r, 'openLibraryLink');
+ if (currentISBN) {
+ olspan.setAttribute('name', olspan.getAttribute('name') +
+ '-' + currentISBN
+ );
+ }
+ }
if (googleBooksLink) {
var gbspan = $n(r, "googleBooksLink");
if (currentISBN) {
function fetchOpenLibraryLinks() {
- var data = '{ "records": { "/books/OL7577192M": { "recordURL": "", "oclcs": [], "publishDates": [ "August 1, 1959" ], "lccns": [], "isbns": [ "0451525221", "9780451525222" ], "issns": [], "data": { "publishers": [ { "name": "Signet Classics" } ], "identifiers": { "isbn_13": [ "9780451525222" ], "openlibrary": [ "OL7577192M" ], "isbn_10": [ "0451525221" ], "goodreads": [ "1138582" ], "librarything": [ "2264" ] }, "title": "The Scarlet Letter (Signet Classics)", "url": "", "number_of_pages": 10, "cover": { "small": "", "large": "", "medium": "" }, "subject_places": [ { "url": "", "name": "Boston (Mass.)" }, { "url": "", "name": "Massachusetts" }, { "url": "", "name": "Boston" }, { "url": "", "name": "New England" }, { "url": "", "name": "England" }, { "url": "", "name": "History" } ], "subjects": [ { "url": "", "name": "Fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "Puritans" }, { "url": "", "name": "Puritans in fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "History" }, { "url": "", "name": "Adultery in fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "Adultery" }, { "url": "", "name": "Illegitimate children" }, { "url": "", "name": "Illegitimate children in fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "Triangles (Interpersonal relations)" }, { "url": "", "name": "Clergy" }, { "url": "", "name": "Married women in fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "Married women" }, { "url": "", "name": "Clergy in fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "Revenge" }, { "url": "", "name": "Revenge in fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "Women immigrants" }, { "url": "", "name": "Women immigrants in fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "Massachusetts in fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "American fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "Women" }, { "url": "", "name": "Women in fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "Study guides" }, { "url": "", "name": "New England in fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "Social life and customs" }, { "url": "", "name": "Examinations" }, { "url": "", "name": "Juvenile fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "Young adult fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "England in fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "Vocabulary" }, { "url": "", "name": "Historical fiction" }, { "url": "", "name": "SAT (Educational test)" }, { "url": "", "name": "English language" }, { "url": "", "name": "Nathaniel Hawthorne" }, { "url": "", "name": "Lending library" }, { "url": "", "name": "Accessible book" }, { "url": "", "name": "Protected DAISY" }, { "url": "\u00e9rature", "name": "Litt\u00e9rature" }, { "url": "\u00e8re", "name": "Adult\u00e8re" }, { "url": "", "name": "Femmes" }, { "url": "", "name": "The scarlet letter (Hawthorne)" }, { "url": "", "name": "Puritains" }, { "url": ",_nouvelles", "name": "Romans, nouvelles" }, { "url": "", "name": "Romance Norte Americano" }, { "url": "", "name": "In library" } ], "publish_date": "August 1, 1959", "key": "/books/OL7577192M", "authors": [ { "url": "", "name": "Nathaniel Hawthorne" } ], "subject_people": [ { "url": "", "name": "Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)" }, { "url": "", "name": "Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1865)" } ], "subject_times": [ { "url": ",_ca._1600-1775", "name": "Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775" }, { "url": ",_ca.1600-1775", "name": "Colonial period, ca.1600-1775" }, { "url": "", "name": "19th century" } ] } } }, "items": [ { "status": "lendable", "ol-work-id": "OL455305W", "ol-edition-id": "OL5849784M", "cover": { "small": "", "large": "", "medium": "" }, "itemURL": "", "enumcron": false, "contributor": "contributor", "fromRecord": "/books/OL7577192M", "match": "similar" }, { "status": "full access", "ol-work-id": "OL455305W", "ol-edition-id": "OL7106163M", "cover": { "small": "", "large": "", "medium": "" }, "itemURL": "", "enumcron": false, "contributor": "contributor", "fromRecord": "/books/OL7577192M", "match": "similar" } ] }';
-function fetchOpenLibraryLinksReal() {
if (isbnList && OpenLibraryLinks) {
- alert('fetching');
+ /* OpenLibrary supports a number of different identifiers:
+ * ISBN: isbn:<isbn>
+ * LCCN: lccn:<lccn>
+ * OpenLibrary ID: olid:<openlibrary-ID>
+ *
+ * We'll just fire off ISBNs for now.
