--- /dev/null
+import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
+/** Service to relay requests to/from our IndexedDB shared worker */
+// TODO: move to a more generic location.
+const WORKER_URL = '/js/ui/default/staff/offline-db-worker.js';
+// Tell TS about SharedWorkers
+// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13296549/typescript-enhanced-sharedworker-portmessage-channel-contracts
+interface SharedWorker extends AbstractWorker {
+ port: MessagePort;
+declare var SharedWorker: {
+ prototype: SharedWorker;
+ new (scriptUrl: any, name?: any): SharedWorker;
+// ---
+// Requests in flight to the shared worker
+interface ActiveRequest {
+ id: number;
+ resolve(response: any): any;
+ reject(error: any): any;
+// Shared worker request structure. This is the request that's
+// relayed to the shared worker.
+// DbStoreRequest.id === ActiveRequest.id
+interface DbStoreRequest {
+ schema: string;
+ action: string;
+ field?: string;
+ value?: any;
+ table?: string;
+ rows?: any[];
+ id?: number;
+// Expected response structure from the shared worker.
+// Note callers only recive the 'result' content, which may
+// be anything.
+interface DbStoreResponse {
+ status: string;
+ result: any;
+ error?: string;
+ id?: number;
+@Injectable({providedIn: 'root'})
+export class DbStoreService {
+ autoId = 0; // each request gets a unique id.
+ cannotConnect: boolean;
+ activeRequests: {[id: number]: ActiveRequest} = {};
+ // Schemas we should connect to
+ activeSchemas: string[] = ['cache']; // add 'offline' in the offline UI
+ // Schemas we are in the process of connecting to
+ schemasInProgress: {[schema: string]: Promise<any>} = {};
+ // Schemas we have successfully connected to
+ schemasConnected: {[schema: string]: boolean} = {};
+ worker: SharedWorker = null;
+ constructor() {}
+ private connectToWorker() {
+ if (this.worker || this.cannotConnect) { return; }
+ try {
+ this.worker = new SharedWorker(WORKER_URL);
+ } catch (E) {
+ console.warn('SharedWorker() not supported', E);
+ this.cannotConnect = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ this.worker.onerror = err => {
+ this.cannotConnect = true;
+ console.error('Cannot connect to DB shared worker', err);
+ };
+ // List for responses and resolve the matching pending request.
+ this.worker.port.addEventListener(
+ 'message', evt => this.handleMessage(evt));
+ this.worker.port.start();
+ }
+ private handleMessage(evt: MessageEvent) {
+ const response: DbStoreResponse = evt.data as DbStoreResponse;
+ const reqId = response.id;
+ const req = this.activeRequests[reqId];
+ if (!req) {
+ console.error('Recieved response for unknown request', reqId);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Request is no longer active.
+ delete this.activeRequests[reqId];
+ if (response.status === 'OK') {
+ req.resolve(response.result);
+ } else {
+ console.error('worker request failed with', response.error);
+ req.reject(response.error);
+ }
+ }
+ // Send a request to the web worker and register the request
+ // for future resolution. Store the request ID in the request
+ // arguments, so it's included in the response, and in the
+ // activeRequests list for linking.
+ private relayRequest(req: DbStoreRequest): Promise<any> {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ const id = req.id = this.autoId++;
+ this.activeRequests[id] = {id: id, resolve: resolve, reject: reject};
+ this.worker.port.postMessage(req);
+ });
+ }
+ // Connect to all active schemas, requesting each be created
+ // when necessary.
+ private connectToSchemas(): Promise<any> {
+ const promises = [];
+ this.activeSchemas.forEach(schema =>
+ promises.push(this.connectToOneSchema(schema)));
+ return Promise.all(promises).then(
+ _ => {},
+ err => this.cannotConnect = true
+ );
+ }
+ private connectToOneSchema(schema: string): Promise<any> {
+ if (this.schemasConnected[schema]) {
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ }
+ if (this.schemasInProgress[schema]) {
+ return this.schemasInProgress[schema];
+ }
+ const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ this.relayRequest({schema: schema, action: 'createSchema'})
+ .then(_ =>
+ this.relayRequest({schema: schema, action: 'connect'}))
+ .then(
+ _ => {
+ this.schemasConnected[schema] = true;
+ delete this.schemasInProgress[schema];
+ resolve();
+ },
+ err => reject(err)
+ );
+ });
+ return this.schemasInProgress[schema] = promise;
+ }
+ request(req: DbStoreRequest): Promise<any> {
+ // NO-OP if we're already connected.
+ this.connectToWorker();
+ // If we are unable to connect, it means we are in an
+ // environment that does not support shared workers.
+ // Treat all requests as a NO-OP.
+ if (this.cannotConnect) { return Promise.resolve(); }
+ return this.connectToSchemas().then(_ => this.relayRequest(req));
+ }