sub retrieve_core {
- my ($self, $e, $set, $max) = @_; # $e is a working editor
+ my ($self, $set, $max, $e) = @_; # $e is a working editor
$e ||= new_editor();
$set ||= __PACKAGE__->retrieve_vendors($e);
my $server;
$logger->info("EDI check for vendor " . ++$vcount . " of " . scalar(@$set) . ": " . $account->host);
unless ($server = __PACKAGE__->remote_account($account)) { # assignment, not comparison
- $logger->err(sprintf "Failed remote account connection for %s (%s)", $account->host, $account->id);
+ $logger->err(sprintf "Failed remote account mapping for %s (%s)", $account->host, $account->id);
- my @files = $server->ls({remote_file => ($account->in_dir || '.')});
- my @ok_files = grep {$_ !~ /\/\.?\.$/ } @files;
- $logger->info(sprintf "%s of %s files at %s/%s", scalar(@ok_files), scalar(@files), $account->host, ($account->in_dir || ''));
+ my $rf_starter = '';
+ if ($account->in_dir) {
+ if ($account->in_dir =~ /\*+.*\//) {
+ $logger->err("EDI in_dir has a slash after an asterisk in value: '" . $account->in_dir . "'. Skipping account with indeterminate target dir!");
+ next;
+ }
+ $rf_starter = $account->in_dir;
+ $rf_starter =~ s/((\/)?[^\/]*)\*+[^\/]*$//; # kill up to the first (possible) slash before the asterisk: keep the preceeding static dir
+ $rf_starter .= '/' if $rf_starter or $2; # recap the dir, or replace leading "/" if there was one (but don't add if empty)
+ }
+ my @files = ($server->ls({remote_file => ($rf_starter || '.')}));
+ my @ok_files = grep {$_ !~ /\/\.?\.$/ and $_ ne '0'} @files;
+ $logger->info(sprintf "%s of %s files at %s/%s", scalar(@ok_files), scalar(@files), $account->host, ($rf_starter || '.'));
+ $server->remote_path(undef);
foreach (@ok_files) {
+ my $remote_file = $rf_starter . $_;
+ my $description = sprintf "%s/%s", $account->host, $remote_file;
+ # deduplicate vs. acct/filenames already in DB
+ my $hits = $e->search_acq_edi_message([
+ {
+ account => $account->id,
+ remote_file => $remote_file,
+ status => {'in' => [qw/ processed /]}, # if it never got processed, go ahead and get the new one (try again)
+ # create_time => 'NOW() - 60 DAYS', # if we wanted to allow filenames to be reused after a certain time
+ # ideally we would also use the date from FTP, but that info isn't available via RemoteAccount
+ }
+ # { flesh => 1, flesh_fields => {...}, }
+ ]);
+ if (scalar(@$hits)) {
+ $logger->debug("EDI: $remote_file already retrieved. Skipping");
+ print ("EDI: $remote_file already retrieved. Skipping");
+ next;
+ }
$max and $count > $max and last;
+ $logger->info(sprintf "%s of %s targets: %s", $count, scalar(@ok_files), $description);
+ print sprintf "%s of %s targets: %s\n", $count, scalar(@ok_files), $description;
my $content;
my $io = IO::Scalar->new(\$content);
- unless (
- $server->get({remote_file => ($account->in_dir ? ($account->in_dir . "/$_") : $_),
- local_file => $io})
- ) {
- $logger->error("(S)FTP get($_) failed");
+ unless ( $server->get({remote_file => $remote_file, local_file => $io}) ) {
+ $logger->error("(S)FTP get($description) failed");
- my $z; # must predeclare
- $z = ( $content =~ s/('UNH\+\d+\+ORDRSP:)0(:96A:UN')/$1D$2/g )
- and $logger->warn("Patching bogus spec reference ORDRSP:0:96A:UN => ORDRSP:D:96A:UN ($z times)"); # Hack/fix some faulty "0" in (B&T) data
- my $incoming = Fieldmapper::acq::edi_message->new;
- $incoming->remote_file($_);
- $incoming->message_type('ORDRSP'); # FIXME: we don't actually know w/o sniffing, but DB constraint makes us say something
- $incoming->edi($content);
- $incoming->account($account->id);
- __PACKAGE__->attempt_translation($incoming);
- $e->xact_begin;
- $e->create_acq_edi_message($incoming);
- $e->xact_commit;
- __PACKAGE__->record_activity($account, $e);
- __PACKAGE__->process_jedi($incoming, $server, $e);
