* selfReference allows you to sidestep the indirection and create a selector widget
* based purely on an fmClass. To get a dropdown of all of the 'abc'
* objects, pass in {selfReference : true, fmClass : 'abc'}.
+ * labelFormat -- For widgets that are displayed as remote object filtering selects,
+ * this provides a mechanism for overriding the label format in the filtering select.
+ * It must be an array, whose first value is a format string, compliant with
+ * dojo.string.substitute. The remaining array items are the arguments to the format
+ * represented as field names on the remote linked object.
+ * E.g.
+ * labelFormat : [ '${0} (${1})', 'obj_field_1', 'obj_field_2' ]
constructor : function(args) {
for(var k in args)
- throw new Error("AutoFieldWidget could not determine which field to render. We need more information. fmClass=" +
+ throw new Error("AutoFieldWidget could not determine which " +
+ "field to render. We need more information. fmClass=" +
this.fmClass + ' fmField=' + this.fmField + ' fmObject=' + js2JSON(this.fmObject));
this.auth = openils.User.authtoken;
_buildLinkSelector : function() {
+ var self = this;
var selectorInfo = this._getLinkSelector();
if(!selectorInfo) return false;
this.widget.searchAttr = this.widget.labelAttr = vfield.selector || vfield.name;
this.widget.valueAttr = vfield.name;
- var self = this;
+ /*
+ var setLabelFunc = function(linkedObjectStore) {
+ self.widget.labelFunc = function(val) { return 'FOO'} ;
+ return;
+ if(self.labelFormat) {
+ self.widget.labelFunc = function(val) {
+ try {
+ // find the linked item in the remote object store
+ var query = {};
+ var linkedItem;
+ query[fieldmapper.IDL.fmclasses[linkClass].pkey] = ''+self.widgetValue;
+ // find the linked object whose pkey == this widget's value
+ linkedObjectStore.fetch({
+ query: query,
+ onComplete: function(list) { linkedItem = list[0]; }
+ });
+ // find the values from the linked item in the remote object store
+ var format = self.labelFormat[0];
+ var values = [];
+ for(var i = 1; i< self.labelFormat.length; i++)
+ values.push(linkedObjectStore.getValue(linkedItem, self.labelFormat[i]));
+ // format the label string w/ the extracted linked object values
+ return dojo.string.substitute(format, values);
+ } catch (E) {
+ throw new Error('AutoFieldWidget: bad label format [' + format + ':' + values + '] ' + E);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ */
var oncomplete = function(list) {
+ if(self.labelFormat)
+ self.widget.labelAttr = '_label';
if(list) {
- self.widget.store =
- new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({data:fieldmapper[linkClass].toStoreData(list)});
+ var storeData = {data:fieldmapper[linkClass].toStoreData(list)};
+ if(self.labelFormat) {
+ var format = self.labelFormat[0];
+ dojo.forEach(storeData.data.items,
+ function(item) {
+ var values = [];
+ for(var i = 1; i< self.labelFormat.length; i++)
+ values.push(item[self.labelFormat[i]]);
+ item._label = dojo.string.substitute(format, values);
+ }
+ );
+ console.log(js2JSON(storeData));
+ }
+ self.widget.store = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore(storeData);
self.cache[self.auth].list[linkClass] = self.widget.store;
} else {
self.widget.store = self.cache[self.auth].list[linkClass];