package ILS;
-use Exporter;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Sys::Syslog qw(syslog);
use ILS::Transaction::Checkout;
use ILS::Transaction::Checkin;
use ILS::Transaction::FeePayment;
-our (@ISA, @EXPORT_OK);
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+use ILS::Transaction::Hold;
my %supports = (
'magnetic media' => 1,
$patron_id, join(', ', @{$patron->{items}}));
return $circ;
sub pay_fee {
- my ($patron_id, $patron_pwd, $fee_amt, $fee_type,
+ my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $fee_amt, $fee_type,
$pay_type, $fee_id, $trans_id, $currency) = @_;
my $trans;
my $patron;
return $trans;
+sub add_hold {
+ my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id,
+ $expiry_date, $pickup_location, $hold_type, $fee_ack) = @_;
+ my ($patron, $item);
+ my $hold;
+ my $trans;
+ $trans = new ILS::Transaction::Hold;
+ $patron = new ILS::Patron $patron_id;
+ if (!$patron) {
+ $trans->{ok} = 0;
+ $trans->{available} = 'N';
+ $trans->{screen_msg} = "Invalid Password.";
+ return $trans;
+ }
+ $item = new ILS::Item ($item_id || $title_id);
+ if (!$item) {
+ $trans->{ok} = 0;
+ $trans->{available} = 'N';
+ $trans->{screen_msg} = "No such item.";
+ # END TRANSACTION (conditionally)
+ return $trans;
+ } elsif ($item->fee && ($fee_ack ne 'Y')) {
+ $trans->{ok} = 0;
+ $trans->{available} = 'N';
+ $trans->{screen_msg} = "Fee required to place hold.";
+ # END TRANSACTION (conditionally)
+ return $trans;
+ }
+ $hold = {
+ item_id => $item->id,
+ patron_id => $patron->id,
+ expiration_date => $expiry_date,
+ pickup_location => $pickup_location,
+ hold_type => $hold_type,
+ };
+ $trans->{ok} = 1;
+ $trans->{patron} = $patron;
+ $trans->{item} = $item;
+ $trans->{pickup_location} = $pickup_location;
+ if ($item->{patron_id} || scalar @{$item->{hold_queue}}) {
+ $trans->{available} = 'N';
+ } else {
+ $trans->{available} = 'Y';
+ }
+ push(@{$item->{hold_queue}}, $hold);
+ push(@{$patron->{hold_items}}, $hold);
+ return $trans;
+sub cancel_hold {
+ my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id) = @_;
+ my ($patron, $item, $hold);
+ my $trans;
+ $trans = new ILS::Transaction::Hold;
+ $patron = new ILS::Patron $patron_id;
+ if (!$patron) {
+ $trans->{ok} = 0;
+ $trans->{available} = 'N';
+ $trans->{screen_msg} = "Invalid patron barcode.";
+ return $trans;
+ }
+ $item = new ILS::Item ($item_id || $title_id);
+ if (!$item) {
+ $trans->{ok} = 0;
+ $trans->{available} = 'N';
+ $trans->{screen_msg} = "No such item.";
+ # END TRANSACTION (conditionally)
+ return $trans;
+ }
+ $trans->{ok} = 0;
+ # Remove the hold from the patron's record first
+ foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @{$patron->{hold_items}}-1) {
+ $hold = $patron->{hold_items}[$i];
+ if ($hold->{item_id} eq $item_id) {
+ # found it: now delete it
+ splice @{$patron->{hold_items}}, $i, 1;
+ $trans->{ok} = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$trans->{ok}) {
+ # We didn't find it on the patron record
+ $trans->{available} = 'N';
+ $trans->{screen_msg} = "No such hold on patron record.";
+ # END TRANSACTION (conditionally)
+ return $trans;
+ }
+ # Now, remove it from the item record. If it was on the patron
+ # record but not on the item record, we'll treat that as success.
+ foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @{$item->{hold_queue}}) {
+ $hold = $item->{hold_queue}[$i];
+ if ($hold->{patron_id} eq $patron->id) {
+ # found it: delete it.
+ splice @{$item->{hold_queue}}, $i, 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ $trans->{available} = 'Y';
+ $trans->{screen_msg} = "Hold Cancelled.";
+ $trans->{patron} = $patron;
+ $trans->{item} = $item;
+ return $trans;
+# The patron and item id's can't be altered, but the
+# date, location, and type can.
+sub alter_hold {
+ my ($self, $patron_id, $patron_pwd, $item_id, $title_id,
+ $expiry_date, $pickup_location, $hold_type, $fee_ack) = @_;
+ my ($patron, $item);
+ my $hold;
+ my $trans;
+ $trans = new ILS::Transaction::Hold;
+ $trans->{ok} = 0;
+ $trans->{available} = 'N';
+ $patron = new ILS::Patron $patron_id;
+ if (!$patron) {
+ $trans->{screen_msg} = "Invalid patron barcode.";
+ return $trans;
+ }
+ foreach my $i (0 .. scalar @{$patron->{hold_items}}) {
+ $hold = $patron->{hold_items}[$i];
+ if ($hold->{item_id} eq $item_id) {
+ # Found it. So fix it.
+ $hold->{expiration_date} = $expiry_date if $expiry_date;
+ $hold->{pickup_location} = $pickup_location if $pickup_location;
+ $hold->{hold_type} = $hold_type if $hold_type;
+ $trans->{ok} = 1;
+ $trans->{screen_msg} = "Hold updated.";
+ $trans->{patron} = $patron;
+ $trans->{item} = new ILS::Item $hold->{item_id};
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ # The same hold structure is linked into both the patron's
+ # list of hold items and into the queue of outstanding holds
+ # for the item, so we don't need to search the hold queue for
+ # the item, since it's already been updated by the patron code.
+ if (!$trans->{ok}) {
+ $trans->{screen_msg} = "No such outstanding hold.";
+ }
+ return $trans;