Disable automatic print attempts from staff client interfaces for the receipt types in this list. Possible values: "Checkout", "Bill Pay", "Hold Slip", "Transit Slip", and/or "Hold/Transit Slip". This is different from the
Auto-Print checkbox in the pertinent interfaces in that it disables automatic print attempts altogether, rather than encouraging silent printing by suppressing the print dialog. The Auto-Print checkbox in these interfaces have no
effect on the behavior for this setting. In the case of the Hold, Transit, and Hold/Transit slips, this also suppresses the alert dialogs that precede the print dialog (the ones that offer Print and Do Not Print as options).
git-svn-id: svn://svn.open-ils.org/ILS/trunk@14079
'List of checkout/renewal events that the selfcheck interface should automatically override instead instead of alerting and stopping the transaction',
'array' ),
+( 'circ.staff_client.do_not_auto_attempt_print',
+ 'Disable Automatic Print Attempt Type List',
+ 'Disable automatic print attempts from staff client interfaces for the receipt types in this list. Possible values: "Checkout", "Bill Pay", "Hold Slip", "Transit Slip", and "Hold/Transit Slip". This is different from the Auto-Print checkbox in the pertinent interfaces in that it disables automatic print attempts altogether, rather than encouraging silent printing by suppressing the print dialog. The Auto-Print checkbox in these interfaces have no effect on the behavior for this setting. In the case of the Hold, Transit, and Hold/Transit slips, this also suppresses the alert dialogs that precede the print dialog (the ones that offer Print and Do Not Print as options).',
+ 'array' ),
( 'ui.patron.default_inet_access_level',
'Default level of patrons'' internet access',
function() {
try {
+ var no_print_prompting = obj.data.hash.aous['circ.staff_client.do_not_auto_attempt_print'];
+ if (no_print_prompting) {
+ if (no_print_prompting.indexOf( "Checkout" ) > -1) {
+ obj.list.clear();
+ xulG.set_tab(urls.XUL_PATRON_BARCODE_ENTRY,{},{});
+ return;
+ }
+ }
if (document.getElementById('checkout_auto').checked) {
obj.print(true,function() {
msg += '\n';
var rv = 0;
+ var no_print_prompting = data.hash.aous['circ.staff_client.do_not_auto_attempt_print'];
+ if (no_print_prompting) {
+ if (no_print_prompting.indexOf( "Hold Slip" ) > -1) {
+ rv = -1; auto_print = true; // DO NOT PRINT and skip dialog
+ }
+ }
print_data.slip_date = util.date.formatted_date(new Date(),'%F');
print_data.slip_date_msg = document.getElementById('circStrings').getFormattedString('staff.circ.utils.payload.hold.slip_date', [print_data.slip_date]);
msg += print_data.slip_date_msg;
msg += '\n';
var rv = 0;
+ var no_print_prompting = data.hash.aous['circ.staff_client.do_not_auto_attempt_print'];
+ if (no_print_prompting) {
+ if (no_print_prompting.indexOf( check.payload.hold ? "Hold/Transit Slip" : "Transit Slip" ) > -1) {
+ rv = -1; auto_print = true; // DO NOT PRINT and skip dialog
+ }
+ }
print_data.slip_date = util.date.formatted_date(new Date(),'%F');
print_data.slip_date_msg = document.getElementById('circStrings').getFormattedString('staff.circ.utils.payload.hold.slip_date', [print_data.slip_date]);
msg += print_data.slip_date_msg;
obj.data.voided_billings = []; obj.data.stash('voided_billings');
try {
+ var no_print_prompting = obj.data.hash.aous['circ.staff_client.do_not_auto_attempt_print'];
+ if (no_print_prompting) {
+ if (no_print_prompting.indexOf( "Bill Pay" ) > -1) return; // Skip print attempt
+ }
var template = 'bill_payment';