+Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Georgia Public Library Service
+Bill Erickson <erickson@esilibrary.com>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+An osrfHash is a hybrid between a hash table and a doubly linked
+list. The hash table supports random lookups by key. The list
+supports iterative traversals. The sequence of entries in the
+list reflects the sequence in which the entries were added.
+osrfHashIterators are somewhat unusual in that, if an iterator
+is positioned on a given entry, deletion of that entry does
+not invalidate the iterator. The entry to which it points is
+logically but not physically deleted. You can still advance
+the iterator to the next entry in the list.
#include <opensrf/osrf_hash.h>
struct _osrfHashNodeStruct {
char* key;
void* item;
+ struct _osrfHashNodeStruct* prev;
+ struct _osrfHashNodeStruct* next;
typedef struct _osrfHashNodeStruct osrfHashNode;
+struct _osrfHashStruct {
+ osrfList* hash; /* this hash */
+ void (*freeItem) (char* key, void* item); /* callback for freeing stored items */
+ unsigned int size;
+ osrfHashNode* first_key;
+ osrfHashNode* last_key;
+struct _osrfHashIteratorStruct {
+ osrfHash* hash;
+ osrfHashNode* curr_node;
/* 0x100 is a good size for small hashes */
//#define OSRF_HASH_LIST_SIZE 0x100 /* size of the main hash list */
#define OSRF_HASH_LIST_SIZE 0x10 /* size of the main hash list */
/* used internally */
#define OSRF_HASH_NODE_FREE(h, n) \
if(h && n) { \
- if(h->freeItem) h->freeItem(n->key, n->item);\
+ if(h->freeItem && n->key) h->freeItem(n->key, n->item);\
free(n->key); free(n); \
-static osrfHashNode* osrfNewHashNode(char* key, void* item);
-static void* osrfHashNodeFree(osrfHash*, osrfHashNode*);
osrfHash* osrfNewHash() {
osrfHash* hash;
OSRF_MALLOC(hash, sizeof(osrfHash));
hash->hash = osrfNewList();
- hash->freeItem = NULL;
- hash->size = 0;
- hash->keys = osrfNewStringArray(64);
+ hash->first_key = NULL;
+ hash->last_key = NULL;
return hash;
-/* algorithm proposed by Donald E. Knuth
+static osrfHashNode* osrfNewHashNode(char* key, void* item);
+/* algorithm proposed by Donald E. Knuth
* in The Art Of Computer Programming Volume 3 (more or less..)*/
static unsigned int osrfHashMakeKey(char* str) {
/* macro version of the above function */
#define OSRF_HASH_MAKE_KEY(str,num) \
do {\
- char* __k = str;\
- unsigned int __len = strlen(__k); \
- unsigned int __h = __len;\
- unsigned int __i = 0;\
- for(__i = 0; __i < __len; __k++, __i++)\
- __h = ((__h << 5) ^ (__h >> 27)) ^ (*__k);\
- num = (__h & (OSRF_HASH_LIST_SIZE-1));\
+ const char* k__ = str;\
+ unsigned int len__ = strlen(k__); \
+ unsigned int h__ = len__;\
+ unsigned int i__ = 0;\
+ for(i__ = 0; i__ < len__; k__++, i__++)\
+ h__ = ((h__ << 5) ^ (h__ >> 27)) ^ (*k__);\
+ num = (h__ & (OSRF_HASH_LIST_SIZE-1));\
} while(0)
-/** Installs a callback function for freeing stored items
- */
+/* Installs a callback function for freeing stored items */
void osrfHashSetCallback( osrfHash* hash, void (*callback) (char* key, void* item) )
if( hash ) hash->freeItem = callback;
-/* returns the index of the item and points l to the sublist the item
- * lives in if the item and points n to the hashnode the item
- * lives in if the item is found. Otherwise -1 is returned */
-static unsigned int osrfHashFindItem( osrfHash* hash, char* key, osrfList** l, osrfHashNode** n ) {
- if(!(hash && key)) return -1;
+/* Returns a pointer to the item's node if found; otherwise returns NULL. */
+static osrfHashNode* find_item( const osrfHash* hash,
+ const char* key, unsigned int* bucketkey ) {
+ // Find the sub-list in the hash table
+ if( hash->size < 6 && !bucketkey )
+ {
+ // For only a few entries, when we don't need to identify
