<field reporter:label="Line Item Count" name="lineitem_count" oils_persist:virtual="true" reporter:datatype="link" />
<field reporter:label="Amount Encumbered" name="amount_encumbered" oils_persist:virtual="true" reporter:datatype="float" />
<field reporter:label="Amount Spent" name="amount_spent" oils_persist:virtual="true" reporter:datatype="float" />
+ <field reporter:label="PO Items" name="po_items" oils_persist:virtual="true" reporter:datatype="link" />
<link field="owner" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="au"/>
<link field="default_fund" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="acqf"/>
<link field="provider" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="acqpro"/>
<link field="lineitems" reltype="has_many" key="purchase_order" map="" class="jub"/>
+ <link field="po_items" reltype="has_many" key="purchase_order" map="" class="acqpoi"/>
<link field="notes" reltype="has_many" key="purchase_order" map="" class="acqpon"/>
<link field="ordering_agency" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="aou"/>
<link field="cancel_reason" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="acqcr"/>
<link field="purchase_order" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="acqpo"/>
<permacrud xmlns="http://open-ils.org/spec/opensrf/IDL/permacrud/v1">
- <context link="purchase_order" field="ordering_agency"/>
- </retrieve>
- <create permission="CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER">
- <context link="purchase_order" field="ordering_agency"/>
- </create>
- <update permission="CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER">
- <context link="purchase_order" field="ordering_agency"/>
- </update>
- <delete permission="CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER">
- <context link="purchase_order" field="ordering_agency"/>
- </delete>
+ <actions>
+ <context link="purchase_order" field="ordering_agency"/>
+ </retrieve>
+ <create permission="CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER">
+ <context link="purchase_order" field="ordering_agency"/>
+ </create>
+ <update permission="CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER">
+ <context link="purchase_order" field="ordering_agency"/>
+ </update>
+ <delete permission="CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER">
+ <context link="purchase_order" field="ordering_agency"/>
+ </delete>
+ </actions>
<link field="fund" reltype="has_a" key="id" map="" class="acqf"/>
<permacrud xmlns="http://open-ils.org/spec/opensrf/IDL/permacrud/v1">
+ <actions>
+ <context link="purchase_order" field="ordering_agency"/>
+ </retrieve>
+ <create permission="CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER">
+ <context link="purchase_order" field="ordering_agency"/>
+ </create>
+ <update permission="CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER">
+ <context link="purchase_order" field="ordering_agency"/>
+ </update>
+ <delete permission="CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER">
+ <context link="purchase_order" field="ordering_agency"/>
+ </delete>
+ </actions>
clear_marc, to clear the MARC data from the lineitem (for reduced bandwidth)
li_limit : number of lineitems to return if fleshing line items;
li_offset : lineitem offset if fleshing line items
- li_order_by : lineitem sort definition if fleshing line items
+ li_order_by : lineitem sort definition if fleshing line items,
+ flesh_po_items : po_item objects
type => 'hash'}
"where" => {"+acqpo" => {"id" => $po_id}}
+ # add any debits for non-bib po_items
+ push(@$debits, @{
+ $e->json_query({
+ "select" => {"acqfdeb" => [qw/encumbrance amount/]},
+ "from" => {acqpoi => 'acqfdeb'},
+ "where" => {"+acqpoi" => {"purchase_order" => $po_id}}
+ })
+ });
my ($enc, $spent) = (0, 0);
for my $deb (@$debits) {
if($U->is_true($deb->{encumbrance})) {
push @{$flesh->{"flesh_fields"}->{"acqpo"}}, "provider";
+ push (@{$flesh->{flesh_fields}->{acqpo}}, 'po_items') if $options->{flesh_po_items};
my $args = (@{$flesh->{"flesh_fields"}->{"acqpo"}}) ?
