--- /dev/null
+-- SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
+\echo -----------------------------------------------------------
+\echo Setting invalid age_protect and circ_as_type entries to NULL,
+\echo otherwise they will break the Serial Copy Templates editor.
+\echo Please review any Serial Copy Templates listed below.
+UPDATE asset.copy_template act
+SET age_protect = NULL
+FROM actor.org_unit aou
+WHERE aou.id=act.owning_lib
+ AND act.age_protect NOT IN
+ (
+ SELECT id FROM config.rule_age_hold_protect
+ )
+RETURNING act.id "Template ID", act.name "Template Name",
+ aou.shortname "Owning Lib",
+ 'Age Protection value reset to null.' "Description";
+UPDATE asset.copy_template act
+SET circ_as_type = NULL
+FROM actor.org_unit aou
+WHERE aou.id=act.owning_lib
+ AND act.circ_as_type NOT IN
+ (
+ SELECT code FROM config.item_type_map
+ )
+RETURNING act.id "Template ID", act.name "Template Name",
+ aou.shortname "Owning Lib",
+ 'Circ as Type value reset to null.' as "Description";
+\echo -----------End Serial Template Fix----------------