+ my $incoming = __PACKAGE__->process_retrieval($content, $_, $server, $account->id, $e);
# $server->delete(remote_file => $_); # delete remote copies of saved message
push @return, $incoming->id;
return \@return;
+# my $in = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->process_retrieval($file_content, $remote_filename, $server, $account_id, $editor);
+sub process_retrieval {
+ my $incoming = Fieldmapper::acq::edi_message->new;
+ my ($class, $content, $remote, $server, $account_or_id, $e) = @_;
+ $content or return;
+ $e ||= new_editor;
+ my $account = __PACKAGE__->record_activity( $account_or_id, $e );
+ my $z; # must predeclare
+ $z = ( $content =~ s/('UNH\+\d+\+ORDRSP:)0(:96A:UN')/$1D$2/g )
+ and $logger->warn("Patching bogus spec reference ORDRSP:0:96A:UN => ORDRSP:D:96A:UN ($z times)"); # Hack/fix some faulty "0" in (B&T) data
+ $incoming->remote_file($remote);
+ $incoming->account($account->id);
+ $incoming->edi($content);
+ $incoming->message_type(($content =~ /'UNH\+\d+\+(\S{6}):/) ? $1 : 'ORDRSP'); # cheap sniffing, ORDRSP fallback
+ __PACKAGE__->attempt_translation($incoming);
+ $e->xact_begin;
+ $e->create_acq_edi_message($incoming);
+ $e->xact_commit;
+ __PACKAGE__->process_jedi($incoming, $server, $e);
+ return $incoming;
# ->send_core
# $account is a Fieldmapper object for acq.edi_account row
# $messageset is an arrayref with acq.edi_message.id values
$e ||= new_editor();
my $criteria = {'+acqpro' => {active => 't'}};
- # $criteria->{vendor_id} = $vendor_id if $vendor_id;
+ $criteria->{'+acqpro'}->{id} = $vendor_id if $vendor_id;
return $e->search_acq_edi_account([
$criteria, {
'join' => 'acqpro',
+# takes account ID or account Fieldmapper object
sub record_activity {
- my ($class, $account, $e) = @_;
- $account or return;
+ my ($class, $account_or_id, $e) = @_;
+ $account_or_id or return;
$e ||= new_editor();
+ my $account = ref($account_or_id) ? $account_or_id : $e->retrieve_acq_edi_account($account_or_id);
$logger->info("EDI record_activity calling update_acq_edi_account");
$account->last_activity('NOW') or return;
# So you might access it like:
# $obj->{body}->[0]->{ORDERS}->[0]->[0] eq 'UNH'
- $logger->info("EDI interchange body has " . scalar(@{$perl->{body}}) . " messages(s)");
+ $logger->info("EDI interchange body has " . scalar(@{$perl->{body}}) . " message(s)");
+ my @ok_msg_codes = qw/ORDERS OSTRPT/;
my @messages;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $part (@{$perl->{body}}) {
$logger->warn("EDI interchange $i contains unhandled '$key' message. Ignoring it.");
- my $msg = __PACKAGE__->message_object($key, $part->{$key}) or next;
+ my $msg = __PACKAGE__->message_object($part->{$key}) or next;
push @messages, $msg;
+ my $bgm = $msg->xpath('BGM') or $logger->warn("EDI No BGM segment found?!");
my $tag4343 = $msg->xpath('BGM/4343');
my $tag1225 = $msg->xpath('BGM/1225');
if (ref $tag4343) {
sub message_object {
my $class = shift;
- my $key = shift or return;
my $body = shift or return;
+ my $key = shift if @_;
+ my $keystring = $key || 'UNSPECIFIED';
my $msg = Business::EDI::Message->new($body);
unless ($msg) {
- $logger->error("EDI interchange message: $key body failed Business::EDI constructor. Skipping it.");
+ $logger->error("EDI interchange message: $keystring body failed Business::EDI constructor. Skipping it.");
+ $key = $msg->code if ! $key; # Now we set the key for reference if it wasn't specified
my $val_0065 = $msg->xpath_value('UNH/S009/0065') || '';
unless ($val_0065 eq $key) {
$logger->error("EDI $key UNH/S009/0065 ('$val_0065') conflicts w/ message type $key. Aborting");
my $line_item = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->eg_li($edi_line);
+$server is a RemoteAccount object
acq.lineitem.state (dependent on mapping codes),
}); # Could send more {options}
if (! $li or ref($li) ne 'Fieldmapper::acq::lineitem') {
