+if (!dojo._hasResource['openils.widget.PCrudFilterDialog']) {
-if(!dojo._hasResource['openils.widget.PCrudFilterDialog']) {
+ /* openils.widget.PCrudFilterDialog is a dijit that, given a fieldmapper
+ * class, provides a dialog in which users can define inclusionary
+ * filters based on fields selected from the fieldmapper class and values
+ * for those fields. Operators can be selected so that not only equality
+ * comparisons are possible in the filter, but also inequality filters,
+ * likeness (for text fields only) betweenness, and nullity tests.
+ *
+ * The dijit yields its result in the form of a JSON query suitable for
+ * use as the where clause of a pcrud search, via the onApply callback.
+ *
+ * In addition to its fmClass paramter, note the useful parameter
+ * suppressFilterFields. Say for instance you're using this dijit
+ * on an fmClass like "brt" which has a field "record" that points to the
+ * bre class. The AutoWidget provided for users to enter values for
+ * comparisons on the record field would be a dropdown containing all
+ * the bre ID's in the system! That would be unusable in any realistic
+ * system, unless/until we teach AutoWidget to use a lazy-loading store
+ * for dropdowns.
+ *
+ * The comparisons in each filter row are "and-ed" together in the JSON
+ * query yielded, except for repetitions of the same field, which are
+ * "or-ed" together /within/ the overall "and" group. Look at comments
+ * within PCrudFilterRowManager.compile() for more information.
+ *
+ * AutoGrid has some ability to use this dijit to offer a filtering dialog,
+ * but be aware that the filtering dialog is /not/ aware of other
+ * fitering measures in place in a given AutoGrid-based interface, such as
+ * (typically) context org unit selectors, and therefore using the context
+ * org unit selector will not respect selected filters in this dijit, and
+ * vice-versa.
+ */
- /**
- * Given a fieldmapper object, this builds a pop-up dialog used for editing the object
+ dojo.requireLocalization("openils.widget", "PCrudFilterDialog");
+ var localeStrings = dojo.i18n.getLocalization(
+ "openils.widget", "PCrudFilterDialog"
+ );
+ /* These are the operators that make up the central dropdown in each
+ * row of the widget. When fields of different datatypes are selected,
+ * some of these operators may be masked via the "minimal" and "strict"
+ * properties.
+ var _operator_store = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore(
+ {
+ "data": {
+ "identifier": "name",
+ "items": [
+ {
+ "name": "=",
+ "label": localeStrings.OPERATOR_EQ,
+ "param_count": 1,
+ "minimal": true,
+ "strict": true
+ }, {
+ "name": "!=",
+ "label": localeStrings.OPERATOR_NE,
+ "param_count": 1,
+ "minimal": true,
+ "strict": true
+ }, {
+ "name": "null",
+ "label": localeStrings.OPERATOR_IS_NULL,
+ "param_count": 0,
+ "minimal": true,
+ "strict": true
+ }, {
+ "name": "not null",
+ "label": localeStrings.OPERATOR_IS_NOT_NULL,
+ "param_count": 0,
+ "minimal": true,
+ "strict": true
+ }, {
+ "name": ">",
+ "label": localeStrings.OPERATOR_GT,
+ "param_count": 1,
+ "strict": true
+ }, {
+ "name": "<",
+ "label": localeStrings.OPERATOR_LT,
+ "param_count": 1,
+ "strict": true
+ }, {
+ "name": ">=",
+ "label": localeStrings.OPERATOR_GTE,
+ "param_count": 1,
+ "strict": true
+ }, {
+ "name": "<=",
+ "label": localeStrings.OPERATOR_LTE,
+ "param_count": 1,
+ "strict": true
+ }, {
+ "name": "between",
+ "label": localeStrings.OPERATOR_BETWEEN,
+ "param_count": 2,
+ "strict": true
+ }, {
+ "name": "not between",
+ "label": localeStrings.OPERATOR_NOT_BETWEEN,
+ "param_count": 2,
+ "strict": true
+ }, {
+ "name": "like",
+ "label": localeStrings.OPERATOR_LIKE,
+ "param_count": 1
+ }, {
+ "name": "not like",
+ "label": localeStrings.OPERATOR_NOT_LIKE,
+ "param_count": 1
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ /* The text datatype supports all the above operators for comparisons. */
+ var _store_query_by_datatype = {"text": {}};
+ /* These three datatypes support only minimal operators. */
+ ["bool", "link", "org_unit"].forEach(
+ function(type) {
+ _store_query_by_datatype[type] = {"minimal": true};
+ }
+ );
+ /* These datatypes support strict operators (everything save [not] like). */
+ ["float", "id", "int", "interval", "money", "number", "timestamp"].forEach(
+ function(type) {
+ _store_query_by_datatype[type] = {"strict": true};
+ }
+ );
+ /* This helps convert things that pcrud won't accept ("not between", "not
+ * like") into proper JSON query expressions.
