Next to the _Barcode_ field, select the _Replace Barcode_ button.
-* image::media/circulation_patron_records-13.png[circulation_patron_records 13]
+image::media/circulation_patron_records_13.JPG[circulation_patron_records 13]
This will clear the barcode field. Enter a new barcode and _Save_ the record.
The screen will refresh and the new barcode will display in the patron summary
Select the _See All_ button next to the _Replace Barcode_ button. This will
display the current and past barcodes associated with this account.
-image::media/circulation_patron_records-14.png[circulation_patron_records 14]
+image::media/circulation_patron_records_14.JPG[circulation_patron_records 14]
Check the box(es) for all barcodes that should be ``active'' for the patron. An
``active'' barcode may be used for circulation transactions. A patron may have
Open the patron record in edit mode as described in the section
<<updating_patron_information,Updating Patron Information>>.
-Select the _Generate Password_ button next to the _Password_ field.
+Select the _Generate Password_ button next to the _Password_ field.
-* image::media/circulation_patron_records-15.png[circulation_patron_records 15]
+image::media/circulation_patron_records_15.JPG[circulation_patron_records 15]
NOTE: The existing password is not displayed in patron records for security