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+New Options for Double Clicking\r
+Double Click to Retrieve a Patron's Record\r
+. Click *Search -> Search for Patrons* to access a patron's record\r
+. Enter search terms.\r
+. Retrieve a list of possible matches. Double click on the record that you want to open.\r
+Double Click to Retrieve Item Attributes\r
+. Enter search terms to retrieve a bibliographic record.\r
+. Click *Actions for this Record* -> *Holdings Maintenance*.\r
+. Double click on an item.\r
+. The copy information will appear in a new tab.\r
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+Recent Staff Searches\r
+This feature enables you to view your recent searches as you perform them in the staff client. The number of searches that you can view is configurable. This feature is only available through the staff client; it is not available to patrons in the OPAC. \r
+Administrative Settings\r
+By default, ten searches will be saved as you search the staff client. If you want to change the number of saved searches, then you can configure the number of searches that you wish to save through the *Library Settings Editor* in the *Admin* module.\r
+To configure the number of recent staff searches:\r
+. Click *Admin -> Local Administration -> Library Settings Editor.*\r
+. Scroll to *OPAC: Number of staff client saved searches to display on left side of results and record details pages*\r
+. Click *Edit*.\r
+. Select a *Context* from the drop down menu.\r
+. Enter the number of searches that you wish to save in the *Value* field. \r
+. Click *Update Setting*\r
+NOTE: To retain this setting, the system administrator must restart the web server.\r
+If you do not want to save any searches, then you can turn off this feature.\r
+To deactivate this feature:\r
+. Follow steps 1-4 (one through four) as listed in the previous section.\r
+. In the *value* field, enter 0 (zero).\r
+. Click *Update Setting.* This will prevent you from viewing any saved searches.\r
+Recent Staff Searches\r
+Evergreen will save staff searches that are entered through either the basic or advanced search fields. To view recent staff searches:\r
+. Enter a search term in either the basic or advanced search fields.\r
+. Your search results for the current search will appear in the middle of the screen. The most recent searches will appear on the left side of the screen.\r
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+Return to Search Results from MARC Record\r
+This feature enables you to return to your title search results directly from any view of the MARC record, including the OPAC View, MARC Record, MARC Edit, and Holdings Maintenance. You can use this feature to page through records in the MARC Record View or Edit interfaces. You do not have to return to the OPAC View to access title results.\r
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+Sorting Columns\r
+This feature enables you to sort display columns so that you can find easily the\r
+information that you need on a screen that contains multiple columns. You can\r
+sort display columns on any screen that is built on a grid, such as the Check In\r
+screen or the On Shelf Pull List. \r
+You can also sort the columns on the following Administration screens:\r
+Circulation Policies, Hold Policies, Circulation Limit Sets, Barcode Completion,\r
+Acquisitions User Request List, and Vandelay Import Errors.\r
+You can sort items in an ascending or descending order, and you can prioritize\r
+the order in which columns will sort. The following use cases illustrate how to\r
+sort items within the Circulation and Administration interfaces.\r
+Sorting the On Shelf Pull List\r
+You want to capture items that are on the shelf to fill current holds. To\r
+simplify this process, you will sort the items on the On Shelf Pull List by Copy\r
+Location and Call Number.\r
+. Click *Circulation* -> *Pull List for Hold Requests*.\r
+. The first column that you want to sort is the column, Current Copy Location. Right click the column header, Current Copy Location. \r
+. Click *Sort First (Descending)*.\r
+. The next column that you want to sort is the column, Call Number. Right click the column header, Call Number. \r
+. Click *Sort Next (Ascending)*.\r
+. The pull list has now been sorted by copy location and call number.\r
+NOTE: If you wanted to sort more columns, you could continue the process by clicking *Sort Next* for any subsequent columns.\r
+Sorting Circulation Policies\r
+You want to sort the display of circulation policies in your staff client. \r
+. Click *Administration* -> *Local Administration* -> *Circulation Policies*.\r
+. Right click on any column header.\r
+. A pop-up box appears.\r
+. Check the *Display* box if you want to display a column in the staff client.\r
+. Check the *Auto Width* box if you want the width of the columns to adjust to fit the staff client.\r
+. Select a sort priority. \r
+.. A sort priority of "0" indicates that no sorting has been applied. Columns will display in their default order.\r
+.. A sort priority of "1" indicates that ascending sorting should be applied to this column first. Subsequent sorts will be applied as you continue to enter increasing numbers.\r
+.. A sort priority of "-1" indicates that descending sorting should be applied to this column.\r
+. Click *Save*. The circulation policies will now sort according to your selections each time that you log into the staff client.\r
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+Tab Buttons\r
+This feature enables you to add a new tab to the Evergreen staff client by clicking the + sign adjacent to the tab that you currently have opened. As in previous versions, you can also add new tabs by clicking *File -> New Tab*, or use the hotkey, Ctrl+T. \r
// include::backing_up.txt[]\r
This part of the documentation deals with general Staff Client usage including logging in, navigation and shortcuts.\r
System Administration From the Staff Client\r