replace("\\n", "\n");
-function _month_menuitems() {
- /* XXX i18n, and also this is just pathetic in general, but a datepicker
- * seemed wrong since we don't want a year. */
- return [
- ["01", "January"],
- ["02", "February"],
- ["03", "March"],
- ["04", "April"],
- ["05", "May"],
- ["06", "June"],
- ["07", "July"],
- ["08", "August"],
- ["09", "September"],
- ["10", "October"],
- ["11", "November"],
- ["12", "December"]
- ].map(
- function(t) {
- return dojo.create("menuitem", {"value": t[0], "label": t[1]});
- }
- );
+var _chronstants = { /* snicker */
+ "month": {
+ "values": [
+ "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "06",
+ "07", "08", "09", "10", "11", "12"
+ ]
+ },
+ "weekday": {
+ "values": ["mo", "tu", "we", "th", "fr", "sa", "su"]
+ },
+ "week": {
+ "values": ["00", "01", "02", "03", "04", "05", "97", "98", "99"]
+ },
+ "season": {
+ "values": ["21", "22", "23", "24"]
+ }
+function _menulist(values, labels, items_only) {
+ var menuitems = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
+ menuitems.push(
+ dojo.create(
+ "menuitem", {"value": values[i], "label": labels[i]}
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ if (items_only) {
+ return menuitems;
+ } else {
+ var menupopup = dojo.create("menupopup");
+ menuitems.forEach(
+ function(menuitem) {, menupopup, "last"); }
+ );
+ var menulist = dojo.create("menulist");
+, menulist, "only");
+ return menulist;
+ }
function _date_validate(date_val, month_val) {
this._init.apply(this, arguments);
+function RegularityRow() {
+ var self = this;
+ this._init = function(template, id, manager) {
+ = id;
+ this.manager = manager;
+ this.element = dojo.clone(template);
+ this.publication_code = null;
+ this.type_and_code_pattern = null;
+ this._prepare_event_handlers(id);
+ };
+ this._prepare_event_handlers = function(id) {
+ dojo.attr(
+ node_by_name("remove", this.element),
+ "oncommand",
+ function() { self.manager.remove_row(id); }
+ );
+ dojo.attr(
+ node_by_name("poc", this.element),
+ "oncommand",
+ function(ev) {
+ self.publication_code =;
+ self.update_chron_code_controls();
+ }
+ );
+ dojo.attr(
+ node_by_name("type_and_code_pattern", this.element),
+ "oncommand",
+ function(ev) {
+ self.type_and_code_pattern =;
+ self.update_chron_code_controls();
+ }
+ );
+ this.add_sub_row_btn = node_by_name("add_sub_row", this.element);
+ dojo.attr(
+ this.add_sub_row_btn, "oncommand", function(ev) {
+ self.add_sub_row();
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ this.add_sub_row = function() {
+ var container = dojo.create(
+ "hbox", null, node_by_name("sub_rows_here", this.element), "last"
+ );
+ /* Break up our type and code pattern into parts that can be
+ * mapped to widgets. */
+ this.get_code_pattern().map(
+ function(pattern) {
+ return self.manufacture_chron_code_control(pattern);
+ }
+ ).forEach(
+ function(control) {
+, container, "last");
+ }
+ );
+ /* special case: add a label for clarity for MMWW */
+ if (this.type_and_code_pattern == "w:MMWW")
+ dojo.create("description", {"value": S("week")}, container, "last");
+ /* another special case: YYYY needs no add/remove subrow buttons */
+ if (this.type_and_code_pattern == "y:YYYY") {
+ this.add_sub_row_btn.disabled = true;
+ } else {
+ this.add_sub_row_btn.disabled = false;
+ dojo.create(
+ "button", {
+ "style": {
+ "fontWeight": "bold", "color": "red"
+ },
+ "label": "X",
+ "tooltiptext": S("remove_sub_row"),
+ "oncommand": function() {
+ hard_empty(container); dojo.destroy(container);
+ }
+ }, container, "last"
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ this.get_code_pattern = function() {
+ var code_pattern_str = this.type_and_code_pattern.split(":")[1];
+ /* A special case: if the strings is YYYY, return it whole. Otherwise
+ * break it up into two-char parts. These parts come from the
+ * "Possible Code Pattern" column of "Chronology Type and Code
+ * Patterns" of the subfield $y section of the document at
+ *
+ *
+ * In retrospect, there was no reason to adopt these multi-char
+ * code patterns for this purpose. Something single-char and
+ * quicker to decode would have sufficed, but meh, this works.
