the convenience of patron loads and the cost of processing these loads vs staff adding patrons manually.</para> \r
</simplesect> \r
- <section xml:id="electronicresourcesvisible"> \r
- <title>Making Electronic Resources Visible in the Catalogue</title>\r
- <indexterm><primary>migrating</primary><secondary>importing bibliographic records</secondary><tertiary>electronic resources </tertiary></indexterm>\r
- <para>For electronic resources that should be visible in the catalogue without any copies, you must set the source column value in the record.biblio_entry row for the respective \r
- bibliographic record to a value that matches the corresponding ID of the <link linkend="config.table.bib-source">config.bib_source</link> where the transcendant value is \r
- <emphasis>TRUE</emphasis>. Here's a practical example:</para>\r
- <procedure>\r
- <step>\r
- <para>Connect to your Evergreen database with <command>psql</command> (substitute username / database name as required):</para>\r
-<userinput>psql -U postgres evergreen</userinput>\r
- </step>\r
- <step>\r
- <para>Add a source for your electronic resources:</para>\r
-# INSERT INTO config.bib_source(quality, source, transcendant) \r
- VALUES (50, 'Institutional repository', TRUE);</userinput>\r
- </step>\r
- <step>\r
- <para>Find the ID that was generated for your new source:</para>\r
-<userinput># SELECT ID FROM config.bib_source WHERE source = 'Institutional repository';</userinput>\r
- </step>\r
- <step>\r
- <para>Update the source column for your bibliographic record for the electronic resource (for the sake of the example, let's assume that the ID returned from the new \r
- source was 4, and that we know that the bib record with ID 75 is an electronic resource from your institutional repository):</para>\r
-<userinput># UPDATE biblio.record_entry SET source = 4 where;</userinput>\r
- </step>\r
- </procedure>\r
- </section>\r
<section xml:id="emptydatabase">\r
<title>Restoring your Evergreen Database to an Empty State</title>\r
<para>If you've done a test import of records and you want to quickly get Evergreen back to a pristine state, you can create a clean Evergreen database schema by performing the \r
</section> \r
+ <section xml:id="electronicresourcesvisible"> \r
+ <title>Cataloguing Electronic Resources -- Finding Them in OPAC searches</title>\r
+ <indexterm><primary>cataloguing</primary><secondary>electronic resources</secondary></indexterm>\r
+ <para>For electronic resources to be visible in the catalog, you should add the <literal>9</literal> subfield in the <literal>856</literal> data field to indicate\r
+ which organizational units will be able to find the resource.</para>\r
+ <procedure>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Open the record in the cataloging module</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Add the <literal>9</literal> subfield to the record and enter the short name of the organizational unit for the value. For example:</para>\r
+<screen>856 40 $u $y Linux Weekly News $9 BR1</screen>\r
+ <para>would make this item visible to people searching in a library scope that contains <literal>BR1</literal>.</para>\r
+ <note><para>You can enter more than one <literal>9</literal> subfield or you can enter the parent organizational unit to make this item visible in more than \r
+ one organizatuional unit under the same parent organizational unit.</para></note>\r
+ </step>\r
+ \r
+ <step>\r
+ <para>Save the record</para>\r
+ <para>After a short time the electronic resource should appear in OPAC searches</para>\r
+ </step>\r
+ </procedure>\r
+ </section>\r
<section xml:id="PrintingSpineandPocketLabels">\r
<title>Printing Spine and Pocket Labels</title>\r
the convenience of patron loads and the cost of processing these loads vs staff adding patrons manually.</para> \r
</simplesect> \r
- <section xml:id="electronicresourcesvisible"> \r
- <title>Making Electronic Resources Visible in the Catalogue</title>\r
- <indexterm><primary>migrating</primary><secondary>importing bibliographic records</secondary><tertiary>electronic resources </tertiary></indexterm>\r
- <para>For electronic resources that should be visible in the catalogue without any copies, you must set the source column value in the record.biblio_entry row for the respective \r
- bibliographic record to a value that matches the corresponding ID of the <link linkend="config.table.bib-source">config.bib_source</link> where the transcendant value is \r
- <emphasis>TRUE</emphasis>. Here's a practical example:</para>\r
- <procedure>\r
- <step>\r
- <para>Connect to your Evergreen database with <command>psql</command> (substitute username / database name as required):</para>\r
-<userinput>psql -U postgres evergreen</userinput>\r
- </step>\r
- <step>\r
- <para>Add a source for your electronic resources:</para>\r
-# INSERT INTO config.bib_source(quality, source, transcendant) \r
- VALUES (50, 'Institutional repository', TRUE);</userinput>\r
- </step>\r
- <step>\r
- <para>Find the ID that was generated for your new source:</para>\r
-<userinput># SELECT ID FROM config.bib_source WHERE source = 'Institutional repository';</userinput>\r
- </step>\r
- <step>\r
- <para>Update the source column for your bibliographic record for the electronic resource (for the sake of the example, let's assume that the ID returned from the new \r
- source was 4, and that we know that the bib record with ID 75 is an electronic resource from your institutional repository):</para>\r
-<userinput># UPDATE biblio.record_entry SET source = 4 where;</userinput>\r
- </step>\r
- </procedure>\r
- </section>\r
<section xml:id="emptydatabase">\r
<title>Restoring your Evergreen Database to an Empty State</title>\r
<para>If you've done a test import of records and you want to quickly get Evergreen back to a pristine state, you can create a clean Evergreen database schema by performing the \r