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+Patron Message Center
+There is now a new mechanism via which messages can be sent to
+patrons for them to read while logged into the public catalog.
+Patron messages can be generated in two ways: when a new public
+note is added to the patron's record, and when an A/T event
+that is configured to generate messages is processed. Three
+new default A/T event definitions are added to generate
+patron messages when a hold is canceled due to lack of a target,
+staff action, or the item expiring on the shelf.
+In the public catalog, patrons can read their messages, mark
+one or more messages as read or unread, or delete messages that
+they do not want to see again. The XUL staff client has a new
+menu option on the patron display, "Message Center", that allows
+staff to view messages. Messages are intentionally not meant
+to be editable by patrons or library staff.
+During upgrade, existing public patron notes that are marked
+public are copied over as new patron messages that are marked
+as read.
+There are four new fields available in the A/T event definition:
+ * Message Title
+ * Message Template
+ * Message Library Path
+ * Message User Path
+If these four fields are set, when the A/T event is processed,
+a message is generated in addition to whatever reactor is
+specified by the event definition. This means that, for example,
+an email overdue notice can also generate a message that the
+patron can view in the public catalog.