Updated the "authority fields" section with information on the valid "non-filing indicator" values.
Signed-off-by: Yamil Suarez <ysuarez@berklee.edu>
Signed-off-by: Robert Soulliere <robert.soulliere@mohawkcollege.ca>
. Add a *Description* to describe the type of data that should be entered in
this tag. Enter any number of characters.
. Select a *Main Entry* if you are linking the tag(s) to another entry.
-. Add a tag in the authority record.
+. Add a *tag* in the authority record.
. Add a subfield in the authority record. Multiple subfields should be entered
without commas or spaces.
+. Add either a value of 1, 2, or leave empty if not applicable for the *Non-filing
+indicator* field to denote the which will be the non-filing indicator.
. Click *Save*.