# ---------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright © 2014 Jason Stephenson <jason@sigio.com>
+# Copyright © 2014 Jason J.A. Stephenson <jason@sigio.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# This file is part of NCIPServer.
+# NCIPServer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# NCIPServer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with NCIPServer. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
package NCIP::ILS::Evergreen;
use Modern::Perl;
-use Object::Tiny qw/name/;
use XML::LibXML::Simple qw(XMLin);
use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
use MARC::Field;
use MARC::File::XML;
+# We need a bunch of NCIP::* objects.
+use NCIP::Response;
+use NCIP::Problem;
+use NCIP::User;
+use NCIP::User::OptionalFields;
+use NCIP::User::AddressInformation;
+use NCIP::User::Id;
+use NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap;
+use NCIP::User::Privilege;
+use NCIP::User::PrivilegeStatus;
+use NCIP::StructuredPersonalUserName;
+use NCIP::StructuredAddress;
+use NCIP::ElectronicAddress;
+# Inherit from NCIP::ILS.
+use parent qw(NCIP::ILS);
# Default values we define for things that might be missing in our
# runtime environment or configuration file that absolutely must have
# values.
my $class = shift;
$class = ref $class or $class;
- # Instantiate our Object::Tiny parent with the rest of the
- # arguments. It creates a blessed hashref.
+ # Instantiate our parent with the rest of the arguments. It
+ # creates a blessed hashref.
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
# Look for our configuration file, load, and parse it:
return $self;
-# Subroutines required by the NCIPServer interface:
-sub itemdata {}
-sub userdata {
+sub lookupuser {
my $self = shift;
- my $barcode = shift;
+ my $request = shift;
# Check our session and login if necessary.
$self->login() unless ($self->checkauth());
- # Initialize the hashref we need to return to the caller.
- my $userdata = {
- borrowernumber => '',
- cardnumber => '',
- streetnumber => '',
- address => '',
- address2 => '',
- city => '',
- state => '',
- zipcode => '',
- country => '',
- firstname => '',
- surname => '',
- blocked => ''
- };
+ my $message_type = $self->parse_request_type($request);
+ # Let's go ahead and create our response object. We need this even
+ # if there is a problem.
+ my $response = NCIP::Response->new({type => $message_type . "Response"});
+ $response->header($self->make_header($request));
+ # Need to parse the request object to get the barcode and other
+ # data out.
+ my $barcode = $self->find_barcode($request);
+ # If we can't find a barcode, report a problem.
+ unless ($barcode) {
+ # Fill in a problem object and stuff it in the response.
+ my $problem = NCIP::Problem->new();
+ $problem->ProblemType('Needed Data Missing');
+ $problem->ProblemDetail('Cannot find user barcode in message.');
+ $problem->ProblemElement('AuthenticationInputType');
+ $problem->ProblemValue('Barcode');
+ $response->problem($problem);
+ return $response;
+ }
# Look up our patron by barcode:
my $user = $U->simplereq(
+ $self->{session}->{authtoken},
# Check for a failure, or a deleted, inactive, or expired user,
# and if so, return empty userdata.
- if (!$user || $U->event_code($user) || $user->deleted() || !$user->active()
- || _expired($user) || !$user->card()->active()) {
- # We'll return the empty userdata hashref to indicate a patron
- # was not found.
- return ($userdata, 'Borrower not found');
- }
- # We also need to check if the barcode used to retrieve the patron
- # is an active barcode.
- if (!grep {$_->barcode() eq $barcode && $_->active()} @{$user->cards()}) {
- return ($userdata, 'Borrower not found');
+ if (!$user || $U->event_code($user) || $U->is_true($user->deleted())
+ || !grep {$_->barcode() eq $barcode && $U->is_true($_->active())} @{$user->cards()}) {
+ my $problem = NCIP::Problem->new();
+ $problem->ProblemType('Unknown User');
+ $problem->ProblemDetail("User with barcode $barcode unknown");
+ $problem->ProblemElement('AuthenticationInputData');
+ $problem->ProblemValue($barcode);
+ return $response;
# We got the information, so lets fill in our userdata.
- $userdata->{borrowernumber} = $user->id();
- $userdata->{cardnumber} = $user->card()->barcode();
- $userdata->{firstname} = $user->first_given_name();
- $userdata->{surname} = $user->family_name();
- # Use the first address in the array that is valid and not
- # pending, since no one said whether or not to use billing or
- # mailing address.
