# Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Georgia Public Library Service
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Equinox Software, Inc.
# Author: David J. Fiander
+# Author: Mike Rylander
+# Author: Bill Erickson
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public
use warnings;
use Exporter;
use Sys::Syslog qw(syslog);
+use Net::Server::Multiplex;
use Net::Server::PreFork;
use Net::Server::Proto;
use IO::Socket::INET;
+use IO::Pipe;
use Data::Dumper; # For debugging
require UNIVERSAL::require;
+use POSIX qw/:sys_wait_h :errno_h/;
-#use Sip qw(readline);
+use Sip qw($protocol_version);
use Sip::Constants qw(:all);
use Sip::Configuration;
use Sip::Checksum qw(checksum verify_cksum);
use Sip::MsgType;
+use Time::HiRes qw/time/;
+use Cache::Memcached;
use constant LOG_SIP => "local6"; # Local alias for the logging facility
"syslog_facility=" . LOG_SIP;
-# Server Management: set parameters for the Net::Server::PreFork
-# module. The module silently ignores parameters that it doesn't
+# Server Management: set parameters for the Net::Server personality
+# chosen, defaulting to PreFork.
+# The PreFork module silently ignores parameters that it doesn't
# recognize, and complains about invalid values for parameters
# that it does.
+# The Fork module only cares about max_servers, for our purposes, which
+# defaults to 256.
+# The Multiplex module ignores all runtime params, and triggers an
+# alternate implementation of the processing loop. See the Net::Server
+# personality documentation for details. The max-concurrent parameter
+# can be used here to limit the number of concurrent in-flight requests
+# to avoid a fork-bomb DoS situation. The default is 256.
+my $worker_keepalive = 5;
+my $max_concurrent = 256;
if (defined($config->{'server-params'})) {
while (my ($key, $val) = each %{$config->{'server-params'}}) {
push @parms, $key . '=' . $val;
+ @ISA = ('Net::Server::'.$val) if ($key eq 'personality');
+ $max_concurrent = $val if ($key eq 'max-concurrent');
+ $worker_keepalive = $val if ($key eq 'worker-keepalive');
print Dumper(@parms);
+# initialize all remaining global variables before
+# going into listen mode.
+my %kid_hash;
+my $kid_count = 0;
+my $cache;
+my @pending_connections;
+my %active_connections;
# This is the main event.
# process_request is the callback used by Net::Server to handle
-# an incoming connection request.
+# an incoming connection request when the peronsality is either
+# Fork or PreFork.
sub process_request {
my $self = shift;
syslog("LOG_INFO", '%s: shutting down', $transport);
+# mux_input is the callback used by Net::Server to handle
+# an incoming connection request when the peronsality is
+# Multiplex.
+sub init_cache {
+ return $cache if $cache;
+ if (!$config->{cache}) {
+ syslog('LOG_ERR', "Cache servers needed");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $servers = $config->{cache}->{server};
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "Cache servers: @$servers");
+ $cache = Cache::Memcached->new({servers => $servers}) or
+ syslog('LOG_ERR', "Unable to initialize memcache: @$servers");
+ return $cache;
+# In the parent, pending connections are tracked as an array of PIDs.
+# As each child process completes the login dance, it plops some
+# info into memcache for us to pickup and copy into our active
+# connections. No memcache entry means the child login dance
+# is still in progress.
+sub check_pending_connections {
+ return unless @pending_connections;
+ init_cache();
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG',
+ "multi: pending connections to inspect: @pending_connections");
+ # get_multi will return all completed login blobs
+ my @keys = map { "sip_pending_auth_$_" } @pending_connections;
+ my $values = $cache->get_multi(@keys);
+ for my $key (keys %$values) {
+ my $VAR1; # for Dump() -> eval;
+ eval $values->{$key}; # Data::Dumper->Dump string
+ my $id = $VAR1->{id}; # conn_id
+ $active_connections{$id}{net_server_parts} = $VAR1->{net_server_parts};
+ if ($VAR1->{success}) {
+ if ($active_connections{$id}{net_server_parts}{state}) {
+ local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "multi: conn_id=$id has state: ".
