To test:
1) cd [Evergreen repo]/Open-ILS/src/eg2
2) npm install
3) npm run export-strings # should fail
4) Apply this patch
5) npm run export-strings # should successfully create a file in the locales directory
Signed-off-by: Jane Sandberg <>
Signed-off-by: Jason Boyer <>
"lint": "ng lint",
"e2e": "ng e2e",
"create-mock-idl": "cd src/test_data && perl",
- "export-strings": "ng xi18n --output-path locale --i18n-format xmb",
+ "export-strings": "ng xi18n --output-path locale --format xmb",
"build-cs-CZ": "ng build --configuration=production-cs-CZ --output-path ../../web/eg2/cs-CZ --deploy-url /eg2/cs-CZ/ --base-href /eg2/cs-CZ; sed -i s/IDL2js\\\"/IDL2js?locale=cs-CZ\\\"/g ../../web/eg2/cs-CZ/index.html; sed -i s/lang=\\\"en\\\"/lang=\\\"cs\\\"/g ../../web/eg2/cs-CZ/index.html"
"private": true,