- my @addrs = grep {$_->valid() && !$_->pending()} @{$user->addresses()};
- if (@addrs) {
- $userdata->{city} = $addrs[0]->city();
- $userdata->{country} = $addrs[0]->country();
- $userdata->{zipcode} = $addrs[0]->post_code();
- $userdata->{state} = $addrs[0]->state();
- $userdata->{address} = $addrs[0]->street1();
- $userdata->{address2} = $addrs[0]->street2();
+ my $userdata = NCIP::User->new();
+ # Make an array of the user's active barcodes.
+ my $ids = [];
+ foreach my $card (@{$user->cards()}) {
+ if ($U->is_true($card->active())) {
+ my $id = NCIP::User::Id->new({
+ UserIdentifierType => 'Barcode',
+ UserIdentifierValue => $card->barcode()
+ });
+ push(@$ids, $id);
+ }
+ $userdata->UserId($ids);
+ # Check if they requested any optional fields and return those.
+ my $elements = $request->{$message_type}->{UserElementType};
+ if ($elements) {
+ $elements = [$elements] unless (ref $elements eq 'ARRAY');
+ my $optionalfields = NCIP::User::OptionalFields->new();
+ # First, we'll look for name information.
+ if (grep {$_ eq 'Name Information'} @$elements) {
+ my $name = NCIP::StructuredPersonalUserName->new();
+ $name->Surname($user->given_name());
+ $name->GivenName($user->first_given_name());
+ $name->Prefix($user->prefix());
+ $name->Suffix($user->suffix());
+ $optionalfields->NameInformation($name);
+ }
- # Check for barred patron.
- if ($user->barred()) {
- $userdata->{blocked} = "Patron account barred.";
- }
+ # Next, check for user address information.
+ if (grep {$_ eq 'User Address Information'} @$elements) {
+ my $addresses = [];
+ # See if the user has any valid, physcial addresses.
+ foreach my $addr (@{$user->addresses()}) {
+ next if ($U->is_true($addr->pending()));
+ my $address = NCIP::User::AddressInformation->new({UserAddressRoleType=>$addr->address_type()});
+ my $physical = NCIP::StructuredAddress->new();
+ $physical->Line1($addr->street1());
+ $physical->Line2($addr->street2());
+ $physical->Locality($addr->city());
+ $physical->Region($addr->state());
+ $physical->PostalCode($addr->post_code());
+ $physical->Country($addr->country());
+ $address->PhysicalAddress($physical);
+ push @$addresses, $address;
+ }
- # Check if the patron's profile is blocked from ILL.
- if (!$userdata->{blocked} &&
- grep {$_->id() == $user->profile()} @{$self->{block_profiles}}) {
- $userdata->{blocked} = "Patron group blocked from ILL.";
- }
+ # Right now, we're only sharing email address if the user
+ # has it. We don't share phone numbers.
+ if ($user->email()) {
+ my $address = NCIP::User::AddressInformation->new({UserAddressRoleType=>'Email Address'});
+ $address->ElectronicAddress(
+ NCIP::ElectronicAddress->new({
+ Type=>'Email Address',
+ Data=>$user->email()
+ })
+ );
+ push @$addresses, $address;
+ }
- # Check for penalties that block CIRC, HOLD, or RENEW.
- unless ($userdata->{blocked}) {
- foreach my $penalty (@{$user->standing_penalties()}) {
- if ($penalty->standing_penalty->block_list()) {
- my @blocks = split /\|/,
- $penalty->standing_penalty->block_list();
- if (grep /(?:CIRC|HOLD|RENEW)/, @blocks) {
- $userdata->{blocked} = $penalty->standing_penalty->label();
- last;
+ $optionalfields->UserAddressInformation($addresses);
+ }
+ # Fetch the user's home_ou. We'll need for a couple of things
+ # below here.