+ Dumper($active_connections{$id}{net_server_parts}{state}));
+ }
+ } else {
+ syslog('LOG_INFO', "Child $id failed SIP login; removing connection");
+ delete $active_connections{$id};
+ }
+ # clean up ---
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG',
+ "multi: pending connection for conn_id=$id resolved");
+ $cache->delete($key);
+ @pending_connections = grep {$_ ne $id} @pending_connections;
+ }
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG',
+ "multi: connections still pending after check: @pending_connections")
+ if @pending_connections;
+ if (0) {
+ # useful for debugging connection-specific state information
+ local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 0;
+ for my $conn_id (keys %active_connections) {
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "Connection $conn_id has state "
+ .Dumper($active_connections{$conn_id}{net_server_parts}{state}));
+ }
+ }
+sub sig_chld {
+ if ( !scalar(keys(%kid_hash))) { # not using mux mode
+ 1 while waitpid(-1, WNOHANG) > 0;
+ } else {
+ for (keys(%kid_hash)) {
+ if ( my $reaped = waitpid($_, WNOHANG) > 0 ) {
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "Reaping child $_");
+ # Mourning... done.
+ $kid_count--;
+ # note: in some cases (when the primary connection is severed),
+ # the active connection is cleaned up in mux_close.
+ if ($active_connections{$kid_hash{$_}}) {
+ if ($active_connections{$kid_hash{$_}}{worker_pipe}) {
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "Closing worker pipe after timeout for: $kid_hash{$_}");
+ delete $active_connections{$kid_hash{$_}}{worker_pipe};
+ }
+ }
+ delete $kid_hash{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub mux_connection {
+ my ($mself, $fh) = @_;
+ my ($peeraddr, $peerport) = (
+ $mself->{net_server}->{server}->{peeraddr},
+ $mself->{net_server}->{server}->{peerport}
+ );
+ # create a new connection ID for this MUX handler.
+ $mself->{conn_id} = "$peeraddr:$peerport\@" . time();
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "New connection created: ".$mself->{conn_id});
+sub mux_input {
+ my $mself = shift;
+ my $mux = shift;
+ my $mux_fh = shift;
+ my $str_ref = shift;
+ my $conn_id = $mself->{conn_id}; # see mux_connection
+ # and process any pending logins
+ check_pending_connections();
+ my $c = scalar(keys %active_connections);
+ syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "multi: inbound message on connection $conn_id; $c total");
+ if ($kid_count >= $max_concurrent) {
+ # XXX should we say something to the client? maybe wait and try again?
+ syslog('LOG_ERR', "Unwilling to fork new child process, at least $max_concurrent already ongoing");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $self;
+ if (!$active_connections{$conn_id}) { # Brand new connection, log them in
+ $self = $mself->{net_server};
+ my ($sockaddr, $port, $proto);
+ $self->{config} = $config;
+ $sockaddr = $self->{server}->{sockaddr};
+ $port = $self->{server}->{sockport};
+ $proto = $self->{server}->{client}->NS_proto();
+ syslog('LOG_INFO', "New client $conn_id connecting to $sockaddr on port $port and proto $proto");
+ $self->{service} = $config->find_service( $sockaddr, $port, $proto );
+ if (! defined($self->{service})) {
+ syslog( "LOG_ERR", "process_request: Unrecognized server connection: %s:%s/%s",
+ $sockaddr, $port, $proto );
+ syslog('LOG_ERR', "process_request: Bad server connection");
+ return;
+ }
+ my $transport = $transports{ $self->{service}->{transport} };
+ if ( !defined($transport) ) {
+ syslog("LOG_WARNING", "Unknown transport, dropping");
+ return;
+ }
+ # We stick this here, assuming success. Cleanup comes later via memcache and reaper.
+ $active_connections{$conn_id} = {
+ id => $conn_id,
+ transport => $transport,
+ net_server => $self,
+ worker_pipe => IO::Pipe->new
+ };
+ # This is kind of kinky, but allows us to avoid requiring Socket::Linux.