+ * It returns false if a clause doesn't have any such negative operator,
+ * or it returns true AND gets rid of the "not " part in the clause
+ * object itself. It's up to the caller to wrap it in {"-not": {}} in
+ * the right place. */
+ function _clause_was_negative(clause) {
+ /* clause objects really only ever have one property */
+ var ops = openils.Util.objectProperties(clause);
+ var op = ops.pop();
+ var matches = op.match(/^not (\w+)$/);
+ if (matches) {
+ clause[matches[1]] = clause[op];
+ delete clause[op];
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* This is not the dijit per se. Search further in this file for
+ * "dojo.declare" for the beginning of the dijit.
+ *
+ * This is, however, the object that represents a collection of filter
+ * rows and knows how to compile a filter from those rows. */
+ function PCrudFilterRowManager() {
+ var self = this;
+ this._init = function(container, field_store, fm_class) {
+ this.container = container;
+ this.field_store = field_store;
+ this.fm_class = fm_class;
+ this.rows = {};
+ this.row_index = 0;
+ this._build_table();
+ };
+ this._build_table = function() {
+ this.table = dojo.create(
+ "table", {
+ "className": "oils-pcrudfilterdialog-table"
+ }, this.container
+ );
+ var tr = dojo.create(
+ "tr", {
+ "id": "pcrudfilterdialog-empty",
+ "className": "hidden"
+ }, this.table
+ );
+ dojo.create(
+ "td", {
+ "colspan": 4,
+ "innerHTML": localeStrings.EMPTY_CASE
+ }, tr
+ );
+ this.add_row();
+ };
+ this._compile_second_pass = function(first_pass) {
+ var and = [];
+ var result = {"-and": and};
+ for (var field in first_pass) {
+ var list = first_pass[field];
+ if (list.length == 1) {
+ var obj = {};
+ var clause = list.pop();
+ if (_clause_was_negative(clause)) {
+ obj["-not"] = {};
+ obj["-not"][field] = clause;
+ } else {
+ obj[field] = clause;
+ }
+ and.push(obj);
+ } else {
+ var or = list.map(
+ function(clause) {
+ var obj = {};
+ if (_clause_was_negative(clause)) {
+ obj["-not"] = {};
+ obj["-not"][field] = clause;
+ } else {
+ obj[field] = clause;
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ );
+ and.push({"-or": or});
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ this.add_row = function() {
+ this.hide_empty_placeholder();
+ var row_id = this.row_index++;
+ this.rows[row_id] = new PCrudFilterRow(this, row_id);
+ };
+ this.remove_row = function(row_id) {
+ this.rows[row_id].destroy();
+ delete this.rows[row_id];
+ if (openils.Util.objectProperties(this.rows).length < 1)
+ this.show_empty_placeholder();
+ };
+ this.hide_empty_placeholder = function() {
+ openils.Util.hide("pcrudfilterdialog-empty");
+ };
+ this.show_empty_placeholder = function() {
+ openils.Util.show("pcrudfilterdialog-empty");
+ };
+ this.compile = function() {
+ /* We'll prepare a first-pass data structure that looks like:
+ * {
+ * field1: [{"op": "one value"}],
+ * field2: [{"op": "a value"}, {"op": "b value"}],
+ * field3: [{"op": "first value"}, {"op": ["range start", "range end"]}]
+ * }
+ *
+ * which will be passed to _compile_second_pass() to yield an
