--- /dev/null
+Authority Propagation Updates Bib Editor / Edit Date
+When a bib record is automatically updated as a result of the
+modification of a linked authority record, the bib record's "Last Edit
+Data/Time" and "Last Editing User" fields will be updated to match the
+time of the update and the editor of the modified authority record.
+A new global flag is available to control this behavior called
+'ingest.disable_authority_auto_update_bib_meta' ("Authority Automation:
+Disable automatic authority updates from modifying bib record editor
+and edit_date"). When enabled, theses fields will not be updated. By
+default, this setting is disabled.
+An additional speed improvement is included in this feature. No attempt
+will be made to update linked bib records when the normalized heading of
+the modified authority record is unchanged by the authority record update.