<ng-container *ngTemplateOutlet="copyAttrsHeader"> </ng-container>
<div class="mt-1 pt-1 border-top">
- <div class="batch-copy-row" *ngFor="let copy of lineitem.lineitem_details()">
+ <div class="batch-copy-row"
+ *ngFor="let copy of lineitem.lineitem_details(); let idx = index">
- [lineitem]="lineitem" [copy]="copy"></eg-lineitem-copy-attrs>
+ [rowIndex]="idx + 1" [lineitem]="lineitem" [copy]="copy">
+ </eg-lineitem-copy-attrs>
and the batch copy editor component -->
<div class="div d-flex batch-copy-row" *ngIf="copy">
+ <div class="pr-1 pt-2 text-secondary">
+ <!-- ensure the rowIndex for the first 100 copies vertically
+ aligns with an invisible 0 for 1..9 -->
+ {{rowIndex}}<span *ngIf="rowIndex < 10" class="invisible">0</span>
+ </div>
<div class="flex-1 p-1">
<eg-org-select #owningLibSelect placeholder="Owning Branch..."
i18n-placeholder [readOnly]="fieldIsDisabled('owning_lib')"