+ */
+ if (code_pattern_str[0] == "Y")
+ return [code_pattern_str];
+ var code_pattern = [];
+ for (var i=0; code_pattern_str[i]; i+=2)
+ code_pattern.push(code_pattern_str.slice(i, i + 2));
+ return code_pattern;
+ };
+ this.allow_year_split = function(yes) {
+ dojo.attr(
+ dojo.query("[name='type_and_code_pattern'] [value='y:YYYY']")[0],
+ "disabled",
+ !yes
+ );
+ };
+ this.update_chron_code_controls = function() {
+ if (!this.type_and_code_pattern || !this.publication_code)
+ return;
+ this.allow_year_split(this.publication_code != "c");
+ var container = node_by_name("sub_rows_here", this.element);
+ /* for some reason, this repeitition is necessary with XUL documents
+ * and dojo */
+ for (var i = 0 ; i < 2; i++) {
+ hard_empty(container);
+ dojo.forEach(container.childNodes, dojo.destroy);
+ }
+ this.add_sub_row();
+ };
+ this.manufacture_chron_code_control = function(pattern) {
+ return {
+ "dd": function() {
+ return _menulist(
+ _chronstants.weekday.values, _chronstants.weekday.names
+ );
+ },
+ "DD": function() {
+ return dojo.create( /* XXX TODO change min/max based on month */
+ "textbox", {
+ "size": 3,
+ "type": "number",
+ "min": 1,
+ "max": 31
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ "MM": function() {
+ return _menulist(
+ _chronstants.month.values, _chronstants.month.names
+ );
+ },
+ "SS": function() {
+ return _menulist(
+ _chronstants.season.values, _chronstants.season.names
+ );
+ },
+ "WW": function() {
+ return _menulist(
+ _chronstants.week.values, _chronstants.week.names
+ );
+ },
+ "YYYY": function() {
+ return dojo.create(
+ "textbox", {
+ "disabled": "true", "value": "yyy1/yyy2", "size": 9
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }[pattern]();
+ };
+ this.compile = function() {
+ return this.publication_code +
+ this.type_and_code_pattern[0] +
+ dojo.query("hbox", node_by_name("sub_rows_here", this.element)).map(
+ function(sub_row) {
+ var t = "";
+ dojo.filter(
+ sub_row.childNodes, function(n) {
+ return (
+ n.nodeName == "menulist" ||
+ n.nodeName == "textbox"
+ );
+ }
+ ).forEach(
+ function(control) {
+ if (control.value.match(/^\d$/))
+ t += "0" + control.value;
+ else
+ t += control.value;
+ }
+ );
+ return t;
+ }
+ ).join(this.publication_code == "c" ? "/" : ",");
+ };
+ this._init.apply(this, arguments);
+function RegularityEditor() {
+ var self = this;
+ this._init = function() {
+ this.rows = {};
+ this.row_count = 0;
+ this._prepare_template();
+ this.add_row();
+ };
+ this._prepare_template = function() {
+ var tmpl = dojo.byId("regularity_template_y");
+ tmpl.parentNode.removeChild(tmpl);
+ this.template = tmpl;
+ };
+ this.toggle = function(ev) {
+ =;
+ ( ? show : hide)("regularity_editor_here");
+ };
+ this.add_row = function() {
+ var id = this.row_count++;
+ this.rows[id] = new RegularityRow(this.template, id, this);
+[id].element, "y_row_before_this", "before");
+ };
+ this.remove_row = function(id) {
+ var row = this.rows[id];
+ hard_empty(row.element);
+ dojo.destroy(row.element);
+ delete this.rows[id];
