--- /dev/null
+# This file contains skin-level configuration settings.
+# Many of these settings will probably migrate into actor.org_unit_settings.
+# Holds blocking
+# Prevent the "Place hold" link from being displayed if a copy is available.
+# This is not perfect, given the umpteen different types of holds that are
+# possible, but addresses the major use case for libraries that don't want
+# to fetch copies from the shelves.
+ctx.holds_block.enabled = 'false';
+# RefWorks configuration
+# RefWorks is a Web-based citation manager
+ctx.refworks.enabled = 'false';
+# Base URL for RefWorks
+ctx.refworks.url = 'http://www.refworks.com';
+# Some sites have a hosted RefWorks instance at a different URL;
+# in addition, you might want to proxy access to RefWorks - for example:
+# ctx.refworks.url = 'http://librweb.laurentian.ca/login?url=http://refworks.scholarsportal.info';
+# OpenURL resolution
+# Evergreen provides the ability to point at an OpenURL resolver to find
+# electronic resources for a given ISSN or ISBN. Currently, only the SFX
+# resolver is supported.
+# You must enable the open-ils.resolver instance in opensrf.xml to use
+# this feature.
+openurl.enabled = 'false';
+openurl.baseurl = 'http://sfx.example.com/instance';
+# Google Analytics support
+# You can enable Google Analytics support in Evergreen by entering a
+# valid Google Analytics code and changing 'false' to 'true'
+google_analytics.enabled = 'false';
+google_analytics.code = 'UA-9999999-99';
+# Ebook API integration
+ebook_api.enabled = 'false';
+ebook_api.ebook_test.enabled = 'false';
+ebook_api.ebook_test.base_uris = [ 'http://example.com/ebookapi/t/' ];
+ebook_api.oneclickdigital.enabled = 'false';
+ebook_api.oneclickdigital.base_uris = [ 'http://example.oneclickdigital.com/Products/ProductDetail.aspx' ];
+ebook_api.overdrive.enabled = 'false';
+ebook_api.overdrive.base_uris = [ 'http://elm.lib.overdrive.com/' ];
+# Enable "Forgot your password?" prompt at login
+reset_password = 'true';
+# Hide various options from user preferences that you might not want to expose
+# if you rely on centralized authentication via open-ils.auth_proxy, like LDAP
+# Username changes can be disabled by the opac.lock_usernames OU setting.
+disable_password_change = 'false';
+disable_email_change = 'false';
+# Some libraries do not do notifications by phone; if not true, then this
+# hides the user preference for phone notifications as well as the phone
+# notification portion of the hold dialogue
+allow_phone_notifications = 'true';
+# Format of parts selection on Place Holds screen
+# Set to true to use radio buttons for parts selection on the Place Holds
+# screen. The default behavior is to to display them in a select menu.
+enable.radio.parts = 'false';
+# Misc. UI Settings
+# Option for full details as a default, esp. impt. for e-content
+# that uses resolver plumbing. Valid values are 'true', 'false' and 'hide'.
+# Setting this to 'true' shows full details by default but allows the link
+# to appear for 'Show Fewer Details'. The 'hide' option shows full details
+# and also suppresses the link from displaying at all.
+show_more_details.default = 'hide';
+# Size of the jacket image to display on the record detail summary.
+# Sizes vary depending on added content provider.
+# Options are "small", "medium", and "large"
+record.summary.jacket_size = 'medium';
+# Define the order in which facets are displayed. Only facets listed here
+# will be displayed. To show all facets sorted by name, comment out this
+# setting.
+# facet.display = [] # show no facets
+facet.display = [
+ {facet_class => 'author', facet_order => ['personal', 'corporate']},
+ {facet_class => 'subject', facet_order => ['topic']},
+ {facet_class => 'identifier', facet_order => ['genre']},
+ {facet_class => 'series', facet_order => ['seriestitle']},
+ {facet_class => 'subject', facet_order => ['name', 'geographic']}
+facet.default_display_count = 5;
+# Define the advanced search limiters and labels.
+# Each entry is put into a table cell.
+# adv_label is the (translated) label for the limiter
+# adv_attr is an array of possible limiters, the first one that has any
+# values will be used
+# adv_filter is the same as adv_attr, but for search filter groups
+# adv_size lets you set the height of the adv_attr or adv_filter select box.
+# if adv_size < 1, the box height is set to the number of options in it.
+# adv_break will end the current row. If specified with a label/attr it
+# will do so *after* that limiter.
+# adv_special will drop in a special entry:
+# lib_selector will put the search library box (with limit to available)
+# pub_year will put the publication year box
+# sort_selector will put the sort results selector
+# id DOM id used for linking labels to form controls. They are pinned
+# here instead of auto-generated (from the attr type, for example)
+# for consistency.