+ my $aou = $self->editor->retrieve_actor_org_unit($user->home_ou());
+ # Check for User Privilege.
+ if (grep {$_ eq 'User Privilege'} @$elements) {
+ # Get the user's group:
+ my $pgt = $self->editor->retrieve_permission_grp_tree($user->profile());
+ if ($pgt) {
+ my $privilege = NCIP::User::Privilege->new();
+ $privilege->AgencyId($aou->shortname());
+ $privilege->AgencyUserPrivilegeType($pgt->name());
+ $privilege->ValidToDate($user->expire_date());
+ my $status = 'Active';
+ if (_expired($user)) {
+ $status = 'Expired';
+ } elsif ($U->is_true($user->barred())) {
+ $status = 'Barred';
+ } elsif (!$U->is_true($user->active())) {
+ $status = 'Inactive';
+ if ($status) {
+ $privilege->UserPrivilegeStatus(
+ NCIP::User::PrivilegeStatus->new({
+ UserPrivilegeStatusType => $status
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ $optionalfields->UserPrivilege([$privilege]);
- }
- return ($userdata, $userdata->{blocked});
+ # Check for Block Or Trap.
+ if (grep {$_ eq 'Block Or Trap'} @$elements) {
+ my $blocks = [];
+ # First, let's check if the profile is blocked from ILL.
+ if (grep {$_->id() == $user->profile()} @{$self->{block_profiles}}) {
+ my $block = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
+ $block->AgencyId($aou->shortname());
+ $block->BlockOrTrapType('Block Interlibrary Loan');
+ push @$blocks, $block;
+ }
+ # Next, we loop through the user's standing penalties
+ # looking for blocks on CIRC, HOLD, and RENEW.
+ my ($have_circ, $have_renew, $have_hold) = (0,0,0);
+ foreach my $penalty (@{$user->standing_penalties()}) {
+ my @block_list = split(/\|/, $penalty->standing_penalty->block_list());
+ my $ou = $self->editor->retrieve_actor_org_unit($penalty->standing_penalty->org_unit());
+ # Block checkout.
+ if (!$have_circ && grep {$_ eq 'CIRC'} @block_list) {
+ my $bot = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
+ $bot->AgencyId($ou->shortname());
+ $bot->BlockOrTrapType('Block Checkout');
+ push @blocks, $bot;
+ $have_circ = 1;
+ }
+ # Block holds.
+ if (!$have_hold && grep {$_ eq 'HOLD'} @block_list) {
+ my $bot = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
+ $bot->AgencyId($ou->shotrname());
+ $bot->BlockOrTrapType('Block Holds');
+ push @blocks, $bot;
+ $have_hold = 1;
+ }
-sub checkin {}
+ # Block renewals.
+ if (!$have_renew && grep {$_ eq 'RENEW'} @block_list) {
+ my $bot = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
+ $bot->AgencyId($ou->shortname());
+ $bot->BlockOrTrapType('Block Renewals');
+ push @blocks, $bot;
+ $have_renew = 1;
+ }
-sub checkout {}
+ # Stop after we report one of each, even if more
+ # blocks remain.
+ last if ($have_circ && $have_renew && $have_hold);
+ }
-sub renew {}
+ $optionalfields->BlockOrTrap($blocks);
+ }
-sub request {}
+ $userdata->UserOptionalFields($optionalfields);
+ }
-sub cancelrequest {}
+ $response->data($userdata);
-sub acceptitem {}
+ return $response;
# Implementation functions that might be useful to a subclass.
# Standalone, "helper" functions. These do not take an object or
# class reference.
-# Strip leading and trailing whitespace (incl. newlines) from a string
-# value.
-sub _strip {
- my $string = shift;
- if ($string) {
- $string =~ s/^\s+//;
- $string =~ s/\s+$//;
- }
- return $string;
# Check if a user is past their expiration date.
sub _expired {
my $user = shift;