<simplesect xml:id="importingarecordviaz39.50">
<title>Importing a record via Z39.50</title>
+<para>Find the desired record, click <guibutton>MARC Editor for Import</guibutton>,
+and make any desired changes. Click <guibutton>Import Record</guibutton> when done.
+A success (or failure) message will display. If you used <guilabel>Fast Item Adds</guilabel>,
+the <guilabel>Copy Editor</guilabel> will appear.</para>
+ </simplesect>
+ <simplesect xml:id="fastitemadds">
+ <title>Fast Item Adds</title>
+<para>Clicking the <guibutton>Fast Item Add</guibutton> box will display <guilabel>Call Number</guilabel> and
+<guilabel>Item Barcode</guilabel> fields. Use these to quickly add items to the record as you
+edit it.</para>
+<para>When you've successfully imported the record, the copy editor will display. Make
+necessary adjustments and click <guibutton>Modify/Create Copies</guibutton>.</para>
+ <note>
+ <para>As of 2.0.6, the status of items created with Fast Item Add will
+ be set to
+ <emphasis>In Process</emphasis>
+ , consistent with other types of item creation. This is a
+ change from 1.6.</para>
+ </note>
<simplesect xml:id="recordcollisions">
<title>Record Collisions</title>
-<note>In the current version of the software, if the global flag "Cat: Use internal ID for TCN value" has been set by
+<note>As of 2.0.5, if the global flag "Cat: Use internal ID for TCN value" has been set by
the administrator (under <menuchoice><guimenu>Admin <guimenuitem>Server Settings</guimenuitem>
<guimenuitem>Global Flags</guimenuitem></guimenu></menuchoice>), the collision
detection in the Z39.50 import interface will be disabled because it relies on the TCN.
bib record imports from Z39.50 will be up to the user.</note>.
- <simplesect xml:id="fastitemadds">
- <title>Fast Item Adds</title>
-<step><para>If Fast Item Add was used, the copy editor will display. Make
-necessary adjustments and click <guibutton>Create Copies</guibutton>.</para></step>
- <note>
- <para>The status of items created with Fast Item Add will
- be set to
- <emphasis>In Process</emphasis>
- , consistent with other types of item creation. This is a
- change from 1.6.</para>
- </note>
- </simplesect>
<simplesect xml:id="rawsearches">
<title>Raw Searches</title>