( 'patron.password.use_phone',
oils_i18n_gettext('patron.password.use_phone', 'Patron: password from phone #', 'coust', 'label'),
- oils_i18n_gettext('patron.password.use_phone', 'Use the last 4 digits of the patrons phone number as the default password when creating new users', 'coust', 'description'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext('patron.password.use_phone', 'By default, use the last 4 alphanumeric characters of the patrons phone number as the default password when creating new users. The exact characters used may be configured via the "GUI: Regex for day_phone field on patron registration" setting.', 'coust', 'description'),
( 'circ.charge_on_damaged',
UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET description = 'The Regular Expression for validation on phone fields in patron registration. Applies to all phone fields without their own setting. NOTE: See description of the day_phone regex for important information about capture groups with it.' WHERE name = 'ui.patron.edit.phone.regex';
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type SET description = oils_i18n_gettext('patron.password.use_phone', 'By default, use the last 4 alphanumeric characters of the patrons phone number as the default password when creating new users. The exact characters used may be configured via the "GUI: Regex for day_phone field on patron registration" setting.', 'coust', 'description') WHERE name = 'patron.password.use_phone';