The cancel/delay reason label is displayed as the line item status in the list of line items or as the copy status in the list of copies.
A delayed line item can now be canceled. You can mark a line item as delayed, and if later, the order cannot be filled, you can change the line item's status to canceled. When delayed line items are canceled, the encumbrances are deleted.
Purchase Order line items are marked as "Paid" in red text when all non-cancelled copies on the line item have been invoiced.
-image::media/2.10_Lineitem_Paid.PNG[Paid Lineitem]
+image::media/2_10_Lineitem_Paid.png[Paid Lineitem]
Brief Records
To view the parameters of a report, select the report that you want to view from the *Reports* folder, and click *View*. This will enable you to view the report, inlcuding links to external documentation and field hints. However, you cannot make any changes to the report.
To edit the parameters of a report, select the report that you want to view from the *Reports* folder, and click *Edit*. After making changes, you can *Save [the] Report* or *Save as New*. If you *Save the Report*, any subsequent report outputs that are generated from this report will reflect the changes that you have made.
In addition, whenever there is a pending (scheduled, but not yet started) report output, the interface will warn you that the pending output will be modified. At that point, you can either continue or choose the alternate *Save as New* option, leaving the report output untouched.
If, after making changes, you select, *Save as New*, then you have created a new report by cloning and ammending a previously existing report. Note that if you create a new report, you will be prompted to rename the new report. Evergreen does not allow two reports with the same name to exist. To view or edit your new report, select the reports folder to which you saved it.
You can add a link to local documentation that can help staff create a report template. To add documentation to a report template, click *Admin* -> *Local Administration* -> *Reports*, and create a new report template. A new field, *Documentation URL*, appears in the *Template Configuration* panel. Enter a URL that points to relevant documentation.
The link to this documentation will also appear in your list of report templates.
Field Hints
To view a field hint, click the *Column Picker*, and select *Field Hint*. The column will be added to the display.
To add or edit a field hint, select a filter or field, and click *Change Field Hint*. Enter text, and click *Ok*.
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