+ */
var isbns = '';
dojo.forEach(isbnList, function(isbn) {
- isbns += 'isbn:' + isbn + ',';
+ isbns += 'isbn:' + isbn + '|';
+ isbns = isbns.replace(/.$/, '');
- "url":"",
- "content": { "keys": isbns },
+ "url":"" + isbns + '?callback=renderOpenLibraryLinks',
"callback": "renderOpenLibraryLinks"
function renderOpenLibraryLinks(response) {
- var results = dojo.fromJson(response);
var ol_ebooks = {};
- /* Iterate over each returned record */
- for (var record in results.records) {
- var edition = results.records[record];
- /* Map ISBN that we care about to OL edition ID */
- dojo.forEach(edition.isbns, function(isbn) {
- ol_ebooks[isbn] = record;
- });
- /* Now iterate over the results to find matches for our original ISBNs;
- if we find a match, take action */
- dojo.forEach(isbnList, function (isbn) {
- if (ol_ebooks[isbn]) {
- var oled = ol_ebooks[isbn];
- /* Find matching items by their fromEdition key */
- dojo.forEach(results.items, function (item) {
- /* Populate the links if we have a match */
- if (item.fromRecord == oled) {
- /* alert for now */
- alert(item.status + ' ' + item.match + ' ' + item.url);
- }
- });
+ /* Iterate over each identifier we requested */
+ for (var item_id in response) {
+ var isbn = item_id.replace(/^isbn:/, '');
+ /* Iterate over each matching item; OpenLibrary supplies access info:
+ * * match: "exact" or "similar"
+ * * status: "full access" or "lendable"
+ */
+ dojo.forEach(response[item_id].items, function(item) {
+ ol_ebooks[isbn] = {};
+ if (item.match == 'exact') {
+ if (item.status == 'full access') {
+ ol_ebooks[isbn]['exact_full'] = item.itemURL;
+ } else {
+ ol_ebooks[isbn]['exact_lendable'] = item.itemURL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (item.status == 'full access') {
+ ol_ebooks[isbn]['similar_full'] = item.itemURL;
+ } else {
+ ol_ebooks[isbn]['similar_lendable'] = item.itemURL;
+ }
- };
+ /* Now populate the results page with our ebook goodness*/
+ /* Go for the jugular - exact match with full access */
+ if (ol_ebooks[isbn]['exact_full']) {
+ createOpenLibraryLink(
+ isbn, ol_ebooks[isbn]['exact_full'], 'Read online'
+ );
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* Fall back to slightly less palatable options */
+ else if (ol_ebooks[isbn]['exact_lendable']) {
+ createOpenLibraryLink(
+ isbn, ol_ebooks[isbn]['exact_lendable'], 'Borrow online'
+ );
+ }
+ if (ol_ebooks[isbn]['similar_full']) {
+ createOpenLibraryLink(
+ isbn, ol_ebooks[isbn]['similar_full'], 'Read similar online'
+ );
+ } else if (ol_ebooks[isbn]['similar_lendable']) {
+ createOpenLibraryLink(
+ isbn, ol_ebooks[isbn]['similar_full'], 'Borrow similar online'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+function createOpenLibraryLink(isbn, url, text) {
+ var ol_span = $n(document.documentElement, 'openLibraryLink-' + isbn);
+ var ol_a_span = dojo.create('a', {
+ "href": url,
+ "class": "classic_link"
+ }, ol_span
+ );
+ dojo.create('img', {
+ "src": "/opac/images/openlibrary.gif"
+ }, ol_a_span
+ );
+ dojo.create('br', null, ol_a_span);
+ ol_a_span.appendChild(dojo.doc.createTextNode(text));
+ dojo.removeClass(ol_span, 'hide_me');
function fetchGoogleBooksLink () {