JSAN.use('util.window'); var win = new util.window();
- return cat.util.spawn_copy_editor( { 'handle_update' : 1, 'edit' : 1, 'docid' : doc_id, 'copies' : [ copy_obj ] });
+ var unified_interface = String( data.hash.aous['ui.unified_volume_copy_editor'] ) == 'true';
+ if (unified_interface) {
+ var horizontal_interface = String( data.hash.aous[''] ) == 'true';
+ var url = window.xulG.url_prefix( horizontal_interface ? urls.XUL_VOLUME_COPY_CREATOR_HORIZONTAL : urls.XUL_VOLUME_COPY_CREATOR );
+ var w = xulG.set_tab(
+ url,
+ {
+ 'tab_name' : document.getElementById('offlineStrings').getFormattedString(
+ 'cat.bib_record',
+ [ doc_id ]
+ )
+ },
+ {
+ 'doc_id' : doc_id,
+ 'existing_copies' : [ copy_obj ],
+ 'load_opac_when_done' : true,
+ 'labels_in_new_tab' : true
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ return cat.util.spawn_copy_editor( { 'handle_update' : 1, 'edit' : 1, 'docid' : doc_id, 'copies' : [ copy_obj ] });
+ }
} catch(E) {
if (error) error.standard_unexpected_error_alert('Error in chrome/content/cat/opac.js, cat.util.fast_item_add #2',E); else alert('FIXME: ' + E);
JSAN.use('util.window'); var win = new util.window();
- return cat.util.spawn_copy_editor( { 'handle_update' : 1, 'edit' : 1, 'docid' : doc_id, 'copies' : [ copy_obj ] });
+ var unified_interface = String( data.hash.aous['ui.unified_volume_copy_editor'] ) == 'true';
+ if (unified_interface) {
+ var horizontal_interface = String( data.hash.aous[''] ) == 'true';
+ var url = window.xulG.url_prefix( horizontal_interface ? urls.XUL_VOLUME_COPY_CREATOR_HORIZONTAL : urls.XUL_VOLUME_COPY_CREATOR );
+ var w = xulG.set_tab(
+ url,
+ {
+ 'tab_name' : document.getElementById('offlineStrings').getFormattedString(
+ 'cat.bib_record',
+ [ doc_id ]
+ )
+ },
+ {
+ 'doc_id' : doc_id,
+ 'existing_copies' : [ copy_obj ],
+ 'load_opac_when_done' : true,
+ 'labels_in_new_tab' : true
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ return cat.util.spawn_copy_editor( { 'handle_update' : 1, 'edit' : 1, 'docid' : doc_id, 'copies' : [ copy_obj ] });
+ }
} catch(E) {
if (error) error.standard_unexpected_error_alert('cat.util.fast_item_add',E); else alert('FIXME: ' + E);
var copy = g.existing_copies[i];
g.id_copy_map[ ] = copy;
var call_number = copy.call_number();
+ if (typeof call_number != 'object') {
+ if (typeof g.acn_map[call_number] == 'undefined') {
+ var temp_acn =
+ 'FM_ACN_RETRIEVE.authoritative',
+ [ call_number ]
+ );
+ if (typeof temp_acn.ilsevent != 'undefined') {
+ alert('Error in my_init(), acn_id = ' + call_number + ' temp_acn = ' + js2JSON(temp_acn));
+ continue;
+ }
+ g.acn_map[ call_number ] = temp_acn;
+ }
+ call_number = g.acn_map[call_number];
+ }
g.doc_id = call_number.record();
if (!g.copy_shortcut[ call_number.owning_lib() ]) {
ou_ids.push( call_number.owning_lib() );
g.acn_map[ acn_id ] = temp_acn;
- if (callnumber_data.acn_id < 0) {
- g.acn_map[ callnumber_data.acn_id ] = temp_acn;
- }
- }
- var my_acn = g.acn_map[ acn_id ];
- var node = g.volumes_scaffold[ou_id][composite_key].node;
- var class_menulist = node.parentNode.previousSibling.previousSibling.firstChild;
- var prefix_menulist = node.parentNode.previousSibling.firstChild;
- var suffix_menulist = node.parentNode.nextSibling.firstChild;
- if ( String(class_menulist.value) != String(my_acn.label_class()) {
- my_acn.label_class( class_menulist.value );
- my_acn.ischanged( get_db_true() );
- }
- if ( String(prefix_menulist.value) != String(my_acn.prefix()) {
- my_acn.prefix( prefix_menulist.value );
- my_acn.ischanged( get_db_true() );
- }
- if ( String(suffix_menulist.value) != String(my_acn.suffix()) {
- my_acn.suffix( suffix_menulist.value );
- my_acn.ischanged( get_db_true() );
- }
+ if (typeof g.acn_map[ callnumber_data.acn_id ] == 'undefined') {
+ g.acn_map[ callnumber_data.acn_id ] = g.acn_map[ acn_id ];
+ }
- if (get_bool( my_acn.ischanged() )) {
- volumes.push( my_acn );
if (volumes.length > 0) {
+ var label_editor_func;
if (copies.length > 0) {
if (param == 'edit') {
try {
//case 1706 /* ITEM_BARCODE_EXISTS */ :
if (copies && copies.length > 0 && $('print_labels').checked) {
- JSAN.use('util.functional');
dont_close = true;
- xulG.set_tab(
- { 'tab_name' : $("catStrings").getString('') },
- {
- 'barcodes' : util.functional.map_list( copies, function(o){return o.barcode();})
- }
- );
+ var tab_name = $("catStrings").getString('');
+ var tab_method = xul_param('labels_in_new_tab') ? 'new_tab' : 'set_tab';
+ label_editor_func = function() {
+ JSAN.use('util.functional');
+ xulG[tab_method](
+ { 'tab_name' : tab_name },
+ {
+ 'barcodes' : util.functional.map_list( copies, function(o){return o.barcode();})
+ }
+ );
+ };
} catch(E) {
alert('2: Error in volume_copy_creator.js with g.stash_and_close(): ' + E);
- if (! dont_close) { xulG.close_tab(); }
+ if (xul_param('load_opac_when_done')) {
+ var opac_url = xulG.url_prefix( urls.opac_rdetail ) + '?r=' + g.doc_id;
+ var content_params = {
+ 'session' : ses(),
+ 'authtime' : ses('authtime'),
+ 'opac_url' : opac_url
+ };
+ xulG.set_tab(
+ xulG.url_prefix(urls.XUL_OPAC_WRAPPER),
+ {
+ 'tab_name':'Retrieving title...',
+ 'on_tab_load' : function(cw) {
+ if (typeof label_editor_func == 'function') {
+ label_editor_func();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ content_params
+ );
+ } else {
+ if (typeof label_editor_func == 'function') {
+ label_editor_func();
+ }
+ if (! dont_close) { xulG.close_tab(); }
+ }
} catch(E) {
alert('3: Error in volume_copy_creator.js with g.stash_and_close(): ' + E);