+ # A simple "Socket::Linux"->use won't suffice since we need access to
+ # all of it's bareword constants as well.
+ eval <<' EVAL';
+ setsockopt($self->{server}->{client}, SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, 1);
+ setsockopt($self->{server}->{client}, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPIDLE, 120);
+ setsockopt($self->{server}->{client}, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_KEEPINTVL, 10);
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if (!defined($pid) or $pid < 0) {
+ syslog('LOG_ERR', "Unable to fork new child process $!");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($pid == 0) { # in kid
+ $active_connections{$conn_id}{worker_pipe}->reader;
+ $cache = undef; # don't use the same cache handle as our parent.
+ my $cache_data = {id => $conn_id};
+ # Once the login dance is complete in SipMsg, login_complete() is
+ # called so that we may cache the results before the login response
+ # message is delivered to the client.
+ $self->{login_complete} = sub {
+ my $status = shift;
+ if ($status) { # login OK
+ $self->{state} = $self->{ils}->state() if (UNIVERSAL::can($self->{ils},'state'));
+ $cache_data->{success} = 1;
+ $cache_data->{net_server_parts} = {
+ map { ($_ => $$self{$_}) } qw/state institution account/
+ };
+ # Stash the ILS module somewhere handy for later
+ $cache_data->{net_server_parts}{ils} = ref($self->{ils});
+ } else {
+ $cache_data->{success} = 0;
+ }
+ init_cache()->set(
+ "sip_pending_auth_$conn_id",
+ Data::Dumper->Dump([$cache_data]),
+ # Our cache entry is only inspected when the parent process
+ # wakes up from an inbound request. If this is the last child
+ # to connect before a long period of inactivity, our cache
+ # entry may sit unnattended for some time, hence the
+ # 12 hour cache timeout. XXX: make it configurable?
+ 43200 # 12 hours
+ );
+ $self->{login_complete_called} = 1;
+ };
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "Child $$ / $conn_id kicking off login process");
+ eval { &$transport($self, $active_connections{$conn_id}{worker_pipe}) };
+ if ($@) {
+ syslog('LOG_ERR', "ILS login error: $@");
+ $self->{login_complete}->(0) unless $self->{login_complete_called};
+ }
+ $self->sip_protocol_loop(
+ $active_connections{$conn_id}{worker_pipe},
+ $self->{account}->{'worker-keepalive'}
+ // $self->{institution}->{'worker-keepalive'}
+ // $worker_keepalive
+ );
+ exit(0);
+ } else {
+ my $fh = $active_connections{$conn_id}{worker_pipe};
+ $fh->writer;
+ $fh->autoflush;
+ print $fh $$str_ref;
+ push(@pending_connections, $conn_id);
+ $kid_hash{$pid} = $conn_id;
+ $kid_count++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $self = $active_connections{$conn_id}->{net_server};
+ my $ns_parts = $active_connections{$conn_id}->{net_server_parts};
+ if ($active_connections{$conn_id}{worker_pipe}) {
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "multi: parent writing msg to existing child process");
+ my $fh = $active_connections{$conn_id}{worker_pipe};
+ print $fh $$str_ref;
+ } else { # waited too long, kid and pipe are gone
+ $active_connections{$conn_id}{worker_pipe} = IO::Pipe->new;
+ syslog('LOG_DEBUG', "multi: parent creating new pipe for existing connection");
+ my $pid = fork();
+ if (!defined($pid) or $pid < 0) {
+ syslog('LOG_ERR', "Unable to fork new child process $!");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($pid == 0) { # in kid
+ $active_connections{$conn_id}{worker_pipe}->reader;
+ syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "multi: $conn_id to be processed by child $$");
+ # build the connection we deleted after logging in
+ $ns_parts->{ils}->use; # module name in the parent
+ $self->{$_} = $ns_parts->{$_} for keys %$ns_parts;
+ $self->{ils} = $ns_parts->{ils}->new(
+ $ns_parts->{institution}, $ns_parts->{account}, $ns_parts->{state});
+ # MUX mode only works with protocol version 2, because it assumes
+ # a SIP login has occured. However, since the login occured
+ # within a different now-dead process, the previously modified
+ # protocol_version is lost. Re-apply it globally here.
