<td align='left' width='100%'>
<!-- bool selector. hide for first row. safe to ignore first bool value in form submission -->
- <select name='bool' style='width: auto' [% IF loop.first %] class='invisible' [% END %]>
+ <select title="[% l('Boolean search operator') %]"
+ name='bool' style='width: auto' [% IF loop.first %] class='invisible' [% END %]>
<option value='and' [% b == 'and' ? 'selected="selected"' : '' %]>[% l('And') %]</option>
<option value='or' [% b == 'or' ? 'selected="selected"' : '' %]>[% l('Or') %]</option>
query_type=qtype %]
- <select name='contains' style='margin-right: 7px;'>
+ <select title="[% l('Search phrase match strictness') %]"
+ name='contains' style='margin-right: 7px;'>
[% FOR o IN contains_options; -%]
<option value="[% o.value %]" [% c == o.value ? ' selected="selected"' : '' %]>[% o.label %]</option>
[% END %]
- <input type='text' size='18' name='query' value="[% q | html %]" x-webkit-speech [% IF loop.index == 0 %] autofocus [% END %] />
+ <input title="[% l('Search term') %]"
+ type='text' size='18' name='query' value="[% q | html %]" x-webkit-speech [% IF loop.index == 0 %] autofocus [% END %] />
<a href="javascript:;" class="row-remover"
title="[% l('Remove row') %]" alt="[% l('Remove row') %]"
onclick='return killRowIfAtLeast(2, this);'>
CASE "pub_year"; %]
<select name='pubdate'
+ title="[% l('Publicatiion date search modifier') %]"
onchange='if(this.selectedIndex == 3)
<div id='adv_special_block'>
- <input name='date1' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value="[% CGI.param('date1') | html %]" />
+ <input title="[% l('First date') %]"
+ name='date1' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value="[% CGI.param('date1') | html %]" />
<span id='adv_global_pub_date_2_span' class='[% CGI.param("pubdate") == "between" ? "" : "hide_me" %]'>
- [% l("and") %] <input name='date2' type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value="[% CGI.param('date2') | html %]" />
+ [% l("and") %] <input name='date2'
+ title="[% l('Second date') %]" type='text' size='4' maxlength='4' value="[% CGI.param('date2') | html %]" />
ELSIF adv_chunk.adv_attr;
INCLUDE "opac/parts/coded_value_selector.tt2"
- attr=adv_chunk.adv_attr multiple="multiple" size=adv_chunk.adv_size || search.default_adv_select_height || "4";
+ attr=adv_chunk.adv_attr multiple="multiple"
+ filter_label=l('Select [_1]', adv_chunk.adv_label)
+ size=adv_chunk.adv_size || search.default_adv_select_height || "4";
ELSIF adv_chunk.adv_filter;
INCLUDE "opac/parts/filter_group_selector.tt2"
- filter_group=adv_chunk.adv_filter multiple="multiple" size=adv_chunk.adv_size || search.default_adv_select_height || "4";
+ filter_group=adv_chunk.adv_filter multiple="multiple"
+ filter_label=l('Select [_1]', adv_chunk.adv_label)
+ size=adv_chunk.adv_size || search.default_adv_select_height || "4";
END; %]
<select id='[% id %]' name='[% name %]'[%
multiple ? ' multiple="multiple"' : '';
size ? (' size="' _ size _ '"') : '';
-%] aria-label="[% l('Select item type:') %]">
+%] aria-label="[% filter_label || l('Select item type:') %]">
[% IF none_ok %]
<option value=''>[% none_label ? none_label : l('-- Any --') %]</option>
[% END;
<select id='[% id %]' class='[% class %]' name='[% name %]'[%
multiple ? ' multiple="multiple"' : '';
+ title="[% filter_label || l('Search Filter') %]"
size ? (' size="' _ size _ '"') : ''; %]>
[% IF none_ok %]
<option value=''>[% none_label ? none_label : l('-- Any --') %]</option>
-<select [% class ? ('class="' _ class _ '"') : '' %] id='[% id || "opac.result.sort" %]' name="[% name || 'sort' %]" [% IF submit_on_change %]onchange='this.form.submit()'[% END %]>
+<select title="[% l('Search sorting') %]"
+ [% class ? ('class="' _ class _ '"') : '' %] id='[% id || "opac.result.sort" %]'
+ name="[% name || 'sort' %]" [% IF submit_on_change %]onchange='this.form.submit()'[% END %]>
[% IF mode != 'bookbag' %]<option value=''>[% l("Sort by Relevance") %]</option>[% END %]
<optgroup label='[% l("Sort by Title") %]'>
<option value='titlesort'[% value == 'titlesort' ? ' selected="selected"' : '' %]>[% l("Title: A to Z") %]</option>