[% END %]
+ <tr>
+ <td>
+ [% more_copies_limit = 50 %] [%# TODO: config %]
+ [% IF ctx.copy_limit != more_copies_limit AND ctx.copies.size >= ctx.copy_limit %]
+ <div style='margin-top:10px;'>
+ <img src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/plus_sign.png" />
+ [% cgi = CGI();
+ SET x = cgi.param('copy_limit', more_copies_limit);
+ SET x = cgi.param('copy_offset', 0); %]
+ <a href="[% cgi.url("-path" => 1, "-query" => 1) %]">[% l('Show more copies') %]</a>
+ </div>
+ [% ELSIF ctx.copy_limit == more_copies_limit %]
+ <div style='margin-top:10px;'>
+ <img src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/minus_sign.png" />
+ [% cgi = CGI();
+ SET x = cgi.param('copy_limit', '0'); # 0 == fall back to default
+ SET x = cgi.param('copy_offset', '0'); %]
+ <a href="[% cgi.url("-path" => 1, "-query" => 1) %]">[% l('Show fewer copies') %]</a>
+ </div>
+ [% END %]
+ </td>
+ </tr>