font-weight: lighter;
font-size: 70%;
+#results-page-depth-hint {
+ text-align: center;
+ font-style: italic;
# ctx.maintenance_message = "The system will not be available February 29, 2104.";
+# Depth Button/Checkbox
+# Recommendation: Do not enable button for basic search without enabling the
+# checkbox for the results page
+ctx.depth_sel_checkbox = 1; # Results Page Checkbox Toggle
+ctx.depth_sel_button = 1; # Basic Search Submit Button
+ctx.depth_sel_depth = 0; # Depth to set to
+ctx.depth_sel_button_label = l('All Libraries');
+ctx.depth_sel_button_class = 'opac-button';
+ctx.depth_sel_checkbox_label = l('Show results from all libraries');
+ctx.depth_sel_tooltip = l('Select this option to expand your results to all libraries while retaining the priority of your selected library\'s holdings.');
+ctx.depth_sel_resultshint = l('Showing results from all libraries');
# Metarecords configuration
<input id="detail" type="hidden" name="detail_record_view" value="1"/>
[%- END %]
<input id='search-submit-go' type="submit" value="[% l('Search') %]" class="opac-button"
- onclick='setTimeout(function(){$("search-submit-spinner").className=""; $("search-submit-go").className="hidden"}, 2000)'/>
+ onclick='setTimeout(function(){$("search-submit-spinner").className=""; $("search-submit-go").className="hidden";[% IF ctx.depth_sel_button AND NOT took_care_of_form %] $("search-submit-go-depth").className="hidden";[% END %]}, 2000)'/>
+ [%- IF ctx.depth_sel_button AND NOT took_care_of_form %]
+ <button id='search-submit-go-depth' type="submit" value="[% ctx.depth_sel_depth %]" name="depth" class="[% ctx.depth_sel_button_class %]"
+ onclick='setTimeout(function(){$("search-submit-spinner").className=""; $("search-submit-go").className="hidden"; $("search-submit-go-depth").className="hidden";}, 2000)' title="[% ctx.depth_sel_tooltip | html %]">[% ctx.depth_sel_button_label | html %]</button>
+ [%- END %]
<img id='search-submit-spinner' src='/opac/images/progressbar_green.gif' style='height:16px;width:16px;' class='hidden' alt='[% l("Search In Progress") %]'/>
[% l('Group Formats and Editions') %]
[% END %]
- [% IF loc_value != 1 %]
- <label class="results_header_lbl" for="depth_zero" title="[% l('Select this option to expand your results to all Org Units while retaining the priority of your selected library\'s holdings.') %]">
- <input type="checkbox" id="depth_zero" name="depth" value="0"
+ [% IF ctx.depth_sel_checkbox %]
+ <label class="results_header_lbl" for="depth_sel" title="[% ctx.depth_sel_tooltip | html %]">
+ <input type="checkbox" id="depth_sel" name="depth" value="[% ctx.depth_sel_depth %]"
- [% CGI.param('depth') == '0' ? ' checked="checked"' : '' %] />
- [% l('Show results from all Org Units') %]
+ [% CGI.param('depth') == ctx.depth_sel_depth ? ' checked="checked"' : '' %] />
+ [% ctx.depth_sel_checkbox_label | html %]
[% END %]
[%- IF CGI.param('detail_record_view')
<div id="content-wrapper">
<div id="main-content">
<div id="results-page">
+ [%- IF (ctx.depth_sel_checkbox OR ctx.depth_sel_button) AND CGI.param('depth') == ctx.depth_sel_depth AND ctx.depth_sel_resultshint %]
+ <div id="results-page-depth-hint">[% ctx.depth_sel_resultshint | html %]</div>
+ [%- END %]
[% path = "opac/parts/result/" _
(ctx.records.size ? "table.tt2" : "lowhits.tt2");
INCLUDE $path %]