my $blocks = [];
# First, let's check if the profile is blocked from ILL.
- if (grep {$_->id() == $user->profile()} @{$self->{block_profiles}}) {
+ if (grep {$_->id() == $user->profile()} @{$self->{blocked_profiles}}) {
my $block = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
$block->BlockOrTrapType('Block Interlibrary Loan');
# looking for blocks on CIRC, HOLD, and RENEW.
my ($have_circ, $have_renew, $have_hold) = (0,0,0);
foreach my $penalty (@{$user->standing_penalties()}) {
+ next unless($penalty->standing_penalty->block_list());
my @block_list = split(/\|/, $penalty->standing_penalty->block_list());
- my $ou = $self->editor->retrieve_actor_org_unit($penalty->standing_penalty->org_unit());
+ my $ou = $self->editor->retrieve_actor_org_unit($penalty->org_unit());
# Block checkout.
if (!$have_circ && grep {$_ eq 'CIRC'} @block_list) {
# Block holds.
- if (!$have_hold && grep {$_ eq 'HOLD'} @block_list) {
+ if (!$have_hold && grep {$_ eq 'HOLD' || $_ eq 'FULFILL'} @block_list) {
my $bot = NCIP::User::BlockOrTrap->new();
- $bot->AgencyId($ou->shotrname());
+ $bot->AgencyId($ou->shortname());
$bot->BlockOrTrapType('Block Holds');
push @$blocks, $bot;
$have_hold = 1;