- $logger->error("EDI failed to retrieve lineitem by id '$id' for server " . $server->remote_host);
+ $logger->error("EDI failed to retrieve lineitem by id '$id' for server " . ($server->{remote_host} || $server->{host} || Dumper($server)));
unless ((! $server) or (! $server->provider)) {
use vars qw/$debug/;
use OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI;
-use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor; # needs init() after IDL is loaded (by Cronscript session)
use OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript;
- $debug = 1;
+use File::Spec;
+my $defaults = {
+ "account=i" => 0,
+ "provider=i" => 0,
+ "inactive" => 0,
+ "test" => 0,
+my $core = OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new($defaults);
+my $opts = $core->MyGetOptions() or die "Getting options failed!";
+my $e = $core->editor();
+my $debug = $opts->{debug};
+if ($debug) {
+ print join "\n", "OPTIONS:", map {sprintf "%16s: %s", $_, $opts->{$_}} sort keys %$opts;
+ print "\n\n";
-OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript->new()->session('open-ils.acq') or die "No session created";
-sub editor {
- my $ed = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new(@_) or die "Failed to get new CStoreEditor";
- return $ed;
+sub main_search {
+ my $select = {'+acqpro' => {active => {"in"=>['t','f']}} }; # either way
+ my %args = @_ ? @_ : ();
+ foreach (keys %args) {
+ $select->{$_} = $args{$_};
+ }
+ return $e->search_acq_edi_account([
+ $select,
+ {
+ 'join' => 'acqpro',
+ flesh => 1,
+ flesh_fields => {acqedi => ['provider']},
+ }
+ ]);
+my $set = main_search() or die "No EDI accounts found in database (table: acq.edi_account)";
-my $e = editor();
-my $set = $e->retrieve_all_acq_edi_account();
my $total_accts = scalar(@$set);
($total_accts) or die "No EDI accounts found in database (table: acq.edi_account)";
-print "EDI Accounts Total : ", scalar(@$set), "\n";
+print "EDI Accounts Total : $total_accts\n";
+my $active = [ grep {$_->provider->active eq 't'} @$set ];
+print "EDI Accounts Active: ", scalar(@$active), "\n";
-my $subset = $e->search_acq_edi_account([
- {'+acqpro' => {active => 't'}},
- {
- 'join' => 'acqpro',
- flesh => 1,
- flesh_fields => {acqedi => ['provider']},
+my $subset;
+if ($opts->{inactive} or $opts->{provider} or $opts->{account}) {
+ print "Including inactive accounts\n";
+ $subset = [@$set];
+} else {
+ $subset = $active;
+my ($acct, $pro);
+if ($opts->{provider}) {
+ print "Limiting by provider: " . $opts->{provider} . "\n";
+ $pro = $e->retrieve_acq_provider($opts->{provider}) or die "provider '" . $opts->{provider} . "' not found";
+ printf "Provider %s found (edi_default %s)\n", $pro->id, $pro->edi_default;
+ $subset = main_search( 'id' => $pro->edi_default );
+ # $subset = [ grep {$_->provider->id == $opts->{provider}} @$subset ];
+ foreach (@$subset) {
+ $_->provider($pro); # force provider match (short of LEFT JOINing the main_search query and dealing w/ multiple combos)
+ }
+ scalar(@$subset) or die "provider '" . $opts->{provider} . "' edi_default invalid (failed to match acq.edi_account.id)";
+ if ($opts->{account} and $opts->{account} != $pro->edi_default) {
+ die sprintf "ERROR: --provider=%s and --account=%s specify rows that exist, but are not paired by acq.provider.edi_default", $opts->{provider}, $opts->{account};
+ $acct = $subset->[0];
+if ($opts->{account}) {
+ print "Limiting by account: " . $opts->{account} . "\n";
+ $subset = [ grep {$opts->{account} == $_->id} @$subset ];
+ scalar(@$subset) or die "No acq.provider.edi_default matches option --account=" . $opts->{account} . " ";
+ scalar(@$subset) > 1 and warn "account '" . $opts->{account} . "' has multiple matches. Ignoring all but the first.";
+ $acct = $subset->[0];
+scalar(@$subset) or die "No acq.provider rows match options " .
