$outer_clause->{$conj} = [] unless $outer_clause->{$conj};
foreach my $unit (@{$terms->{$class}}) {
+ my $special_clause;
my ($k, $v, $fuzzy, $between, $not, $castdate, $gte, $lte) =
} elsif ($gte or $lte) {
my $op = $gte ? '>=' : '<=';
$v = {$op => $v};
+ } elsif (not ref $v and $not) {
+ # the old way, NOT (blah.id = $v) needs to be
+ # (blah.id <> $x OR blah.id IS NULL)
+ $not = 0; # avoid the regular negative transformation
+ $special_clause = {
+ "-or" => [
+ {"+$class" => {$k => {"!=" => $v}}},
+ {"+$class" => {$k => undef}}
+ ]
+ };
$term_clause = {$k => $v};
} else {
- my $clause = {"+" . $class => $term_clause};
- $clause = {"-not" => $clause} if $not;
- push @{$outer_clause->{$conj}}, $clause;
+ if ($special_clause) {
+ push @{$outer_clause->{$conj}}, $special_clause;
+ } else {
+ my $clause = {"+" . $class => $term_clause};
+ $clause = {"-not" => $clause} if $not;
+ push @{$outer_clause->{$conj}}, $clause;
+ }
} elsif ($class eq 'acqinv' or $core eq 'acqinv') {
$graft_map{$class} =
$query->{from}{$core}{acqmapinv}{join}{$class} ||= {};
- $graft_map{$class}{type} = $join_type;
+ $graft_map{$class}{type} = "left"; # $join_type
} else {
$graft_map{$class} = $query->{from}{$core}{$class} ||= {};
$graft_map{$class}{type} = $join_type;
my $offset = add_au_joins($graft_map, $hint, prepare_au_terms($and_terms));
add_au_joins($graft_map, $hint, prepare_au_terms($or_terms, $offset));
+ # The join to acqmapinv needs to be a left join when present.
+ if ($query->{from}{$hint}{acqmapinv}) {
+ $query->{from}{$hint}{acqmapinv}{type} = "left";
+ }
if ($and_terms and $or_terms) {
$query->{"where"} = {
"-" . (lc $conj eq "or" ? "or" : "and") => [$and_terms, $or_terms]