+search.adv_config = [
+ {adv_label => l("Item Type"), adv_attr => ["mattype", "item_type"], id => 'adv_selector_item_type'},
+ {adv_label => l("Item Form"), adv_attr => "item_form", id => 'adv_selector_item_form'},
+ {adv_label => l("Language"), adv_attr => "item_lang", id => 'adv_selector_item_lang'},
+ {adv_label => l("Audience"), adv_attr => ["audience_group", "audience"], id => 'adv_selector_audience', adv_break => 1},
+ {adv_label => l("Video Format"), adv_attr => "vr_format", id => 'adv_selector_video_format'},
+ {adv_label => l("Bib Level"), adv_attr => "bib_level", id => 'adv_selector_bib_level'},
+ {adv_label => l("Literary Form"), adv_attr => "lit_form", id => 'adv_selector_lit_form'},
+ {adv_label => l("Shelving Location"), adv_special => "copy_location", id => 'adv_copy_location_selector', js_only => 1, adv_break => 1},
+ {adv_label => l("Search Library"), adv_special => "lib_selector", id => 'adv_org_selector'},
+ {adv_label => l("Publication Year"), adv_special => "pub_year", id => 'adv_selector_pub_year'},
+ {adv_label => l("Sort Results"), adv_special => "sort_selector", id => 'adv_selector_sort_results'},
+# Set the default height of the select boxes. Defaults to 4.
+#search.default_adv_select_height = 4;
+# For each search box the default "query type" value can be specified here
+# This is the actual backend value, not the label
+# Also note that including more than the row count entries won't add rows
+# The first entry should be used as a default for "basic" search as well
+search.default_qtypes = ['keyword','title','author'];
+# Basic Search Box definition
+# This allows selection of what, exactly, basic search uses for a selection
+# box. Previously it was hardcoded to use an attr box of mattype or item_type.
+# type can be "attr" or "filter"
+# group is the attr or filter entries you want to check for
+# none_label is the label for the default nothing selected entry.
+search.basic_config = {
+ type => 'attr',
+ group => [ctx.get_cgf('opac.format_selector.attr').value, 'item_type'],
+ none_label => l("All Formats"),
+# Make metarecord search the default.
+#search.metarecord_default = 1;
+# Disable search term highlighting
+#search.no_highlight = 1;
+# Show Google Book Previews
+# Set to 1 or 'true' to enable
+ctx.google_books_preview = 1;
+# Set a maintenance message to display in the catalogue
+# ctx.maintenance_message = "The system will not be available February 29, 2104.";
+# Depth Button/Checkbox
+# Recommendation: Do not enable button for basic search without enabling the
+# checkbox for the results page
+ctx.depth_sel_checkbox = 1; # Results Page Checkbox Toggle
+ctx.depth_sel_button = 1; # Basic Search Submit Button
+ctx.depth_sel_depth = 0; # Depth to set to
+ctx.depth_sel_button_label = l('All Libraries');
+ctx.depth_sel_button_class = 'opac-button';
+ctx.depth_sel_checkbox_label = l('Show Results from All Libraries');
+ctx.depth_sel_tooltip = l('Select this option to expand your results to all libraries while retaining the priority of your selected library\'s holdings.');
+ctx.depth_sel_resultshint = l('Showing results from all libraries');
+# Exclude Electronic Resources Checkbox
+# One setting for both the advanced search page and the results bar.
+# Off by default; set to 1 to display.
+ctx.exclude_electronic_checkbox = 0;
+# Metarecords configuration
+metarecords.disabled = 1; # disable all metarecord access points
+# Local date format (uses POSIX strftime() formatting)
+# See http://www.template-toolkit.org/docs/modules/Template/Plugin/Date.html
+# DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'; # for 2014-06-31 format
+DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'; # for 2014-06-31 format
+# Local time format (uses POSIX strftime() formatting)
+# See http://www.template-toolkit.org/docs/modules/Template/Plugin/Date.html
+# TIME_FORMAT = '%H:%M:%S'; # for 16:32:32 (24 hour) format
+# TIME_FORMAT = '%H:%M'; # for 16:32 (24 hour) format
+# Obalkyknih.cz support
+# Obalkyknihy.cz is free Czech service providing added content and book covers
+# Set to 'true' to enable
+# obalkyknih_cz.enabled = 'false';
+# JQuery support
+# Include JQuery in the TPAC?
+# Set to a true value to enable
+# ctx.want_jquery = 1;
+# Browser cache-busting key
+# Links to assets like stylesheets, JavaScript, and images will have this
+# key appended so that browsers will be forced to request a new version.
+# Enables you to set a cache max-date of years.
+# If unset, it falls back to eg_cache_hash (which is set every time you run
+# "autogen", which may or may not be when you change styles etc)
+# ctx.cache_key = '001'
+# Display of badge scores
+ctx.hide_badge_scores = 'false';