--- /dev/null
+if (!dojo._hasResource["openils.PermaCrud.Store"]) {
+ dojo._hasResource["openils.PermaCrud.Store"] = true;
+ dojo.provide("openils.PermaCrud.Store");
+ dojo.require("openils.PermaCrud");
+ /* an exception class specific to openils.PermaCrud.Store */
+ function PCSError(message) { this.message = message; }
+ PCSError.prototype.toString = function() {
+ return "openils.PermaCrud.Store: " + this.message;
+ };
+ /* PCSQueryCache is a here to prevent openils.PermaCrud.Store from asking
+ * openils.PermaCrud redundant questions within short time frames.
+ */
+ function PCSQueryCache() {
+ var self = this;
+ this._init = function(max_age) {
+ if (typeof (this.max_age = max_age) == "undefined")
+ throw new PCSError("PCSQueryCache requires max_age parameter");
+ this._cached_items = {};
+ };
+ this._is_left_anchored = function(key) {
+ return key.slice(-1) == "%";
+ };
+ /* Find any reasonably close matches for key */
+ this._similar_key = function(key) {
+ var key_is_left_anchored = this._is_left_anchored(key);
+ for (var candidate in this._cached_items) {
+ if (key == candidate) {
+ return candidate;
+ } else if (!key_is_left_anchored &&
+ this._is_left_anchored(candidate)) {
+ if (candidate.slice(0, -1) == key)
+ return candidate;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ this._get_if_fresh = function(key) {
+ /* XXX This is passive cache aging. Make it active w/ setTimeout? */
+ var age = new Date().getTime() - this._cached_items[key].when;
+ if (age > this.max_age) {
+ delete this._cached_items[key];
+ return [];
+ } else {
+ return this._cached_items[key].data;
+ }
+ };
+ this.put = function(key, data) {
+ this._cached_items[key] = {
+ "when": new Date().getTime(), "data": data
+ };
+ };
+ this.get = function(key) {
+ if (similar = this._similar_key(key)) { /* assignment */
+ var results = this._get_if_fresh(similar);
+ if (results.length)
+ console.log("cache hit: " + key);
+ return results;
+ } else {
+ return [];
+ }
+ };
+ this.clear = function(key) {
+ this.put(key, []);
+ };
+ this.add = function(key, datum) {
+ this._cached_items[key].data.push(datum);
+ this._cached_items[key].when = new Date().getTime();
+ };
+ this._init.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ dojo.declare(
+ "openils.PermaCrud.Store", null, {
+ // summary:
+ // This is a data store implementing the Read and Identity APIs,
+ // making it possible to lazy-load fieldmapper objects via the
+ // PermaCrud service.
+ // description:
+ // Two "levels" of laziness are possible. You get one
+ // level of laziness by default: no retrieve-all queries are
+ // honored, and fetch() only retrieves objects matching
+ // substantive queries. This is great for autocompleting dijits.
+ // The second level of laziness is invoked by using stubby mode.
+ // In stubby mode, fetch() only retrieves IDs and returns place-
+ // holder objects, while getValue() or anything like it will
+ // actually retrieve the full object. This may be more useful for
+ // grids. In any event, huge datasets don't have to be retrieved
+ // just to provide a widget whereby a user can select a single item.
+ //
+ // Later it is hoped that we will also implement the Notification
+ // and Write APIs here, which will enable vastly simpler interfaces
+ // to be developed (and existing interfaces to be vastly simplified)
+ // in Evergreen. Think no more keeping track at the interface layer
+ // of dirty objects, nor manually updating one dijit's store when a
+ // value in another changes.
+ //
+ // Note that the methods of this class may throw exceptions in cases
+ // where such behavior is prescribed by the dojo data API from
+ // which said methods originate. These might not be documented in
+ // the method summaries below.
+ //
+ // The Thought behind all this came from Mike Rylander, who has a
+ // pretty clear vision of what this needs to be and how it needs
+ // to get there. The actual typing, testing, and gradually dawning
+ // understanding is brought to you by Lebbeous Fogle-Weekley.
+ "constructor": function(/* object */ args) {
+ // summary:
+ // Insantiates the store.
+ // description:
+ // Requires the object argument *args*.
+ // args:
+ // An object with these properties:
+ // {
+ // fmclass: (string required),
+ // fetch_limit: (int default 50),
+ // max_query_cache_age:(int default 10000 ms),
+ // stubby: (bool default false),
+ // honor_retrieve_all: (bool default value of *stubby*),
+ // label_attributes: (optional array of attribute names)
+ // label_separator: (string default " ")
+ // base_filter: (optional object pcrud search filter)
+ // pcrud: (optional openils.PermaCrud object),
+ // authtoken: (optional string authtoken)
+ // }
+ //
+ // The *fmclass* parameter.