[$po_id, $flesh] : $po_id;
# prorated items are handled separately
unless($U->is_true($item_type->prorate)) {
- my $debit = Fieldmapper::acq::fund_debit->new;
+ my $debit;
+ if($item->po_item) {
+ my $po_item = $e->retrieve_acq_po_item($item->po_item) or return $e->die_event;
+ $debit = $e->retrieve_acq_fund_debit($po_item->fund_debit) or return $e->die_event;
+ } else {
+ $debit = Fieldmapper::acq::fund_debit->new;
+ $debit->isnew(1);
+ }
$debit->origin_currency_type($e->retrieve_acq_fund($item->fund)->currency_type); # future: cache funds locally
- $e->create_acq_fund_debit($debit) or return $e->die_event;
+ if($debit->isnew) {
+ $e->create_acq_fund_debit($debit) or return $e->die_event;
+ } else {
+ $e->update_acq_fund_debit($debit) or return $e->die_event;
+ }
$e->update_acq_invoice_item($item) or return $e->die_event;
$e->delete_acq_invoice_item($item) or return $e->die_event;
- # kill the debit
- $e->delete_acq_fund_debit(
- $e->retrieve_acq_fund_debit($item->fund_debit)
- ) or return $e->die_event;
+ if($item->po_item and $e->retrieve_acq_po_item($item->po_item)->fund_debit == $item->fund_debit) {
+ # the debit is attached to the po_item. instead of deleting it, roll it back
+ # to being an encumbrance. Note: a prorated invoice_item that points to a po_item
+ # could point to a different fund_debit. We can't go back in time to collect all the
+ # prorated invoice_items (nor is the caller asking us too), so when that happens,
+ # just delete the extraneous debit (in the else block).
+ my $debit = $e->retrieve_acq_fund_debit($item->fund_debit);
+ $debit->encumbrance('t');
+ $e->update_acq_fund_debit($debit) or return $e->die_event;
+ } else {
+ $e->delete_acq_fund_debit($e->retrieve_acq_fund_debit($item->fund_debit))
+ or return $e->die_event;
+ }
} elsif($item->ischanged) {
"flesh" => 6,
"flesh_fields" => {
"acqinv" => ["entries", "items"],
- "acqii" => ["fund_debit"],
+ "acqii" => ["fund_debit", "purchase_order", "po_item"]
my $prorated_cost = ($spent_for_fund / $total_entry_paid) * $full_item_cost;
$logger->info("invoice: attaching prorated amount $prorated_amount to fund $fund_id for invoice $invoice_id");
- my $debit = Fieldmapper::acq::fund_debit->new;
+ my $debit;
+ if($first_round and $item->po_item) {
+ # if this item is the result of a PO item, repurpose the original debit
+ # for the first chunk of the prorated amount
+ $debit = $e->retrieve_acq_fund_debit($item->po_item->fund_debit);
+ } else {
+ $debit = Fieldmapper::acq::fund_debit->new;
+ $debit->isnew(1);
+ }
- $e->create_acq_fund_debit($debit) or return $e->die_event;
+ if($debit->isnew) {
+ $e->create_acq_fund_debit($debit) or return $e->die_event;
+ } else {
+ $e->update_acq_fund_debit($debit) or return $e->die_event;
+ }
$total_debited += $prorated_amount;
$total_costed += $prorated_cost;
+ for my $po_item (@{$e->search_acq_po_item({purchase_order => $po_id})}) {
+ my $debit = create_fund_debit(
+ $mgr,
+ $dry_run,
+ debit_type => 'direct_charge', # to match invoicing
+ origin_amount => $po_item->estimated_cost,
+ origin_currency_type => $e->retrieve_acq_fund($po_item->fund)->currency_type,
+ amount => $po_item->estimated_cost,
+ fund => $po_item->fund
+ ) or return $e->die_event;
+ $po_item->fund_debit($debit->id);
+ $e->update_acq_po_item($po_item) or return $e->die_event;
+ $mgr->respond;
+ }
return undef;
my $perms = ($perm_mode eq 'read') ? 'VIEW_PURCHASE_ORDER' : 'CREATE_PURCHASE_ORDER';
return ($li, $e->die_event) unless $e->allowed($perms, $po->ordering_agency);
- } elsif(my $li = $li->picklist) {
+ } elsif(my $pl = $li->picklist) {
my $perms = ($perm_mode eq 'read') ? 'VIEW_PICKLIST' : 'CREATE_PICKLIST';
- return ($li, $e->die_event) unless $e->allowed($perms, $li->picklist->org_unit);
+ return ($li, $e->die_event) unless $e->allowed($perms, $pl->org_unit);
