This is a small modification to the regular expression for parsing
the id from the edi line item fields in that allows the
ids to parse correctly when the PO name contained a space or spaces
in it. This change was suggesting by Bill Erickson (berick) in
Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <>
Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <>
my %edi_li_fields = (
- id => qr/^RFF\+LI:(?:\S+\/)?(\d+)/,
+ id => qr/^RFF\+LI:(?:[^\/]+\/)?(\d+)/,
index => qr/^LIN\+([^\+]+)/,
amount_billed => qr/^MOA\+203:([^:]+)/,
net_unit_price => qr/^PRI\+AAA:([^:]+)/,