+ // This is required, and should be a class hint from the IDL.
+ // In this way you specify the class that the store will deal
+ // with.
+ //
+ // The *fetch_limit* parameter.
+ // The maximum number of items the store will fetch at a time.
+ //
+ // The *max_query_cache_age* parameter.
+ // An internal cache is used to avoid re-issuing the same query
+ // repeatedly to PermaCrud. This is necessary because some
+ // dijits (dijit.form.FilteringSelect, for example) get pretty
+ // talky with the fetch() method. With this parameter you're
+ // specifying the maximum age of entry in this cache. After
+ // this length of time, a fresh call to fetch(), even with
+ // the same query as it was issued in a previous call, will
+ // result in a call to PermaCrud.
+ //
+ // The *stubby* parameter.
+ // In stubby mode, fetch() only retrieves IDs and returns
+ // place-holder objects, while getValue or anything like it
+ // will /then/ actually retrieve the full object.
+ //
+ // The *honor_retrive_all* parameter.
+ // This is normally set to whatever the value of *stubby* is,
+ // meaning that queries from dijits of the form
+ // {query: {key: ""}} and {query: {key: "*"}} are ignored by
+ // default in non-stubby mode, and translated to pcrud
+ // search filters of {id: {"!=": null}} in stubby mode (where
+ // id is the primary key for the class in question). Set this
+ // boolean parameter to override the default behavior.
+ //
+ // The *label_attributes* parameter.
+ // getLabelAttributes() will figure out what to return based
+ // on 1) fields with a selector attribute for our class in the
+ // IDL and, failing that, 2) the Identity field for our class
+ // _unless_ you want to override that by providing an array
+ // (single element is fine) of field names to use as label
+ // attributes here.
+ //
+ // The *label_separator* parameter.
+ // In the event of dealing with a class that has more than one
+ // attribute contributing to the label, this string, which
+ // defaults to " " defines the token that is placed between
+ // the value of each field as the label string is built.
+ //
+ // The *base_filter* parameter.
+ // This optional object will be mixed in with any search queries
+ // produced for pcrud, giving the user a way to limit the result
+ // set beyond the query that will be issued by the dijit. For
+ // example, you can provide an autocompleting widget against
+ // the acqpl class, set base_filter to
+ // {"owner": openils.User.user.id()}
+ // and have the dijit query against name, so that as you type
+ // the store issues queries like
+ // {"owner": 1, "name": {"ilike": "new boo%"}}
+ //
+ // The *pcrud* paramter.
+ // Optionally pass in your own openils.PermaCrud object, if
+ // you already have one.
+ //
+ // The *authtoken* parameter.
+ // Optionally pass in your authtoken string. If you're in
+ // certain parts of the Evergreen environment, we may be able
+ // to get this automagically from openils.User anyway, so that's
+ // why this parameter is optional.
+ if (typeof(this.fmclass = args.fmclass) != "string")
+ throw new PCSError("Must have fmclass");
+ this.pkey = fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses[this.fmclass].pkey;
+ this.fetch_limit = args.fetch_limit || 50;
+ this.max_query_cache_age = args.max_query_cache_age || 10000; /*ms*/
+ this.stubby = args.stubby || false;
+ if (typeof args.honor_retrieve_all != undefined)
+ this.honor_retrieve_all = args.honor_retrieve_all;
+ else
+ this.honor_retrieve_all = args.stubby;
+ this.label_attributes = args.label_attributes || null;
+ this.label_separator = args.label_separator || " ";
+ this.base_filter = args.base_filter || {};
+ this.pcrud = args.pcrud || new openils.PermaCrud(
+ args.authtoken ? {"authtoken": args.authtoken} : null
+ );
+ this._stored_items = {};
+ this._query_cache = new PCSQueryCache(this.max_query_cache_age);
+ },
+ "_dojo_query_to_pcrud": function(/* request-object */ req) {
+ // summary:
+ // Internal method to convery queries from dijits into pcrud
+ // search filters. Messy. Called by fetch().