return ($li);
if(po) {
liLink = oilsBasePath + '/acq/po/view/' + po.id() + '/' + lineitem.id();
- var date = dojo.date.stamp.fromISOString(po.order_date());
- if(date) {
- orderDate = dojo.date.locale.format(date, {selector:'date'});
+ if(po.order_date()) {
+ var date = dojo.date.stamp.fromISOString(po.order_date());
+ if(date) {
+ orderDate = dojo.date.locale.format(date, {selector:'date'});
+ }
"${3} Ordered, ${4} Received, ${7} Invoiced, ${8} Claimed, ${9} Cancelled</div>" +
"<div class='acq-lineitem-summary-extra'>Estimated $${6}, Encumbered $${16}, Paid $${17}</div>" +
"<div class='acq-lineitem-summary-extra'>" +
- "<a style='padding-right: 10px;' href='${11}/acq/po/view/${12}'>PO#${13} ${18}</a>" +
+ "<a style='padding-right: 10px;' href='${11}/acq/po/view/${12}'>PO #${13} ${18}</a>" +
"<a style='padding-right: 10px;' href='${11}/acq/picklist/view/${14}'>${15}</a></div>",
'INVOICE_CONFIRM_PRORATE' : "Prorate charges?\n\nAny subsequent changes to the invoice that would affect prorated amounts should be resolved manually.",
'INVOICE_EXTRA_COPIES' : "You are attempting to invoice <b>${0}</b> more copies than originally ordered. <br/><br/>To add these items to the original order, " +
"select a fund and choose 'Add New Items' below. <br/>After saving the invoice, you may finish editing and importing the new copies from the lineitem details page.",
- //'INVOICE_EXTRA_COPIES_CATALOG' : "Add <b>${0}</b> new copies to the catalog?",
+ 'INVOICE_ITEM_PO_DETAILS' : "<b>${0}</b><br/><a href='${1}/acq/po/view/${2}'>PO #${3} ${4}</a><br/>Total Estimated Cost: $${5}",
'UNNAMED': "Unnamed",
'NO_FIND_INVOICE': "Could not find that invoice.\nNote that the Invoice # field is case-sensitive.",
'NO_LI_TO_CLAIM': "You have not selected any lineitems to claim.",
} else {
searchFilter = null;
+ var readOnly = false;
+ // TODO: Add support for changing the owning_lib after real copies have been made.
+ // owning_lib is order data as much as its item data
+ if(copy.eg_copy_id() && ['owning_lib', 'location', 'circ_modifier', 'cn_label', 'barcode'].indexOf(field) >= 0) {
+ readOnly = true;
+ }
+ // TODO: add support for changing the fund after debits have been created
+ // Note: invoicing allows the change
+ if(copy.fund_debit() && field == 'fund') {
+ readOnly = true;
+ }
var widget = new openils.widget.AutoFieldWidget({
fmObject : copy,
fmField : field,
fmClass : 'acqlid',
parentNode : dojo.query('[name='+field+']', row)[0],
- readOnly : Boolean(copy.eg_copy_id())
+ readOnly : readOnly,
// make sure we capture the value from any async widgets
- /*
- this.saveRealCopies = function() {
- progressDialog.show(true);
- var list = this.realCopyList.filter(function(copy) { return copy.ischanged(); });
- this.pcrud.update(list, {oncomplete: function() {
- progressDialog.hide();
- self.show('list');
- }});
- }
- // grab the li-details for this lineitem, grab the linked copies and volumes, add them to the table
- this.showRealCopies = function(li) {
- while(this.realCopiesTbody.childNodes[0])
- this.realCopiesTbody.removeChild(this.realCopiesTbody.childNodes[0]);
- this.show('real-copies');
- this.realCopyList = [];
- this.volCache = {};
- var tabIndex = 1000;
- var self = this;
- acqLitSaveRealCopies.onClick = function() {
- self.saveRealCopies();
- }
- this._fetchLineitem(li.id(),
- function(fullLi) {
- li = self.liCache[li.id()] = fullLi;
- self.pcrud.search(
- 'acp', {
- id : li.lineitem_details().map(
- function(item) { return item.eg_copy_id() }
- )
- }, {
- async : true,
- streaming : true,
- onresponse : function(r) {
- var copy = openils.Util.readResponse(r);
- var volId = copy.call_number();
- var volume = self.volCache[volId];
- if(!volume) {
- volume = self.volCache[volId] = self.pcrud.retrieve('acn', volId);
- }
