--- /dev/null
+function getHoldCount(id){
+ var holdCount = null;
+ var result = null;
+ if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
+ // Code for all new browsers
+ holdCount = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ } else if ( window.ActiveXObject ) {
+ // Code for IE 5 and 6
+ holdCount = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" );
+ }
+ holdCount.open( "GET", "/cgi-bin/utils/public/hold_count_tadl.cgi?id=" + id, false )
+ holdCount.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if (holdCount.readyState == 4) {
+ result = holdCount.responseText;
+ }
+ }
+ holdCount.send(null);
+ if (holdCount.responseText)
+ return holdCount.responseText;
+ if (record.series()) {
+ unHideMe($("series_row"));
+ $('rdetail_series').appendChild(text(record.series()));
+ }
r = record.types_of_resource();
if(r) {
+ var curr_holds = getHoldCount(record.doc_id());
+ if (curr_holds) {
+ $('rdetail_hold_count').appendChild(text(curr_holds));
+ }
<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_OPAC_JS_HOST"-->/skin/default/js/holds.js'></script>
<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_OPAC_JS_HOST"-->/skin/default/js/cn_browse.js'></script>
<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_OPAC_JS_HOST"-->/skin/default/js/container.js'></script>
+ <script language='javascript' type='text/javascript' src='<!--#echo var="OILS_OPAC_JS_HOST"-->/skin/tadlv2/js/grpl_utils.js'></script>
<script language='javascript' type='text/javascript'>
config.ids.rdetail = {};
<td class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_publisher'> </td>
+ <tr id='series_row' class='hide_me'>
+ <td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>Series</td>
+ <td class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_series'> </td>
+ </tr>
<td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>&common.physical;</td>
+ <tr id='rdetail_hold_count_row' class=''>
+ <td nowrap='nowrap' class='rdetail_desc'>Current Holds</td>
+ <td class='rdetail_item' id='rdetail_hold_count'> </td>
+ </tr>
<tr class='hide_me' id='rdetail_online_row'>
<!-- *** Example of how to use the openils.BibTemplate infrastructure to augment the stock
*** summary screen with complex information, such as location-specific URIs (856$9). -->