(You'll need 'setuptools' in order to have 'easy_install'.)
+If lxml gives you trouble in linux, install python-xml instead:
+sudo apt-get install python-lxml
Windows is very similar, use setuptools. The trickiest dependency might
-be lxml, it is possible to get a binary for it here:
+be lxml here as well, it is possible to get a binary for it:
* Copy local_settings.py.example to local_settings.py, and review the settings
-* If you want to use Evergreen authentication and/or plan to update the catalogue
-from syrup, you must fill in all the commented values in local_settings and
+* Django 1.4 and above uses a different syntax for database settings, this will
+work for syrup as well, see: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#databases
* ./manage.py syncdb
If you are an evergreen site
-Congratulations! Syrup can integrate closely with evergreen using OpenSRF, install the
-python bindings with OpenSRF on the machine where Syrup sits, and take note of the dnsmasq
-section in the OpenSRF README.
+Congratulations! Status information can be obtained without any additional
+If you want to use Evergreen authentication and/or plan to update the catalogue
+from syrup, you must fill in all the commented values in local_settings and
+set EVERGREEN_AUTHENTICATION to True and install OpenSRF. Remember to install
+the python bindings with OpenSRF on the machine where Syrup sits, and
+take note of the dnsmasq section in the OpenSRF README.
+You don't need to install the Evergreen server if it's not already there, but you do need
+to copy or link the Open-ILS/src/python/oils directory from the server distribution in
+the active dist-packages folder, e.g. /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages
Integration is carried out through an intergration class, for Windsor we use
"conifer.integration.uwindsor.UWindsorIntegration", but this should be defined for your