- self.addRealCopy(volume, copy, tabIndex++);
- }
- }
- );
- }
- );
- }
- this.addRealCopy = function(volume, copy, tabIndex) {
- var row = this.realCopiesRow.cloneNode(true);
- this.realCopyList.push(copy);
- var selectNode;
- dojo.forEach(
- ['owning_lib', 'location', 'circ_modifier', 'label', 'barcode'],
- function(field) {
- var isvol = (field == 'owning_lib' || field == 'label');
- var widget = new openils.widget.AutoFieldWidget({
- fmField : field,
- fmObject : isvol ? volume : copy,
- parentNode : nodeByName(field, row),
- readOnly : (field != 'barcode'),
- });
- var widgetDrawn = null;
- if(field == 'barcode') {
- widgetDrawn = function(w, ww) {
- var node = w.domNode;
- node.setAttribute('tabindex', ''+tabIndex);
- // on enter, select the next barcode input
- dojo.connect(w, 'onKeyDown',
- function(e) {
- if(e.keyCode == dojo.keys.ENTER) {
- var ti = node.getAttribute('tabindex');
- var nextNode = dojo.query('[tabindex=' + String(Number(ti) + 1) + ']', self.realCopiesTbody)[0];
- if(nextNode) nextNode.select();
- }
- }
- );
- dojo.connect(w, 'onChange',
- function(val) {
- if(!val || val == copy.barcode()) return;
- copy.ischanged(true);
- copy.barcode(val);
- }
- );
- if(self.realCopiesTbody.getElementsByTagName('TR').length == 0)
- selectNode = node;
- }
- }
- widget.build(widgetDrawn);
- }
- );
- this.realCopiesTbody.appendChild(row);
- if(selectNode) selectNode.select();
- };
- */
['open-ils.acq', 'open-ils.acq.purchase_order.retrieve'],
{ async: true,
- params: [openils.User.authtoken, attachPo, {flesh_lineitem_ids : true}],
+ params: [
+ openils.User.authtoken, attachPo,
+ {flesh_lineitem_ids : true, flesh_po_items : true}
+ ],
oncomplete: function(r) {
var po = openils.Util.readResponse(r);
+ dojo.forEach(po.po_items(),
+ function(poItem) {
+ var item = new fieldmapper.acqii();
+ item.id(virtualId--);
+ item.isnew(true);
+ item.fund(poItem.fund());
+ item.title(poItem.title());
+ item.author(poItem.author());
+ item.note(poItem.note());
+ item.inv_item_type(poItem.inv_item_type());
+ item.purchase_order(po);
+ item.po_item(poItem);
+ addInvoiceItem(item);
+ }
+ );
var args;
if(field == 'title' || field == 'author') {
- args = {style : 'width:10em'};
+ //args = {style : 'width:10em'};
} else if(field == 'cost_billed' || field == 'amount_paid') {
args = {required : true, style : 'width: 6em'};
/* ---------- inv_item_type ------------- */
- registerWidget(
- item,
- 'inv_item_type',
- new openils.widget.AutoFieldWidget({
- fmObject : item,
- fmField : 'inv_item_type',
- parentNode : nodeByName('inv_item_type', row),
- readOnly : invoice && openils.Util.isTrue(invoice.complete()),
- dijitArgs : {required : true}
- }),
- function(w, ww) {
- // When the inv_item_type is set to prorate=true, don't allow the user the edit the fund
- // since this charge will be prorated against (potentially) multiple funds
- dojo.connect(w, 'onChange',
- function() {
- if(!item.fund_debit()) {
- var itemType = itemTypes.filter(function(t) { return (t.code() == w.attr('value')) })[0];
- if(!itemType) return;
- if(openils.Util.isTrue(itemType.prorate())) {
- fundWidget.widget.attr('disabled', true);
- fundWidget.widget.attr('value', '');
- } else {
- fundWidget.widget.attr('disabled', false);
+ if(item.po_item()) {
+ // read-only item view for items that were the result of a po-item
+ var po = item.purchase_order();
+ var po_item = item.po_item();
+ var node = nodeByName('inv_item_type', row);
+ var itemType = itemTypes.filter(function(t) { return (t.code() == item.inv_item_type()) })[0];
+ node.innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(
+ [
+ itemType.name(),
+ oilsBasePath,
+ po.id(),
+ po.name(),
+ dojo.date.locale.format(dojo.date.stamp.fromISOString(po.order_date()), {selector:'date'}),
+ po_item.estimated_cost()
+ ]
+ );
+ } else {
