* Core Service - egOrg
- * TODO: more docs
+ * This provides access to the organizational unit tree and
+ * caches it in browser session storage.
+ *
+ * Methods include:
+ * get() - retrieve OU based on ID or aou object
+ * list() - retrieve flattened list of OUs
+ * tree() - retrieve OU as tree
+ * root() - get aou object representing root of the OU tree
+ * ancestors() - get ancestors of supplied OU
+ * descendants() - get descendants of supplied OU
+ *
+ * TODO more to document
+ *
return egEnv.aou.tree;
+ // get the root OU
+ service.root = function() {
+ return egEnv.aou.list[0];
+ }
// list of org_unit objects or IDs for ancestors + me
service.ancestors = function(node_or_id, as_id) {
var node = service.get(node_or_id);