+ * actual filter suitable for pcrud (with -and and -or in all the
+ * right places) so the above example would come out like:
+ *
+ * { "-and": [
+ * {"field1": {"op": "one value"}},
+ * {"-or": [ {"field2": {"op": "a value"}}, {"field2": {"op": "b value"}} ] },
+ * {"-or": [
+ * {"field3": {"op": "first value"}},
+ * {"field3": {"op": ["range start", "range end"]}}
+ * ] }
+ * ] }
+ */
+ var first_pass = {};
+ for (var row_id in this.rows) {
+ var row = this.rows[row_id];
+ var value = row.compile();
+ var field = row.selected_field;
+ if (typeof(value) != "undefined" &&
+ typeof(field) != "undefined") {
+ if (!first_pass[field])
+ first_pass[field] = [];
+ first_pass[field].push(value);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Don't return an empty filter: pcrud can't use that. */
+ if (openils.Util.objectProperties(first_pass).length < 1) {
+ var result = {};
+ result[fieldmapper[this.fm_class].Identifier] = {"!=": null};
+ return result;
+ } else {
+ return this._compile_second_pass(first_pass);
+ }
+ };
+ this._init.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ /* As the name implies, objects of this class manage a single row of the
+ * query. Therefore they know about their own field dropdown, their own
+ * selector dropdown, and their own value widget (or widgets in the case
+ * of between searches, which call for two widgets to define a range),
+ * and not much else. */
+ function PCrudFilterRow() {
+ var self = this;
+ this._init = function(filter_row_manager, row_id) {
+ this.filter_row_manager = filter_row_manager;
+ this.row_id = row_id;
+ this._build();
+ };
+ this._build = function() {
+ this.tr = dojo.create("tr", {}, this.filter_row_manager.table);
+ this._create_field_selector();
+ this._create_operator_selector();
+ this._create_value_slot();
+ this._create_remover();
+ };
+ this._create_field_selector = function() {
+ var td = dojo.create("td", {}, this.tr);
+ this.field_selector = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect(
+ {
+ "labelAttr": "label",
+ "searchAttr": "label",
+ "scrollOnFocus": false,
+ "onChange": function(value) {
+ self.update_selected_field(value);
+ },
+ "store": this.filter_row_manager.field_store
+ }, dojo.create("span", {}, td)
+ );
+ };
+ this._create_operator_selector = function() {
+ var td = dojo.create("td", {}, this.tr);
+ this.operator_selector = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect(
+ {
+ "labelAttr": "label",
+ "searchAttr": "label",
+ "scrollOnFocus": false,
+ "onChange": function(value) {
+ self.update_selected_operator(value);
+ },
+ "store": _operator_store
+ }, dojo.create("span", {}, td)
+ );
+ };
+ this._adjust_operator_selector = function() {
+ this.operator_selector.attr(
+ "query", _store_query_by_datatype[this.selected_field_type]
+ );
+ this.operator_selector.reset();
+ };
+ this._create_value_slot = function() {
+ this.value_slot = dojo.create("td", {"innerHTML": "-"}, this.tr);
+ };
+ this._create_remover = function() {
+ var td = dojo.create("td", {}, this.tr);
+ var anchor = dojo.create(
