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+Authority Record and Headings Browse Improvements
+Various improvements are made to support for authority records
+and headings browsing:
+ * The MARC to MADS XSLT stylesheet is now used as part of parsing
+ headings from authority records. Since the MODS and MADS stylesheets
+ extract headings in similar ways, duplicate browse entries are now
+ much less likely to occur.
+ * A new configuration table, `authority.heading_field`, is now used
+ to specify how headings should be extracted from authority records.
+ * Related headings can now be identified as narrower or broader when
+ browsing in the public catalog.
+ * See references are now more reliably included in the browse list.
+ * Scope (public) notes now display only under the main heading.
+ * There is now a global flag, Display related headings (see-also) in browse,
+ that can be used to control whether related headings (see-alsos) are
+ displayed in the public catalog list.
+ * A complete set of thesauruses are now included in the seed data. Thesauruses
+ can now be identified using short and long codes.
+ * The labels for see and see-also references in the public catalog are now
+ a bit more patron-friendly, and can now be tweaked via TPAC template
+ customization.