+ registerWidget(
+ item,
+ 'inv_item_type',
+ new openils.widget.AutoFieldWidget({
+ fmObject : item,
+ fmField : 'inv_item_type',
+ parentNode : nodeByName('inv_item_type', row),
+ readOnly : invoice && openils.Util.isTrue(invoice.complete()),
+ dijitArgs : {required : true}
+ }),
+ function(w, ww) {
+ // When the inv_item_type is set to prorate=true, don't allow the user the edit the fund
+ // since this charge will be prorated against (potentially) multiple funds
+ dojo.connect(w, 'onChange',
+ function() {
+ if(!item.fund_debit()) {
+ var itemType = itemTypes.filter(function(t) { return (t.code() == w.attr('value')) })[0];
+ if(!itemType) return;
+ if(openils.Util.isTrue(itemType.prorate())) {
+ fundWidget.widget.attr('disabled', true);
+ fundWidget.widget.attr('value', '');
+ } else {
+ fundWidget.widget.attr('disabled', false);
+ }
- }
- );
- }
- );
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ }
nodeByName('delete', row).onclick = function() {
var cost = widgetRegistry.acqii[item.id()].cost_billed.getFormattedValue();
function(field) {
var dijitArgs = {required : true, constraints : {min: 0}, style : 'width:6em'};
if(entry.isnew() && field == 'phys_item_count') {
- // by default, attempt to pay for all received and as-of-yet-un-invoiced items
- dijitArgs.value = (Number(li.order_summary().recv_count()) - Number(li.order_summary().invoice_count())) || 0;
+ // by default, attempt to pay for all non-canceled and as-of-yet-un-invoiced items
+ var count = Number(li.order_summary().item_count() || 0) -
+ Number(li.order_summary().cancel_count() || 0) -
+ Number(li.order_summary().invoice_count() || 0);
+ if(count < 0) count = 0;
+ dijitArgs.value = count;
onresponse: function(r) {
var li = openils.Util.readResponse(r);
+ // TODO: Add po_item's to total estimated amount
totalEstimated += (Number(li.item_count() || 0) * Number(li.estimated_unit_price() || 0));
<thead id='acq-invoice-entry-thead' class='hidden'>
<th colspan='2'>Title Details</th>
- <th class='acq-invoice-center-col'># Invoiced</th>
- <th class='acq-invoice-center-col'># Paid</th>
+ <th class='acq-invoice-center-col'># Invoiced / # Paid</th>
<th class='acq-invoice-center-col'>Billed</th>
<th class='acq-invoice-paid-col'>Paid</th>
<th class='acq-invoice-center-col hide-complete'>Detach</th>
<div name='note'></div>
<td class='acq-invoice-center-col'>
- <span name='inv_item_count'></span>
- </td>
- <td class='acq-invoice-center-col'>
- <span name='phys_item_count'></span>
- </td>
+ <span name='inv_item_count'></span> / <span name='phys_item_count'></span>
<td class='acq-invoice-billed-col'><div name='cost_billed'/></td>
<td class='acq-invoice-paid-col'><div name='amount_paid'/></td>
<td class='acq-invoice-center-col hide-complete'><a href='javascript:void(0);' name='detach'>Detach</a></td>
<td style='margin-top:15px;' colspan='0'>
- <h3>Taxes, Fees, Misc.</h3>
+ <h3>Direct Charges, Taxes, Fees, etc.</h3>
<th>Charge Type</th>
- <th>Title/Description</th>
- <th>Author</th>
<th class='acq-invoice-center-col'>Fund</th>
+ <th>Title/Description</th>
<th class='acq-invoice-center-col'>Billed</th>
<th class='acq-invoice-paid-col'>Paid</th>
<th class='acq-invoice-center-col hide-complete'>Delete</th>
<tbody id='acq-invoice-item-tbody'>
<tr id='acq-invoice-item-template' class='acq-invoice-row acq-invoice-item-row'>
<td><div name='inv_item_type'/></td>
- <td><div name='title'/></td>
- <td><div name='author'/></td>
<td class='acq-invoice-center-col'><div name='fund'/></td>
+ <td><div name='title'/></td>
<td class='acq-invoice-center-col' class='acq-invoice-billed-col'><div name='cost_billed'/></td>
<td class='acq-invoice-paid-col'><div name='amount_paid'/></td>
<td class='acq-invoice-center-col hide-complete'><a href='javascript:void(0);' name='delete'>Delete</a></td>