+ "a", {
+ "className": "oils-pcrudfilterdialog-remover",
+ "innerHTML": "X",
+ "href": "#",
+ "onclick": function() {
+ self.filter_row_manager.remove_row(self.row_id);
+ }
+ }, td
+ );
+ };
+ this._clear_value_slot = function() {
+ if (this.value_widgets) {
+ this.value_widgets.forEach(
+ function(autowidg) { autowidg.widget.destroy(); }
+ );
+ delete this.value_widgets;
+ }
+ dojo.empty(this.value_slot);
+ };
+ this._rebuild_value_widgets = function() {
+ this._clear_value_slot();
+ if (!this.get_selected_operator() || !this.selected_field)
+ return;
+ this.value_widgets = [];
+ var param_count = this.operator_selector.item.param_count;
+ for (var i = 0; i < param_count; i++) {
+ var widg = new openils.widget.AutoFieldWidget({
+ "fmClass": this.filter_row_manager.fm_class,
+ "fmField": this.selected_field,
+ "parentNode": dojo.create("span", {}, this.value_slot),
+ "dijitArgs": {"scrollOnFocus": false}
+ });
+ widg.build();
+ this.value_widgets.push(widg);
+ }
+ };
+ /* for ugly special cases in compliation */
+ this._null_clause = function() {
+ var opname = this.get_selected_operator_name();
+ if (opname == "not null")
+ return {"!=": null};
+ else if (opname == "null")
+ return null;
+ else
+ return;
+ };
+ this.get_selected_operator = function() {
+ if (this.operator_selector)
+ return this.operator_selector.item;
+ };
+ this.get_selected_operator_name = function() {
+ var op = this.get_selected_operator();
+ return op ? op.name : null;
+ };
+ this.update_selected_operator = function(value) {
+ this._rebuild_value_widgets();
+ };
+ this.update_selected_field = function(value) {
+ if (this.field_selector.item) {
+ this.selected_field = value;
+ this.selected_field_type = this.field_selector.item.type;
+ this._adjust_operator_selector();
+ this._rebuild_value_widgets();
+ }
+ };
+ this.compile = function() {
+ if (this.value_widgets) {
+ var values = this.value_widgets.map(
+ function(widg) { return widg.getFormattedValue(); }
+ );
+ if (!values.length) {
+ return this._null_clause(); /* null/not null */
+ } else {
+ var clause = {};
+ var op = this.get_selected_operator_name();
+ if (values.length == 1)
+ clause[op] = values.pop();
+ else
+ clause[op] = values;
+ return clause;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ this.destroy = function() {
+ this._clear_value_slot();
+ this.field_selector.destroy();
+ if (this.operator_selector)
+ this.operator_selector.destroy();
+ dojo.destroy(this.tr);
+ };
+ this._init.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
constructor : function(args) {
for(var k in args)
this[k] = args[k];
+ this.title = this.title || localeStrings.DEFAULT_DIALOG_TITLE;
this.widgetIndex = 0;
this.widgetCache = {};
- /**
- * Builds a basic table of key / value pairs. Keys are IDL display labels.
- * Values are dijit's, when values set
+ /* All we really do here is create a data store out of the fields
+ * from the IDL for our given class, place a few buttons at the
+ * bottom of the dialog, and hand off to PCrudFilterRowManager to
+ * do the actual work.