+ var qkeys = openils.Util.objectProperties(req.query);
+ if (qkeys.length < 1)
+ throw new PCSError("Not enough meat on that query");
+ for (var qkey in req.query) {
+ var value = req.query[qkey];
+ var type = typeof value;
+ if (
+ type == "number" ||
+ type == "string" ||
+ (type == "object" && dojo.isArray(value))
+ ) continue;
+ throw new PCSError(
+ "Can't deal with query key " + qkey + " (" + type + ")"
+ );
+ }
+ var pcrud_query = {};
+ var hashparts = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < qkeys.length; i++) {
+ var key = qkeys[i];
+ var term = req.query[key];
+ var op;
+ /* TODO: break this down into smaller separate methods:
+ * key & term munging
+ * offset & limit
+ * sort -> order_by
+ */
+ if (term == "" || term == "*") {
+ if (qkeys.length != 1) {
+ continue; /* query: {name: "bar", id: "*"}
+ makes no sense; we could just leave
+ out the id: part */
+ } else if (!this.honor_retrieve_all) {
+ return req; /* totally bail */
+ } else {
+ key = this.pkey; /*ignore given key: may not be unique*/
+ pcrud_query[key] = {"!=": null};
+ hashparts[i] = key + ":%";
+ }
+ } else {
+ term = term.replace("%", "%%");
+ term = term.replace(/\*$/, "%");
+ if (dojo.indexOf(term, "%") != -1) op = "like";
+ if (req.queryOptions && req.queryOptions.ignoreCase)
+ op = "ilike";
+ if (op) {
+ pcrud_query[key] = {};
+ pcrud_query[key][op] = term;
+ hashparts[i] = key + ":" + op + ":" + term;
+ } else {
+ pcrud_query[key] = term;
+ hashparts[i] = key + ":" + term;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var hashkey = hashparts.join(":");
+ var opts = {};
+ opts.offset = req.start || 0;
+ hashkey = "offset:" + opts.offset + ":" + hashkey;
+ opts.limit = (req.count && req.count != Infinity) ?
+ req.count : this.fetch_limit;
+ hashkey = "limit:" + opts.limit + ":" + hashkey;
+ if (dojo.isArray(req.sort)) {
+ opts.order_by = {};
+ opts.order_by[this.fmclass] = dojo.map(
+ req.sort, function(key) {
+ return (key.attribute + " ") + (
+ key.descending ? "DESC" : "ASC"
+ );
+ }
+ ).join(",");
+ /* XXX not sure whether multiple columns will work as such. */
+ hashkey = "order_by:" + opts.order_by[this.fmclass] + ":" +
+ hashkey;
+ }
+ opts.id_list = this.stubby;
+ return [dojo.mixin(this.base_filter, pcrud_query), opts, hashkey];
+ },
+ /* *** Begin dojo.data.api.Read methods *** */
+ "getValue": function(
+ /* object */ item,
+ /* string */ attribute,
+ /* anything */ defaultValue) {
+ // summary:
+ // Given an *item* and the name of an *attribute* on that item,
+ // return that attribute's value. Load the item first if
+ // it's not actually loaded yet (stubby mode).
+ if (!this.isItem(item))
+ throw new PCSError("getValue(): bad item: " + item);
+ else if (typeof attribute != "string")
+ throw new PCSError("getValue(): bad attribute");
+ var value;
+ try {
+ if (this.isItemLoaded(item)) {
+ value = item[attribute]();
+ } else {
+ value = this.loadItem({"item": item})[attribute]();
+ }
+ } catch (E) {
+ console.log(E);
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ /* XXX This method by proscription can't return an array, but what
+ * the heck is it supposed to do if the value of the field
+ * indicated IS an array? */
+ return (typeof value == "undefined") ? defaultValue : value;
+ },
+ "getValues": function(/* object */ item, /* string */ attribute) {
+ // summary:
+ // Same as getValue(), except the result is always an array
+ // and there is no way to specify a default value.
+ if (!this.isItem(item) || typeof attribute != "string")
+ throw new PCSError("bad arguments");
+ var result = this.getValue(item, attribute, []);
+ return dojo.isArray(result) ? result : [result];
+ },
+ "getAttributes": function(/* object */ item) {
+ // summary:
+ // Return an array of all of the given *item*'s *attribute*s.
+ // This is done by consulting fieldmapper.
+ if (!this.isItem(item) || typeof attribute != "string")
+ throw new PCSError("getAttributes(): bad arguments");
+ else
+ return fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses[item.classname].fields;
+ },
+ "hasAttribute": function(/* object */ item, /* string */ attribute) {
+ // summary:
+ // Return true or false based on whether *item* has an
+ // attribute by the name specified in *attribute*.
