private org: OrgService,
private circ: CircService,
private audio: AudioService,
- private print: PrintService,
+ private printer: PrintService,
private serverStore: ServerStoreService) {
// But in some cases we still have to collect the data
// for printing.
-console.warn('ROUTE DIALOG OPEN');
return from(this.applySettings())
.pipe(concatMap(exit => {
-console.warn('ROUTE DIALOG 2');
if (exit) {
return of(exit);
} else {
.pipe(concatMap(exit => {
-console.warn('ROUTE DIALOG 3');
if (exit) {
return of(exit);
} else {
-console.warn('ROUTE DIALOG 4');
if (this.checkin.params.auto_print_hold_transits
|| this.circ.suppressCheckinPopups) {
// Print and exit.
- return this.printTransit().then(_ => true); // exit
+ return this.print().then(_ => true); // exit
return promise.then(_ => false); // keep going
.then(_ => this.noAutoPrint[this.slip]);
- printTransit(): Promise<any> {
- return null;
+ print(): Promise<any> {
+ this.printer.print({
+ templateName: this.slip,
+ contextData: {checkin: this.checkin},
+ printContext: 'default'
+ });
+ this.close();
+ // TODO printer.print() should return a promise
+ return Promise.resolve();
holds_for_patron print template
-- insert then update for easier iterative development tweaks
$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'patron_data';
+INSERT INTO config.print_template
+ (name, label, owner, active, locale, content_type, template)
+VALUES ('hold_shelf_slip', 'Hold Shelf Slip', 1, TRUE, 'en-US', 'text/html', '');
+UPDATE config.print_template SET template = $TEMPLATE$
+ USE date;
+ USE money = format('$%.2f');
+ SET copy = template_data.checkin.copy;
+ SET hold = template_data.checkin.hold;
+ SET volume = template_data.checkin.volume;
+ SET hold = template_data.checkin.hold;
+ SET record = template_data.checkin.record;
+ SET patron = template_data.checkin.patron;
+ [% IF hold.behind_desk == 't' %]
+ This item needs to be routed to the <strong>Private Holds Shelf</strong>.
+ [% ELSE %]
+ This item needs to be routed to the <strong>Public Holds Shelf</strong>.
+ [% END %]
+<div>Barcode: [% copy.barcode %]</div>
+<div>Title: [% record.title %]</div>
+<div>Call Number: [% volume.prefix.label %] [% volume.label %] [% volume.suffix.label %]</div>
+<div>Hold for patron: [% patron.family_name %],
+ [% patron.first_given_name %] [% patron.second_given_name %]</div>
+<div>Barcode: [% patron.card.barcode %]</div>
+[% IF hold.phone_notify %]
+ <div>Notify by phone: [% hold.phone_notify %]</div>
+[% END %]
+[% IF hold.sms_notify %]
+ <div>Notify by text: [% hold.sms_notify %]</div>
+[% END %]
+[% IF hold.email_notify %]
+ <div>Notify by email: [% %]</div>
+[% END %]
+[% FOR note IN hold.notes %]
+ <ul>
+ [% IF note.slip == 't' %]
+ <li><strong>[% note.title %]</strong> - [% note.body %]</li>
+ [% END %]
+ </ul>
+[% END %]
+<div>Request Date: [%
+ date.format(helpers.format_date(hold.request_time, staff_org_timezone), '%x %r') %]</div>
+<div>Slip Date: [% date.format(, '%x %r') %]</div>
+<div>Printed by [% staff.first_given_name %] at [% staff_org.shortname %]</div>
+$TEMPLATE$ WHERE name = 'hold_shelf_slip';