Remove about 14 lines from OpenILS/Application/Circ/
in the checkin_handle_circ subroutine that check whether or not
the checkin happens at the copy's circ_lib and the value of the
circ.lost_immediately_available org unit setting.
This change causes the handle_lost subroutine to run regardless of
where the checkin takes place for a more consistent experience.
Whether or not billings are voided, overdues restored, etc. is still
determined by the copy's circ_lib.
Given how the hold targeter and transit code works, it does not appear
the the circ.lost_immediately_available setting could ever do what it
was intended to do. Given these changes to the code it is now unnecessary.
Signed-off-by: Jason Stephenson <>
Signed-off-by: Dan Wells <>
$self->copy->circ_lib->id : $self->copy->circ_lib;
my $stat = $U->copy_status($self->copy->status)->id;
- # immediately available keeps items lost or missing items from going home before being handled
- my $lost_immediately_available = $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(
- $circ_lib, OILS_SETTING_LOST_IMMEDIATELY_AVAILABLE, $self->editor) || 0;
- if ( (!$lost_immediately_available) && ($circ_lib != $self->circ_lib) ) {
- if( ($stat == OILS_COPY_STATUS_LOST or $stat == OILS_COPY_STATUS_MISSING) ) {
- $logger->info("circulator: not updating copy status on checkin because copy is lost/missing");
- } else {
- $self->copy->status($U->copy_status(OILS_COPY_STATUS_RESHELVING));
- $self->update_copy;
- }
- } elsif ($stat == OILS_COPY_STATUS_LOST) {
+ if ($stat == OILS_COPY_STATUS_LOST) {