+ };
+ this.compile = function() {
+ return openils.Util.objectProperties(this.rows).sort().reduce(
+ function(a, b) { return a.concat(["y", self.rows[b].compile()]); },
+ []
+ );
+ };
+ this._init.apply(this, arguments);
function CalendarChangeEditor() {
var self = this;
dojo.query("[name='date_month'] menupopup", this.template)[0]
function(menupopup) {
- _month_menuitems().forEach(
+ _menulist(
+ _chronstants.month.values,
+ _chronstants.month.names,
+ /* items_only */ true
+ ).forEach(
function(menuitem) {, menupopup, "last");
this.enum_editor = new EnumEditor();
this.chron_editor = new ChronEditor();
this.calendar_change_editor = new CalendarChangeEditor();
+ this.regularity_editor = new RegularityEditor();
this.field_w = dojo.byId("hard_w");
code = code.concat("w", this.field_w.value);
code = code.concat(this.calendar_change_editor.compile());
+ code = code.concat(this.regularity_editor.compile());
return code;
function my_init() {
+ _chronstants.week.names = S("weeks").split("."); /* ., sic */
+ _chronstants.weekday.names = S("weekdays").split(" ");
+ _chronstants.month.names = S("months").split(" ");
+ _chronstants.season.names = S("seasons").split(" ");
wizard = new Wizard(window.arguments[0]);
+ <vbox id="wizard_step_regularity" class="hideme">
+ <checkbox id="use_regularity"
+ oncommand="wizard.regularity_editor.toggle(event);"
+ label="Specify regularity information (extra, omitted,
+ and/or combined issues)?" />
+ <vbox id="regularity_editor_here" class="hideme">
+ <hbox id="regularity_template_y" align="top">
+ <menulist name="poc">
+ <menupopup>
+ <menuitem disabled="true" label="---" />
+ <menuitem value="p" label="Published" />
+ <menuitem value="o" label="Omitted" />
+ <menuitem value="c" label="Combined" />
+ </menupopup>
+ </menulist>
+ <menulist name="type_and_code_pattern">
+ <menupopup>
+ <menuitem disabled="true" label="---" />
+ <menuitem value="d:dd"
+ label="Day of the week" />
+ <menuitem value="d:DD"
+ label="Day of the month" />
+ <menuitem value="d:MMDD"
+ label="Date of the year" />
+ <menuitem value="m:MM" label="Month" />
+ <menuitem value="s:SS" label="Season" />
+ <menuitem value="w:WWdd"
+ label="Weekday of the month" />
+ <menuitem value="w:MMWWdd"
+ label="Weekday of specific month" />
+ <menuitem value="w:MMWW"
+ label="Week of specific month" />
+ <menuitem value="y:YYYY"
+ label="Span over two years" />
+ </menupopup>
+ </menulist>
+ <vbox name="sub_rows_here"></vbox>
+ <vbox align="top">
+ <button label="Add sub-row" icon="add"
+ disabled="true" name="add_sub_row" />
+ <button label="Remove whole row"
+ icon="remove" name="remove" />
+ </vbox>
+ </hbox>
+ <hbox id="y_row_before_this" pack="center"
+ style="padding-top: 1ex;">
+ <button id="regularity_add_y"
+ label="Add More Regularity Information"
+ accesskey="Y" icon="add"
+ oncommand="wizard.regularity_editor.add_row();" />
+ </hbox>
+ </vbox>
+ </vbox>
<vbox id="wizard_step_submit" class="hideme">
<description class="step">
Are you ready to create a pattern code from your