if ($billids && @$billids) {
# overdue settings come from transaction org unit
my $prohibit_neg_balance_overdues = (
- $U->ou_ancestor_setting($circ->circ_lib(), 'bill.prohibit_negative_balance_on_overdues')
+ $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value($circ->circ_lib(), 'bill.prohibit_negative_balance_on_overdues')
- $U->ou_ancestor_setting($circ->circ_lib(), 'bill.prohibit_negative_balance_default')
+ $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value($circ->circ_lib(), 'bill.prohibit_negative_balance_default')
my $neg_balance_interval_overdues = (
- $U->ou_ancestor_setting($circ->circ_lib(), 'bill.negative_balance_interval_on_overdues')
+ $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value($circ->circ_lib(), 'bill.negative_balance_interval_on_overdues')
- $U->ou_ancestor_setting($circ->circ_lib(), 'bill.negative_balance_interval_default')
+ $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value($circ->circ_lib(), 'bill.negative_balance_interval_default')
my $result;
- # if we prohibit negative overdue balances outright, OR we have an
- # interval setting which determines what we do, let
- # adjust_bills_to_zero() do the heavy lifting
+ # if we prohibit negative overdue balances and all payments
+ # are outside the refund interval (if given), zero the transaction
if ($opts->{force_zero}
- or (!$opts->{force_void} and ($U->is_true($prohibit_neg_balance_overdues) or $neg_balance_interval_overdues))
- ) {
+ or (!$opts->{force_void}
+ and (
+ $U->is_true($prohibit_neg_balance_overdues)
+ and !_has_refundable_payments($e, $circ->id, $neg_balance_interval_overdues)
+ )
+ )
+ ) {
$result = $class->adjust_bills_to_zero($e, $billids, $opts->{note}, $neg_balance_interval_overdues);
} else {
# otherwise, just void the usual way
# Returns undef on success or the result from void_bills.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------
sub void_or_zero_bills_of_type {
- my ($class, $e, $circ, $copy, $btype, $note) = @_;
+ my ($class, $e, $circ, $copy, $btype, $for_note) = @_;
# Get a bill payment map.
my $bpmap = $class->bill_payment_map_for_xact($e, $circ);
if (@bills) {
# settings for lost come from copy circlib.
my $prohibit_neg_balance_lost = (
- $U->ou_ancestor_setting($copy->circ_lib(), 'bill.prohibit_negative_balance_on_lost')
+ $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value($copy->circ_lib(), 'bill.prohibit_negative_balance_on_lost')
- $U->ou_ancestor_setting($copy->circ_lib(), 'bill.prohibit_negative_balance_default')
+ $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value($copy->circ_lib(), 'bill.prohibit_negative_balance_default')
my $neg_balance_interval_lost = (
- $U->ou_ancestor_setting($copy->circ_lib(), 'bill.negative_balance_interval_on_lost')
+ $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value($copy->circ_lib(), 'bill.negative_balance_interval_on_lost')
- $U->ou_ancestor_setting($copy->circ_lib(), 'bill.negative_balance_interval_default')
+ $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value($copy->circ_lib(), 'bill.negative_balance_interval_default')
- my $result = $class->void_bills($e, \@bills, $note);
+ my $result;
+ if (
+ $U->is_true($prohibit_neg_balance_lost)
+ and !_has_refundable_payments($e, $circ->id, $neg_balance_interval_lost)
+ ) {
+ $result = $class->adjust_bills_to_zero($e, \@bills, "System: ADJUSTED $for_note");
+ } else {
+ $result = $class->void_bills($e, \@bills, "System: VOIDED $for_note");
+ }
if (ref($result)) {
return $result;
# This subroutine actually handles "adjusting" bills to zero. It takes a
-# CStoreEditor, an arrayref of bill ids or bills, an optional note, and an
-# optional interval.
+# CStoreEditor, an arrayref of bill ids or bills, and an optional note.
sub adjust_bills_to_zero {
- my ($class, $e, $billids, $note, $interval) = @_;
+ my ($class, $e, $billids, $note) = @_;
# Get with the editor to see if we have permission to void bills.
return $e->die_event unless $e->checkauth;
# Get the bill_payment_map entry for this bill:
my ($bpentry) = grep {$_->{bill}->id() == $bill->id()} @$bpmap;
- if (_within_refund_interval($bpentry, $interval)) {
- next;
- }
# From here on out, use the bill object from the bill
# payment map entry.
return 1;
-# A helper function to check if the payments on a bill are within the
-# range of a given interval. The first argument is the entry hash
-# from the bill payment map for the bill to check and the second
-# argument is the interval. It returns true (1) if any of the bills
-# are within range of the interval, or false (0) otherwise. It also
-# returns true if the interval argument is undefined or empty, or if
-# the bill has no payments whatsoever. It will return false if the
-# entry has no payments other than voids.
-sub _within_refund_interval {
- my ($entry, $interval) = @_;
- my $result = ($interval ? 0 : 1);
- # A check to see if we were given the settings hash or the value:
- if (ref($interval) eq 'HASH') {
- $interval = $interval->{value};
- }
+# A helper function to check if the payments on a bill are inside the
+# range of a given interval.
+# TODO: here is one simple place we could do voids in the absence
+# of any payments
+sub _has_refundable_payments {
+ my ($e, $xactid, $interval) = @_;
- if ($interval && $entry && $entry->{payments} && @{$entry->{payments}}) {
- my $interval_secs = interval_to_seconds($interval);
- my @pay_dates = map {$_->payment_ts()} sort {$b->payment_ts() cmp $a->payment_ts()} grep {$_->payment_type() ne 'adjustment_payment'} @{$entry->{payments}};
- if (@pay_dates) {
- # Since we've sorted the payment dates from highest to
- # lowest, we really only need to check the 0th one.
- my $payment_date = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime(cleanse_ISO8601($pay_dates[0]))->epoch;
- my $now = time;
- $result = 1 if ($payment_date + $interval_secs >= $now);
+ # for now, just short-circuit with no interval
+ return 0 if (!$interval);
+ my $last_payment = $e->search_money_payment(
+ {
+ xact => $xactid,
+ payment_type => {"!=" => 'adjustment_payment'}
+ },{
+ limit => 1,
+ order_by => { mp => "payment_ts DESC" }
- } elsif ($interval && (!$entry->{payments} || !@{$entry->{payments}})) {
- $result = 1;
+ );
+ if ($last_payment->[0]) {
+ my $interval_secs = interval_to_seconds($interval);
+ my $payment_ts = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime(cleanse_ISO8601($last_payment->[0]->payment_ts))->epoch;
+ my $now = time;
+ return 1 if ($payment_ts + $interval_secs >= $now);
- return $result;
+ return 0;