+ // the hash bucket, it's probably faster to search the
+ // linked list instead of hashing
+ osrfHashNode* currnode = hash->first_key;
+ while( currnode && strcmp( currnode->key, key ) )
+ currnode = currnode->next;
+ return currnode;
+ }
unsigned int i = 0;
+ // If asked, report which slot the key hashes to
+ if( bucketkey ) *bucketkey = i;
osrfList* list = OSRF_LIST_GET_INDEX( hash->hash, i );
- if( !list ) { return -1; }
+ if( !list ) { return NULL; }
+ // Search the sub-list
int k;
osrfHashNode* node = NULL;
for( k = 0; k < list->size; k++ ) {
node = OSRF_LIST_GET_INDEX(list, k);
if( node && node->key && !strcmp(node->key, key) )
- break;
- node = NULL;
+ return node;
- if(!node) return -1;
- if(l) *l = list;
- if(n) *n = node;
- return k;
+ return NULL;
static osrfHashNode* osrfNewHashNode(char* key, void* item) {
OSRF_MALLOC(n, sizeof(osrfHashNode));
n->key = strdup(key);
n->item = item;
+ n->prev = NULL;
+ n->prev = NULL;
return n;
-static void* osrfHashNodeFree(osrfHash* hash, osrfHashNode* node) {
- if(!(node && hash)) return NULL;
- void* item = NULL;
- if( hash->freeItem )
- hash->freeItem( node->key, node->item );
- else item = node->item;
- free(node->key);
- free(node);
- return item;
+/* If an entry exists for a given key, update it; otherwise create it.
+ If an entry exists, and there is no callback function to destroy it,
+ return a pointer to it so that the calling code has the option of
+ destroying it. Otherwise return NULL.
void* osrfHashSet( osrfHash* hash, void* item, const char* key, ... ) {
if(!(hash && item && key )) return NULL;
+ void* olditem = NULL;
+ unsigned int bucketkey;
- void* olditem = osrfHashRemove( hash, VA_BUF );
+ osrfHashNode* node = find_item( hash, VA_BUF, &bucketkey );
+ if( node ) {
+ // We already have an item for this key. Update it in place.
+ if( hash->freeItem ) {
+ hash->freeItem( node->key, node->item );
+ }
+ else
+ olditem = node->item;
- unsigned int bucketkey = 0;
+ node->item = item;
+ return olditem;
+ }
osrfList* bucket;
if( !(bucket = OSRF_LIST_GET_INDEX(hash->hash, bucketkey)) ) {
osrfListSet( hash->hash, bucket, bucketkey );
- osrfHashNode* node = osrfNewHashNode(VA_BUF, item);
+ node = osrfNewHashNode(VA_BUF, item);
osrfListPushFirst( bucket, node );
- if(!osrfStringArrayContains(hash->keys, VA_BUF))
- osrfStringArrayAdd( hash->keys, VA_BUF );
+ // Add the new hash node to the end of the linked list
+ if( NULL == hash->first_key )
+ hash->first_key = hash->last_key = node;
+ else {
+ node->prev = hash->last_key;
+ hash->last_key->next = node;
+ hash->last_key = node;
+ }
return olditem;
+/* Delete the entry for a specified key. If the entry exists,
+ and there is no callback function to destroy the associated
+ item, return a pointer to the formerly associated item.
+ Otherwise return NULL.
void* osrfHashRemove( osrfHash* hash, const char* key, ... ) {
if(!(hash && key )) return NULL;
- osrfList* list = NULL;
- osrfHashNode* node;
- int index = osrfHashFindItem( hash, (char*) VA_BUF, &list, &node );
- if( index == -1 ) return NULL;
+ osrfHashNode* node = find_item( hash, VA_BUF, NULL );
+ if( !node ) return NULL;
- osrfListRemove( list, index );
- void* item = osrfHashNodeFree(hash, node);
- osrfStringArrayRemove(hash->keys, VA_BUF);
+ void* item = NULL; // to be returned
+ if( hash->freeItem )
+ hash->freeItem( node->key, node->item );
+ else
+ item = node->item;
+ // Mark the node as logically deleted
+ free(node->key);
+ node->key = NULL;
+ node->item = NULL;
+ // Make the node unreachable from the rest of the linked list.
+ // We leave the next and prev pointers in place so that an
+ // iterator parked here can find its way to an adjacent node.