startup : function() {
var self = this;
var realFieldList = this.sortedFieldList.filter(
- function(item) { return !(item.virtual || item.nonIdl); });
+ function(item) { return !(item.virtual || item.nonIdl); }
+ );
+ /* Prevent any explicitly unwanted fields from being available
+ * in our field dropdowns. */
+ if (dojo.isArray(this.suppressFilterFields)) {
+ realFieldList = realFieldList.filter(
+ function(item) {
+ for (
+ var i = 0;
+ i < self.suppressFilterFields.length;
+ i++
+ ) {
+ if (item.name == self.suppressFilterFields[i])
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ );
+ }
this.fieldStore = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({
- data : {
- identifier : 'name',
- name : 'label',
- items : realFieldList.map(
+ "data": {
+ "identifier": "name",
+ "name": "label",
+ "items": realFieldList.map(
function(item) {
- return {label:item.label, name:item.name};
+ return {
+ "label": item.label,
+ "name": item.name,
+ "type": item.datatype
+ };
- // TODO i18n/CSS
- dojo.place(
- dojo.create(
- 'div',
- {innerHTML:'Filter Selector', style:'text-align:center;width:100%;padding:10px;'}
- ), this.domNode);
- dojo.place(
- new dijit.form.Button({
- label:"Apply",
- onClick : function() {
- if(self.onApply)
- self.onApply(self.compileFilter());
- self.hide();
- }
- }).domNode, this.domNode);
- dojo.place(
- new dijit.form.Button({
- label:"Cancel",
- onClick : function() {
- if(self.onCancel)
- self.onCancel();
- self.hide();
- }
- }).domNode, this.domNode);
- this.table = dojo.place(dojo.create('table'), this.domNode);
- openils.Util.addCSSClass(this.table, 'oils-fm-edit-dialog');
- this.insertFieldSelector();
- },
- insertFieldSelector : function() {
- var selector = new dijit.form.FilteringSelect({labelAttr:'label', store:this.fieldStore});
- var row = dojo.place(dojo.create('tr'), this.table);
- var selectorTd = dojo.place(dojo.create('td'), row);
- var valueTd = dojo.place(dojo.create('td'), row);
- dojo.place(selector.domNode, selectorTd);
+ this.filter_row_manager = new PCrudFilterRowManager(
+ dojo.create("div", {}, this.domNode),
+ this.fieldStore, this.fmClass
+ );
- // dummy text box
- dojo.place(new dijit.form.TextBox().domNode, valueTd);
+ var button_holder = dojo.create(
+ "div", {
+ "className": "oils-pcrudfilterdialog-buttonholder"
+ }, this.domNode
+ );
- // when a field is selected, update the value widget
- var self = this;
- dojo.connect(selector, 'onChange',
- function(value) {
- if(valueTd.childNodes[0])
- valueTd.removeChild(valueTd.childNodes[0]);
- var widget = new openils.widget.AutoFieldWidget({
- fmClass : self.fmClass,
- fmField : value,
- parentNode : dojo.place(dojo.create('div'), valueTd)
- });
- widget.build();
- if(self.widgetCache[selector.widgetIndex]) {
- self.widgetCache[selector.widgetIndex].widget.destroy();
- delete self.widgetCache[selector.widgetIndex];
+ new dijit.form.Button(
+ {
+ "label": localeStrings.ADD_ROW,
+ "scrollOnFocus": false, /* almost always better */
+ "onClick": function() {
+ self.filter_row_manager.add_row();
+ }, dojo.create("span", {}, button_holder)
+ );
- selector.widgetIndex = this.widgetIndex;
- self.widgetCache[self.widgetIndex++] = widget;
- }
+ new dijit.form.Button(
+ {
+ "label": localeStrings.APPLY,
+ "scrollOnFocus": false,
+ "onClick": function() {
+ if (self.onApply)
+ self.onApply(self.filter_row_manager.compile());
+ self.hide();
+ }
+ }, dojo.create("span", {}, button_holder)
- },
- compileFilter : function() {
- var filter = {};
- for(var i in this.widgetCache) {
- var widget = this.widgetCache[i];
- filter[widget.fmField] = widget.getFormattedValue();
- }
- return filter;
+ new dijit.form.Button(
+ {
+ "label": localeStrings.CANCEL,
+ "scrollOnFocus": false,
+ "onClick": function() {
+ if (self.onCancel)
+ self.onCancel();
+ self.hide();
+ }
+ }, dojo.create("span", {}, button_holder)
+ );