"data": acqliat.toStoreData(
- "acqliat", {"id": {"!=": null}}
+ "acqliat", {
+ "owning_lib": aou.orgNodeTrail(
+ aou.findOrgUnit(openils.User.user.ws_ou())
+ ).map(function(o) { return o.id(); })
+ }
nodeByName("value", row).innerHTML = note.value();
var alert_node = nodeByName("alert_code", row);
if (note.alert_text()) {
- alert_node.innerHTML = note.alert_text().code();
+ alert_node.innerHTML = dojo.string.substitute(
+ "[${0}] ${1}", [
+ aou.findOrgUnit(note.alert_text().owning_lib()).shortname(),
+ note.alert_text().code()
+ ]
+ );
if (note.alert_text().description()) {
new dijit.Tooltip(
localeStrings.CONFIRM_LI_ALERT, [
(new openils.acq.Lineitem({"lineitem": li})).findAttr(
"title", "lineitem_marc_attr_definition"
+ ), (
+ /* XXX it's really better add a parameter and to adjust
+ * the format string rather than do this concatenation
+ * here, but if someone wants this for 2.2 in a hurry,
+ * we can sidestep the problem of updating the strings
+ * while the translators are working. */
+ "[" +
+ aou.findOrgUnit(lin.alert_text().owning_lib()).shortname() +
+ "] " +
+ lin.alert_text().code()
- lin.alert_text().code(),
lin.alert_text().description() || "",