+ if( node->prev )
+ node->prev->next = node->next;
+ else
+ hash->first_key = node->next;
+ if( node->next )
+ node->next->prev = node->prev;
+ else
+ hash->last_key = node->prev;
return item;
if(!(hash && key )) return NULL;
- osrfHashNode* node = NULL;
- int index = osrfHashFindItem( hash, (char*) VA_BUF, NULL, &node );
- if( index == -1 ) return NULL;
+ osrfHashNode* node = find_item( hash, (char*) VA_BUF, NULL );
+ if( !node ) return NULL;
return node->item;
-osrfStringArray* osrfHashKeysInc( osrfHash* hash ) {
- if(!hash) return NULL;
- return hash->keys;
osrfStringArray* osrfHashKeys( osrfHash* hash ) {
if(!hash) return NULL;
- int i, k;
- osrfList* list;
osrfHashNode* node;
- osrfStringArray* strings = osrfNewStringArray(8);
+ osrfStringArray* strings = osrfNewStringArray( hash->size );
- for( i = 0; i != hash->hash->size; i++ ) {
- list = OSRF_LIST_GET_INDEX( hash->hash, i );
- if(list) {
- for( k = 0; k != list->size; k++ ) {
- node = OSRF_LIST_GET_INDEX( list, k );
- if( node ) osrfStringArrayAdd( strings, node->key );
- }
- }
+ // Add every key on the linked list
+ node = hash->first_key;
+ while( node ) {
+ if( node->key ) // should always be true
+ osrfStringArrayAdd( strings, node->key );
+ node = node->next;
return strings;
osrfHashIterator* osrfNewHashIterator( osrfHash* hash ) {
if(!hash) return NULL;
osrfHashIterator* itr;
OSRF_MALLOC(itr, sizeof(osrfHashIterator));
itr->hash = hash;
- itr->currentIdx = 0;
- itr->current = NULL;
- itr->currsize = 0;
- itr->keys = osrfHashKeysInc(hash);
+ itr->curr_node = NULL;
return itr;
void* osrfHashIteratorNext( osrfHashIterator* itr ) {
if(!(itr && itr->hash)) return NULL;
- if( itr->currentIdx >= itr->keys->size ) return NULL;
- // Copy the string to iter->current
- const char * curr = osrfStringArrayGetString(itr->keys, itr->currentIdx++);
- size_t new_len = strlen(curr);
- if( new_len >= itr->currsize ) {
- // We need a bigger buffer
- if(0 == itr->currsize) itr->currsize = 64; //default size
- do {
- itr->currsize *= 2;
- } while( new_len >= itr->currsize );
- if(itr->current)
- free(itr->current);
- itr->current = safe_malloc(itr->currsize);
- }
- strcpy(itr->current, curr);
+ // Advance to the next node in the linked list
- char* val = osrfHashGet( itr->hash, itr->current );
- return val;
+ if( NULL == itr->curr_node )
+ itr->curr_node = itr->hash->first_key;
+ else
+ itr->curr_node = itr->curr_node->next;
+ if( itr->curr_node )
+ return itr->curr_node->item;
+ else
+ return NULL;
-void osrfHashIteratorFree( osrfHashIterator* itr ) {
- if(!itr) return;
- free(itr->current);
- free(itr);
+const char* osrfHashIteratorKey( const osrfHashIterator* itr ) {
+ if( itr && itr->curr_node )
+ return itr->curr_node->key;
+ else
+ return NULL;
-const char* osrfHashIteratorKey( const osrfHashIterator* itr ) {
- if( ! itr ) return NULL;
- return itr->current;
+void osrfHashIteratorFree( osrfHashIterator* itr ) {
+ if(itr)
+ free(itr);
void osrfHashIteratorReset( osrfHashIterator* itr ) {
if(!itr) return;
- if(itr->current) itr->current[0] = '\0';
- itr->keys = osrfHashKeysInc(itr->hash);
- itr->currentIdx = 0;
+ itr->curr_node = NULL;
int osrfHashIteratorHasNext( osrfHashIterator* itr ) {
- return ( itr->currentIdx < itr->keys->size ) ? 1 : 0;
+ if( !itr )
+ return 0;
+ else if( itr->curr_node )
+ return itr->curr_node->next ? 1 : 0;
+ else
+ return itr->hash->first_key ? 1 : 0;