+ if (!this.isItem(item) || typeof attribute != "string") {
+ throw new PCSError("hasAttribute(): bad arguments");
+ } else {
+ /* tested as autovivification-safe */
+ return (
+ typeof fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses[item.classname].
+ fields[attribute] != "undefined"
+ );
+ }
+ },
+ "containsValue": function(
+ /* object */ item,
+ /* string */ attribute,
+ /* anything */ value) {
+ // summary:
+ // Return true or false based on whether *item* has any value
+ // matching *value* for *attribute*.
+ if (!this.isItem(item) || typeof attribute != "string")
+ throw new PCSError("bad data");
+ else
+ return (
+ dojo.indexOf(this.getValues(item, attribute), value) != -1
+ );
+ },
+ "isItem": function(/* anything */ something) {
+ // summary:
+ // Return true if *something* is an item (loaded or not), else
+ // false.
+ /* XXX Shouldn't this really check to see whether the item came from
+ * our store? Checking type (fieldmapper class) may suffice. */
+ return (
+ typeof something == "object" && something !== null &&
+ something._isfieldmapper && something.classname == this.fmclass
+ );
+ },
+ "isItemLoaded": function(/* anything */ something) {
+ // summary:
+ // Return true if *something* is an item and is loaded.
+ // In stubby mode, something that is an item but isn't yet
+ // loaded is possible.
+ return this.isItem(something) && something._loaded;
+ },
+ "close": function(/* object */ request) {
+ // summary:
+ // This is a no-op.
+ return;
+ },
+ "getLabel": function(/* object */ item) {
+ // summary:
+ // Return the name of the attribute that should serve as the
+ // label for objects of the same class as *item*. This is
+ // done by consulting fieldmapper and looking for the field
+ // with "selector" set to true.
+ var self = this;
+ return dojo.map(
+ this.getLabelAttributes(),
+ function(o) { self.getValue(item, o); }
+ ).join(this.label_separator);
+ },
+ "getLabelAttributes": function(/* object */ item) {
+ // summary:
+ // This is simply a deeper method supporting getLabel().
+ if (dojo.isArray(this.label_attributes)) {
+ return this.label_attributes;
+ }
+ var fmclass = fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses[item];
+ var sels = dojo.filter(
+ fmclass.fields,
+ function(c) { return Boolean(c.selector); }
+ );
+ if (sels.length) return sels;
+ else return [fmclass.pkey];
+ },
+ "loadItem": function(/* object */ keywordArgs) {
+ // summary:
+ // Fully load the item specified in the *item* property of
+ // *keywordArgs* by retrieving it from PermaCrud.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // In non-stubby mode (default) this ultimately just returns the
+ // same object it's given. In stubby mode, the object might
+ // not really be fully loaded, so we go to PermaCrud for it.
+ //
+ // This method (part of the Read API) is dependent on
+ // fetchItemByIdentity() (part of the Identity API), so don't
+ // split the two up unless you know what you're doing.
+ if (!this.isItem(keywordArgs.item))
+ throw new PCSError("that's not an item; can't load it");
+ keywordArgs.identity = keywordArgs.item[this.pkey]();
+ return this.fetchItemByIdentity(keywordArgs);
+ },
+ "fetch": function(/* request-object */ req) {
+ // summary:
+ // Basically, fetch objects matching the *query* property of
+ // the *req* parameter.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // In non-stubby mode (default) this means translaating the
+ // *query* in to a pcrud search filter and storing all the
+ // objects that result from that search, up to fetch_limit
+ // (a property of the store itself, set via the constructor).
+ //
+ // In stubby mode, this means the same as above except that
+ // we only ask pcrud for an ID list, and what we store are
+ // "fake" objects with only the identifier field set.
+ //
+ // In both modes, we also respect the following properties
+ // of the *req* object (all optional):
+ //
+ // sort an object that gets translated to order_by
+ // count an int that gets translated to limit
+ // start an int that gets translated to offset
+ // onBegin a callback that takes the number of items
+ // that this call to fetch() will return, but
+ // we always give it -1 (i.e. unknown)
+ // onItem a callback that takes each item as we get it
+ // onComplete a callback that takes the list of items
+ // after they're all fetched
+ //
+ // The onError callback is ignored. I've never seen PermaCrud
+ // actually execute its own onerror callback, so this remains
+ // to be figured out.
+ //
+ // The Read API also charges this method with adding an abort
+ // callback to the *req* object for the caller's use, but
+ // the one we provide does nothing but issue an alert().