+ ($opts->{account} ? ("--account=" . $opts->{account} ) : '') .
+ ($opts->{provider} ? ("--provider=" . $opts->{provider}) : '') ;
+print "Limiting to " . scalar(@$subset) . " account(s)\n";
+foreach (@$subset) {
+ printf "Provider %s - %s, edi_account %s - %s: %s\n", $_->provider->id, $_->provider->name, $_->id, $_->label, $_->host;
-print "EDI Accounts Active: ", scalar(@$subset), "\n";
+if (@ARGV) {
+ $opts->{provider} or $opts->{account}
+ or die "ERROR: --account=[ID] or --provider=[ID] option required for local data ingest, with valid edi_account or provider id";
+ printf "File will be attributed to edi_account %s - %s: %s\n", $acct->id, $acct->label, $acct->host;
+ my @files = @ARGV; # copy original @ARGV
+ foreach (@files) {
+ @ARGV = ($_); # We'll use the diamond op, so we can pull from STDIN too
+ my $content = join '', <> or next;
+ $opts->{test} and next;
+ my $in = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->process_retrieval(
+ $content,
+ "localhost:" . File::Spec->rel2abs($_),
+ OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->remote_account($acct),
+ $acct,
+ $e
+ );
+ }
+ exit;
+# else no args
-my $res = OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->retrieve_core();
+my $res = $opts->{test} ? [] : OpenILS::Application::Acq::EDI->retrieve_core($subset);
print "Files retrieved: ", scalar(@$res), "\n";
$debug and print "retrieve_core returns ", scalar(@$res), " ids: " . join(', ', @$res), "\n";
+# $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$debug and print map {Dumper($_) . "\n"} @$subset;
print "\ndone\n";
-=head1 edi_fetcher.pl - A script for retrieving and processing EDI files from remote accounts.
+=head1 NAME
-Note: This script is expected to be run via crontab.
+edi_fetcher.pl - A script for retrieving and processing EDI files from remote accounts.
-Note: Depending on your vendors and you own network environment, you may want to set/export
+This script is expected to be run via crontab, for the purpose of retrieving vendor EDI files.
+Note: Depending on your vendors' and your own network environments, you may want to set/export
the environmental variable FTP_PASSIVE like:
export FTP_PASSIVE=1
# or
FTP_PASSIVE=1 Open-ILS/src/support-scripts/edi_fetcher.pl
+=head1 OPTIONS
+ --account=[id] Target one account, whether or not it is inactive.
+ --inactive Includes inactive provider accounts (default OFF, forced ON if --account specified)
+edi_fetcher can also read from files specified as arguments on the command line, or from STDIN, or both.
+In such cases, the filename is not used to check whether the file has been loaded or not.
+=head1 TODO
+More docs here.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+ OpenILS::Utils::Cronscript
+ edi_pusher.pl
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joe Atzberger <jatzberger@esilibrary.com>