my $start_time = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new
- my $due_time = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new
- ->parse_datetime(clean_ISO8601($prev_circ->due_date))->epoch;
+ my $prev_due_date = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new
+ ->parse_datetime(clean_ISO8601($prev_circ->due_date));
+ my $due_date = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new
+ ->parse_datetime(clean_ISO8601($circ->due_date));
+ my $prev_due_time = $prev_due_date->epoch;
my $now_time = DateTime->now->epoch;
- return if $due_time < $now_time; # Renewed circ was overdue.
+ return if $prev_due_time < $now_time; # Renewed circ was overdue.
if (my $interval = $matchpoint->renew_extend_min_interval) {
my $min_duration = OpenILS::Utils::DateTime->interval_to_seconds($interval);
my $checkout_duration = $now_time - $start_time;
- return if $checkout_duration < $min_duration;
+ if ($checkout_duration < $min_duration) {
+ # Renewal occurred too early in the cycle to result in an
+ # extension of the due date on the renewal.
+ # If the new due date falls before the due date of
+ # the previous circulation, use the due date of the prev.
+ # circ so the patron does not lose time.
+ my $due = $due_date < $prev_due_date ? $prev_due_date : $due_date;
+ $circ->due_date($due->strftime('%FT%T%z'));
+ return;
+ }
- my $remaining_duration = $due_time - $now_time;
+ # Item was checked out long enough during the previous circulation
+ # to consider extending the due date of the renewal to cover the gap.
- my $due_date = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->new
- ->parse_datetime(clean_ISO8601($circ->due_date));
+ # Amount of the previous duration that was left unused.
+ my $remaining_duration = $prev_due_time - $now_time;
$due_date->add(seconds => $remaining_duration);
- $logger->info("circulator: extended renewal due date to $due_date");
+ # If the calculated due date falls before the due date of the previous
+ # circulation, use the due date of the prev. circ so the patron does
+ # not lose time.
+ my $due = $due_date < $prev_due_date ? $prev_due_date : $due_date;
+ $logger->info("circulator: renewal due date extension landed on due date: $due");
- # $circ->due_date is already in the needed timezone.
- $circ->due_date($due_date->strftime('%FT%T%z'));
+ $circ->due_date($due->strftime('%FT%T%z'));