-- END of autorenwal trigger def stuff
+-- Action Trigger for Fine Limit Exceeded--
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (active, owner, name, hook, validator, reactor, delay, group_field, max_delay, template)
+ VALUES (false, 1, 'Fine Limit Exceeded', 'penalty.PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES', 'NOOP_True', 'SendEmail', '00:05:00', 'usr', '1 day',
+[%- USE date -%]
+[%- user = target.usr -%]
+To: [%- params.recipient_email || user.email %]
+From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
+Date: [%- date.format(date.now, '%a, %d %b %Y %T -0000', gmt => 1) %]
+Subject: Fine Limit Exceeded
+Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
+Dear [% user.first_given_name %] [% user.family_name %],
+Our records indicate your account has exceeded the fine limit allowed for the use of your library account.
+Please visit the library to pay your fines and restore full access to your account.
+[% END %]
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def, path) VALUES
+ (currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'usr'),
+ (currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'usr.card');
+-- End Action Trigger for Fine Limit Exceeded
-- in-db indexing normalizers
INSERT INTO config.index_normalizer (name, description, func, param_count) VALUES (
'NACO Normalize',
--- /dev/null
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.event_definition (active, owner, name, hook, validator, reactor, delay, group_field, max_delay, template)
+ VALUES (false, 1, 'Fine Limit Exceeded', 'penalty.PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES', 'NOOP_True', 'SendEmail', '00:05:00', 'usr', '1 day',
+[%- USE date -%]
+[%- user = target.usr -%]
+To: [%- params.recipient_email || user.email %]
+From: [%- params.sender_email || default_sender %]
+Date: [%- date.format(date.now, '%a, %d %b %Y %T -0000', gmt => 1) %]
+Subject: Fine Limit Exceeded
+Auto-Submitted: auto-generated
+Dear [% user.first_given_name %] [% user.family_name %],
+Our records indicate your account has exceeded the fine limit allowed for the use of your library account.
+Please visit the library to pay your fines and restore full access to your account.
+[% END %]
+INSERT INTO action_trigger.environment (event_def, path) VALUES
+ (currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'usr'),
+ (currval('action_trigger.event_definition_id_seq'), 'usr.card');
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+New Action Trigger - Fine Limit Exceeded
+New optional email notification that is sent when a block is applied
+to a patron's account due to excess fines.
+(The patron block functionality itself already exists and is based on
+the settings in Local Admin > Standing Penalties (PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES)
+and Local Administration > Group Penalty Thresholds.)
\ No newline at end of file