+ $protocol_version = 2;
+ if (!$self->{ils}) {
+ syslog('LOG_ERR', "Unable to build ILS module in mux child");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ $self->sip_protocol_loop(
+ $active_connections{$conn_id}{worker_pipe},
+ $self->{account}->{'worker-keepalive'}
+ // $self->{institution}->{'worker-keepalive'}
+ // $worker_keepalive
+ );
+ exit(0);
+ } else { # in parent
+ $active_connections{$conn_id}{worker_pipe}->writer;
+ my $fh = $active_connections{$conn_id}{worker_pipe};
+ $fh->autoflush;
+ print $fh $$str_ref;
+ $kid_count++;
+ $kid_hash{$pid} = $conn_id;
+ syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "multi: $conn_id forked child $pid; $kid_count total");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # clear read data from the mux string ref
+ $$str_ref = '';
+# client disconnected, remove the active connection
+sub mux_close {
+ my ($self, $mux, $fh) = @_;
+ my $conn_id = $self->{conn_id};
+ delete $active_connections{$conn_id};
+ syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "multi: mux_close cleaning up child: $conn_id; ".
+ scalar(keys %active_connections)." remain");
# Transports
sub raw_transport {
my $self = shift;
+ my $fh = shift || *STDIN;
my ($uid, $pwd);
my $input;
my $service = $self->{service};
while ($strikes--) {
alarm $timeout;
- $input = Sip::read_SIP_packet(*STDIN);
+ $input = Sip::read_SIP_packet($fh);
alarm 0;
if (!$input) {
die 'raw_transport: sending SC status before login not enabled, exiting';
Sip::MsgType::handle($input, $self, SC_STATUS);
+ $strikes++; # it's allowed, don't charge for it
last if Sip::MsgType::handle($input, $self, LOGIN);
syslog("LOG_DEBUG", "raw_transport: uname/inst: '%s/%s'",
sub telnet_transport {
my $self = shift;
+ my $fh = shift || *STDIN;
my ($uid, $pwd);
my $strikes = 3;
my $account = undef;
while ($strikes--) {
print "login: ";
alarm $timeout;
- $uid = <STDIN>;
+ $uid = <$fh>;
alarm 0;
print "password: ";
alarm $timeout;
- $pwd = <STDIN>;
+ $pwd = <$fh>;
alarm 0;
$uid =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
# processes are the same:
sub sip_protocol_loop {
my $self = shift;
+ my $fh = shift || *STDIN;
+ my $keepalive = shift;
my $expect;
my $service = $self->{service};
my $config = $self->{config};
my $input;
- my $timeout = $self->{service}->{timeout} || $config->{timeout} || 0;
+ my $timeout = $keepalive || $self->{service}->{timeout} || $config->{timeout} || 0;
# Now that the terminal has logged in, the first message
# we recieve must be an SC_STATUS message. But it might be
$expect = '';
alarm $timeout; # First loop timeout
- while ( $input = Sip::read_SIP_packet(*STDIN) ) {
+ while ( $input = Sip::read_SIP_packet($fh) ) {
alarm 0; # Don't timeout while we are processing
$input =~ s/[\r\n]+$//sm; # Strip off any trailing line ends
my $status = Sip::MsgType::handle($input, $self, $expect);
- next if $status eq REQUEST_ACS_RESEND;
+ if ($status eq REQUEST_ACS_RESEND) {
+ alarm $timeout;
+ next;
+ }
if (!$status) {
syslog("LOG_ERR", "raw_transport: failed to handle %s", substr($input,0,2));
die "sip_protocol_loop: exiting: expected '$expect', received '$status'";
+ last if (defined $keepalive && !$keepalive);
# We successfully received and processed what we were expecting
$expect = '';
alarm $timeout; # Next loop timeout