if (!localeStrings) { /* we can do this because javascript doesn't have block scope */
this.vlAgent = new VLAgent();
+ if (dojo.byId('acq-lit-apply-idents')) {
+ dojo.byId('acq-lit-apply-idents').onclick = function() {
+ self.applyOrderIdentValues();
+ };
+ }
this.focusLineitem = new openils.CGI().param('focus_li');
dojo.byId("acq-lit-li-actions-selector").onchange = function() {
dojo.query('[name=copieslink]', row)[0].onclick = function() {self.drawCopies(};
dojo.query('[name=noteslink]', row)[0].onclick = function() {self.drawLiNotes(li)};
+ this.drawOrderIdentSelector(li, row);
if (!this.skipInitialEligibilityCheck)
+ this.applyOrderIdentValues = function() {
+ this._identValuesInFlight =
+ openils.Util.objectProperties(this.liCache).length;
+ for (var liId in this.liCache) {
+ this._applyOrderIdentValue(this.liCache[liId]);
+ }
+ };
+ // returns true if request was sent
+ this._applyOrderIdentValue = function(li) {
+ var self = this;
+ console.log('applying ident value for lineitem ' +;
+ // main row
+ var row = dojo.query('[li=' + + ']')[0];
+ // find the selected ident value
+ var typeSel = dojo.query('[name=order_ident_type]', row)[0];
+ var valueSel = dojo.query('[name=order_ident_value]', row)[0];
+ var name = typeSel.options[typeSel.selectedIndex].value;
+ var val = typeSel._cbox.attr('value');
+ console.log("selected ident is " + val);
+ // it differs from the existing ident value, update it
+ var oldIdent = self.getLiOrderIdent(li);
+ if (oldIdent &&
+ oldIdent.attr_name() == name &&
+ oldIdent.attr_value() == val) {
+ console.log('selected ident attr matches existing attr');
+ if (--this._identValuesInFlight == 0)
+ location.href = location.href;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // see if the selected ident value is represented
+ // by an existing lineitem attr
+ var args = {};
+ query : {attr_value : val},
+ onItem : function(item) {
+ console.log('found existing attr for ident value');
+ args.source_attr_id = li.attributes().filter(
+ function(attr) { return ==[0] }
+ )[0];
+ }
+ });
+ if (!args.source_attr_id) {
+ // user entered new text in the combobox
+ // so we need to create a new attr
+ console.log('creating new ident attr');
+ args.lineitem_id =;
+ args.attr_name = name;
+ args.attr_value = val;
+ }
+ fieldmapper.standardRequest(
+ ['open-ils.acq', 'open-ils.acq.lineitem.order_identifier.set'],
+ { async : true,
+ params : [openils.User.authtoken, args],
+ oncomplete : function() {
+ console.log('order_ident oncomplete');
+ if (--self._identValuesInFlight == 0)
+ location.href = location.href;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ return true;
+ };
+ this.getLiOrderIdent = function(li) {
+ var attrs = li.attributes();
+ if (!attrs) return null;
+ return attrs.filter(
+ function(attr) {
+ return (
+ attr.attr_type() == 'lineitem_local_attr_definition' &&
+ openils.Util.isTrue(attr.order_ident())
+ );
+ }
+ )[0];
+ };
+ this.drawOrderIdentSelector = function(li, row) {
+ var self = this;
+ var typeSel = dojo.query('[name=order_ident_type]', row)[0];
+ var valueSel = dojo.query('[name=order_ident_value]', row)[0];
+ var attrs = li.attributes();
+ // limit to MARC attr defs
+ attrs = attrs.filter(
+ function(attr) {
+ return (attr.attr_type() == 'lineitem_marc_attr_definition');
+ }
+ );
+ var identAttr = this.getLiOrderIdent(li);
+ // collect the values for each type of identifier
+ // find a reasonable default identifier type to render
+ var values = {};
+ var typeSet = null;
+ dojo.forEach(['isbn', 'upc', 'issn'],
+ function(name) {
+ // collect the values for this attr name
+ values[name] = attrs.filter(
+ function(attr) {
+ return (attr.attr_name() == name)
+ }
+ );
+ // select a reasonable default name in the type-selector
+ if (!typeSet) {
+ var useMe = false;
+ if (identAttr) {
+ if (identAttr.attr_name() == name)
+ useMe = true;
+ } else if (values[name].length) {
+ useMe = true;
+ }
+ if (useMe) {
+ dojo.forEach(typeSel.options, function(opt) {
+ if (opt.value == name) {
+ opt.selected = true;
+ typeSet = name;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ function updateOrderIdent(box) {
+ console.log('updating order ident for box ' + box);
+ }
+ // replace the ident combobox with a new
+ // one for the selected ident type
+ function changeComboBox(sel) {
+ var name = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value;
+ var td = dojo.query('[name=order_ident_value]', row)[0];
+ if (td.childNodes[0])
+ dojo.destroy(td.childNodes[0]);
+ var store = new{
+ data : acqlia.toStoreData(values[name])
+ });
+ var cbox = new dijit.form.ComboBox(
+ { store : store,
+ labelAttr : 'attr_value',
+ searchAttr : 'attr_value'
+ },
+ dojo.create('div', {}, td)
+ );
+ cbox.startup();
+ // set the value for the cbox
+ if (values[name].length) {
+ var orderIdent = self.getLiOrderIdent(li);
+ if (orderIdent && orderIdent.attr_name() == name) {
+ cbox.attr('value', orderIdent.attr_value());
+ } else {
+ cbox.attr('value', values[name][0].attr_value());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!self.orderIdentAllowed)
+ cbox.attr('disabled', true);
+ sel._cbox = cbox;
+ cbox._lineitem = li;
+ dojo.connect(cbox, 'onChange', updateOrderIdent);
+ }
+ changeComboBox(typeSel); // force the initial draw
+ typeSel.onchange = function() {changeComboBox(typeSel)};
+ };
+ this.testOrderIdentPerms = function(org, callback) {
+ var self = this;
+ new openils.User().getPermOrgList(
+ function(orgs) {
+ console.log('found orgs = ' + orgs);
+ for (var i = 0; i < orgs.length; i++) {
+ if (Number(orgs[i]) == Number(org)) {
+ self.orderIdentAllowed = true;
+ if (callback) callback();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (callback) callback();
+ },
+ true, true
+ );
+ };
this.checkClaimEligibility = function(li, callback, row) {
/* Assume always eligible, i.e. from this interface we don't care about
* claim eligibility any more. this is where the user would force a