+ var parts = this._dojo_query_to_pcrud(req);
+ var filter = parts[0];
+ var opts = parts[1];
+ var hashkey = parts[2];
+ if (!filter) return req; /* nothing to do */
+ /* set up some closures... */
+ var self = this;
+ var fetch_results = [];
+ var callback_scope = req.scope || dojo.global;
+ var process_fetch = function(r) {
+ if (r = openils.Util.readResponse(r)) {
+ if (self.stubby) {
+ var id = r;
+ r = new fieldmapper[self.fmclass]();
+ r[self.pkey](id);
+ r._loaded = false;
+ } else {
+ r._loaded = true;
+ }
+ if (typeof req.onItem == "function")
+ req.onItem.call(callback_scope, r, req);
+ self._stored_items[r[self.pkey]()] = r;
+ fetch_results.push(r);
+ self._query_cache.add(hashkey, r);
+ }
+ };
+ req.abort = function() {
+ alert("The 'abort' operation is not supported");
+ };
+ /* ... and proceed. */
+ if (typeof req.onBegin == "function")
+ req.onBegin.call(callback_scope, -1, req);
+ fetch_results = this._query_cache.get(hashkey);
+ if (!fetch_results.length) {
+ this._query_cache.clear(hashkey);
+ this.pcrud.search(
+ this.fmclass, filter, dojo.mixin(opts, {
+ "streaming": true,
+ "timeout": 10, /* important: streaming but sync */
+ "onresponse": process_fetch
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ /* XXX at the moment, I don't believe we need either to call
+ * onItem nor to add to our internal "_stored_items" those items
+ * that we just got from cache. */
+ /* as for onError: I don't believe openils.PermaCrud supports any
+ * onerror-like callback in an actually working way at this time */
+ if (typeof req.onComplete == "function")
+ req.onComplete.call(callback_scope, fetch_results, req);
+ return req;
+ },
+ /* *** Begin dojo.data.api.Identity methods *** */
+ "getIdentity": function(/* object */ item) {
+ // summary:
+ // Given an *item* return its unique identifier (the value
+ // of its primary key).
+ if (!this.isItem(item)) throw new PCSError("not an item");
+ if (this._stored_items[item[this.pkey]()] == item)
+ return item[this.pkey]();
+ else
+ return null;
+ },
+ "getIdentityAttributes": function(/* object */ item) {
+ // summary:
+ // Given an *item* return the list of the name of the fields
+ // that constitute the item's unique identifier. Since we
+ // deal with fieldmapper objects, that's always a list of one.
+ return [this.pkey];
+ },
+ "fetchItemByIdentity": function(/* object */ keywordArgs) {
+ // summary:
+ // Given an *identity* property in the *keywordArgs* object,
+ // retrieve an item, unless we already have the fully loaded
+ // item in the store's internal memory.
+ //
+ // description:
+ // Once we've have the item we want one way or another, issue
+ // the *onItem* callback from the *keywordArgs* object. If we
+ // tried to retrieve the item with pcrud but didn't get an item
+ // back, issue the *onError* callback.
+ var callback_scope = keywordArgs.scope || dojo.global;
+ var test_item = this._stored_items[keywordArgs.identity];
+ if (test_item && this.isItemLoaded(test_item)) {
+ console.log(
+ "fetchItemByIdentity(): already have " +
+ keywordArgs.identity
+ );
+ if (typeof keywordArgs.onItem == "function")
+ keywordArgs.onItem.call(callback_scope, test_item);
+ return test_item;
+ } else {
+ console.log(
+ "fetchItemByIdentity(): going to pcrud for " +
+ keywordArgs.identity
+ );
+ try {
+ var item =
+ this.pcrud.retrieve(this.fmclass, keywordArgs.identity);
+ if (!item)
+ throw new PCSError(
+ "No item of class " + this.fmclass +
+ " with identity " + keywordArgs.identity +
+ " could be retrieved."
+ );
+ item._loaded = true;
+ this._stored_items[item[this.pkey]()] = item;
+ if (typeof keywordArgs.onItem == "function")
+ keywordArgs.onItem.call(callback_scope, item);
+ return item;
+ } catch (E) {
+ if (typeof keywordArgs.onError == "function")
+ keywordArgs.onError.call(callback_scope, E);
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /* *** This last method is for classes implementing any dojo APIs *** */
+ "getFeatures": function() {
+ return {
+ "dojo.data.api.Read": true,
+ "dojo.data.api.Identity": true
+ };
+ }
+ });